All Hallows' Eve 2
All Hallows' Eve 2
| 06 October 2015 (USA)
All Hallows' Eve 2 Trailers

A woman finds a VHS tape on her doorstep that shows a series of gruesome tales that could be real. But the true danger is the pumpkin-faced killer that's using the tape to find his next victim.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
darksyde-63508 I enjoyed the first film in this series. It was a short, tight three story anthology filled with gore and fright, and were all connected together by the horrifying Art the clown, and each story had a beginning and an ending. The end of the first movie also ended unlike most modern horror films, in the fact that it reminded us that this is a HORROR film and that EVIL is supposed to win. Then they came out with this "sequel", which to me, is only one in name. Absent is Art the clown, replaced by a pumpkin headed entity who until the end of the movie, is just kind of there and rarely seen. In the first movie, there was actually a getting to know the three main characters watching the VHS tape. In this sequel, we really have no connection to the woman watching the tape. Like the pumpkin headed entity, she's also just kind of there This sequel is also MUCH longer than the first movie, and to me, seemed like it wanted to be an "ABC's Of Death" clone with numerous stories being told, each of varying length. Not many of them were able to keep my interest, although there were a few I did like. My favorite being a tale of a monster under a little boys bed All in all, I don't think this was a needed sequel. If it had stuck to its predecessors formula, it would have been much better
quincytheodore Anthology can be a trick medium, you have many short stories told in such limited amount of time and with different direction. This formal is prone to consistency issue throughout, which is what happens to this particular anthology. The quality of each one is also varied, depending on the runtime as well as underlying concept, it can feel jarring and detached, especially on the longer less interesting ones.This is a string of stories made in one theme, a woman watching a mysterious VHS of many strange occurrences. The similarity is vague, some stories might just end abruptly or simply too bizarre, creating a messy undertone. A couple of them even drag for a bit without too much pay off, this not only creates dull moments, it also hampers the pace for the other tales that follow.At best it's a varied degree of successful short clips of campfire story. They don't have much depth in terms of narrative as many of them end in five or ten minutes, and the shocking revelations might not be satisfying. Others collection of short stories have presented nifty twists in the same amount of time, and while there is decent use of practical effect here, it's not the same level of dread.The overall theme and quality displayed are not refined enough for more than average short bursts of thrill.
Chris K For sure, it could be said this entry lacks that which made the first something more special. Is it using old shorts from YouTube? Maybe. Is it the lack of a proper foreground story? Probably.But nonetheless, it's a fine combination of horror shorts - obviously some lesser than others but that's a very subjective opinion. None of the shorts are overly gory and the ones which stand out stand out VERY well and it's quite clear why they should be featured in this movie. The cinematography and acting is surprisingly solid throughout all shorts and the effects aren't too shabby either.All in all, it's not a terrible waste of an hour and thirty minutes of your life - but I wouldn't plan a movie night around it.
rogersdean7 I wish there had been a real review of this movie out there before I paid money to rent this. There was absolutely nothing about this movie that approached frightening. possibly a child under 8 years of age would be scared.Please do not waste your money on this. It is not clever, scary, concise, funny or any other adjective you may want out of a horror flick. It borders on theft. I had only one thought when it was over: how do I get my money back?Be warned. Do not waste your time. Rent some older movie instead, you will be more startled by a good movie which you have already seen.