All Hallows' Eve
All Hallows' Eve
R | 29 October 2013 (USA)
All Hallows' Eve Trailers

While watching two children on Halloween night, a babysitter finds an old VHS tape in the kids' trick or treat bag. The tape features three tales of terror, all linked together by a murderous clown.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
fedor8 Perhaps the lamest horror anthology movie ever.The blonde that's watching the "VHS tape" makes a comment how important it is to have a VHS player because "Texas Chainsaw Massacre looks so fake on Bluray". But then she proceeds to watch this "VHS tape" with Bluray quality. Duh. Not a great sign of things to follow, this lame intro.Story 1 is pointless. A boy and his babysitter eat pumpkin seeds and it kills them and that's pretty much it. Really stupid, overly simplistic even for a horror story.Story 2 at least has some kind of an end-twist, lame as it is. Though we don't quite understand what's the deal with the first two houses where the kids go trick-or-treating.Story 3 is like a tiny excerpt out of a lame horror feature. It explains nothing about what's going on. And that's why we don't give a hoot about the characters, because we have no idea whom they're giving the sacrifice to, for what purpose, nor why the old geezer forgot to bring the meat because he "got nervous" (duh) considering they do this thing annually. This appeasing-the-woods-monster shtick isn't worth four pages in a pulp fiction comic-book, let alone a story on the big screen, not even in this lame anthology.Story 4 is very dumb. It does have a plot-twist i.e. has a beginning and a conclusion, but it's a dumb conclusion.Story 5 is only 2-3 minutes long and is marred by horrible amateur acting.Story 6 is perhaps the longest, and the most tedious one, with a particularly lame ending. The sort of Z-grade crappola you get on the worst episodes of a lame horror-story TV show. You mustn't exceed an elementary school education to write something this corny.Story 7 is another simplistic, dumb tale that has no beginning or conclusion, just drivel.Story 8 is somewhat eerie, which is more than can be said for the others, but it's standard predictable stuff yet again.And then the connecting story ends in the lamest possible way. They even have the balls to use the same shtick - that they ripped off from "Ringu" anyway - that they used in the first anthology, which was better. Did I say "lame" a lot? You'd too if you reviewed this dross, but you won't because I warned you not to watch it.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki I've always had a weakness for anthology horror films, so this one, about a babysitter watching a mysterious VHS tape secretly given to her charges, intrigued me, but the end results are only a mixed bag. Built up from several short films made by this film's makers, this comes off as a patchwork, vaguely reminding me of the trainwreck, Night Train To Terror, only not as howlingly awful.Vignettes are about a demonic clown kidnapping women, a silly looking alien invading a woman's home, and another story of the same clown terrorising another young girl on the highway late at night, with a twist which doesn't seem plausible, so much as it seems like the filmmakers desperately just wanted a pointless surprise twist ending. The compilation film works better when it focuses on mood and atmosphere, because it is good looking and well filmed ( for the most part ) and it makes good use of colours, in a lot of scenes, but it goes way overboard trying to make the short films presented on the VHS look like old film footage, with artificial scratches, and static on the soundtrack. No VHS tape ever had things like that. Nor did a VHS tape ever have such ridiculous colour saturation, as is show here. The torture effects drown out what atmosphere is built in the other scenes. The twist ending is well done, if predictable. Overall, go into this with middle of the road expectations, it will be mildly amusing, and​ at only 76 minutes ( without the opening and closing credits ) it's a quick sit.
filmguyCI I am a horror film fanatic and am always excited to find a film that isn't well known, but does it's job. This film completely surprised and at times, terrified me. If there was ever a horror movie murderer ripe for a franchise, Art the Clown, is the one.A brother and sister return home from trick or treating. Their babysitter finds a VHS tape in the boy's bag and decides to watch it (with the kids!). The tape shows three short films revolving around a killer clown. These are pretty brutal and this clown is pure evil. The babysitter gets more and more unhinged as she watches it and finally puts the kids to bed. But the fun doesn't stop there and shutting off the tape is not an option.I started to become increasingly paranoid as the film took a final strange and unexpected turn. I literally couldn't move for a couple of minutes after it was over. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to watch this alone on Halloween night.
craftymoosue I looked at the trailers for this movie and was a bit confused. Not sure if this film is a re-release as there are trailers for the same film dating in 2013 and now again in 2015? The trailer looked pretty good and the clown looked scary so thought we would give this movie a look. This looks like a low budget movie and it really is. Looks like some one made this on their home movie cam. The acting is really bad and the stories awful. The clown however was really scary though and he was the only good thing about the movie. Six of us watched it on a Sunday afternoon and we all thought it was bad to the point that we was waiting for the film to end. I'm one of those that keeps watching hoping something good will happen soon. Unfortunately with this movie it didn't and I was glad when it was over. You'll probably enjoy it if you like the sick type of horror films.