All I Want for Christmas
All I Want for Christmas
G | 08 November 1991 (USA)
All I Want for Christmas Trailers

Siblings Ethan and Hallie O'Fallon plot to get their divorced parents back together in time for Christmas.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jefferies55 This cheesy little Christmas movie is my favorite of all time. When my children were younger we never missed sitting and watching it together. Now we all own a copy on DVD and it has become our traditional Christmas movie along with the classics. The costumes in this movie, especially Santa's, are gorgeous. The relationships between parents and children, brother and sister, grandmother... are endearing. The performance of Baby It's Cold Outside is a definite highlight. The movie does a good job of giving off the New York feel of Christmas. I hate to admit it, but my children and I so love this movie, that I am Nana to my grandchild because of it.
flaye2000 I greatly enjoyed this movie...yeah...not many have seen it, but its one of me and my bestfriends favorite movies..i recommend it. Its cheezy, but also such good times...i really dont remember where i first saw this movie. Since mice are one of my favorite animals it made it all the more better.
xfile1971 "All I Want For Christmas" was uniformly trashed by critics when it came out. It was easily one of the worst reviewed films of 1991. Why oh why didn't I listen to them?The plot is so generic that you know how it's going to end within the first ten minutes. Two parents are no longer together. The mother has found a new boyfriend. The kids do what they can to ditch the new boyfriend and get the parents back together. With that stale of a plot, the only way it could've worked out would have been if the acting was filled with passion and the direction evoked as much Christmas magic as possible. That didn't happen.There is not a single heartfelt moment to be found in this film. Not one. I don't even know where to begin. Thora Birch has turned out to be an impressive actress. However, she is only grating and precocious to the extreme in "All I Want For Christmas". Her brother, played by Ethan Embry, had no character definition whatsoever. His substory involving a teenage romance was underdeveloped and seemed better suited for another film.The adult characters are just as bad. The filmmakers could've saved money by utilizing cardboard cutouts instead of actual actors. The Mom, Dad, and Mom's new "jerk" boyfriend are shallower than a kiddie pool.I was even put off by the shameless plugging of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. It's a sad fact that product placement has been commonplace for a long time now but...come on! Don't they understand that if the product is shoved in your face that it only serves as an unpleasant distraction? At least their Coca-Cola placement was slightly less obvious.Even Santa would only give this movie to the naughty kids. 1/10
Neo-21 This movie is a great movie for all those who have been in a situation that you thought you would have no control of. This movie goes with the whole parent trap idea of getting two parents back together. Through a series of events they attempt to. This movie gives hope to all young children who's parents have split. For those children who's parents haven't it's good family fun.Thora Birch ( Monkey Trouble, Now and Then) is young in this movie, she's very cute though. Ethan Embry ( Can't Hardly Wait, Empire Records) is also very good in this movie, his performance is fairly powerful for a kids movie, you really understand how much he wants his parents together. Leslie Nielsen plays a good Santa Clause, it's a small part but he plays it well. Lauren Bacall plays a very impressive role, her character is very down to earth and a very likable person. She plays a veteran actress in this movie who knows what's going on around her.If you haven't seen this movie I suggest renting it. It's worth a rent, you just have to adapt to the fact that it's a movie for younger kids, but it's a movie we can all relate to.