Come Back to Me
Come Back to Me
R | 25 July 2014 (USA)
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Sarah and Josh are married suburbanites. After a car accident, Sarah suffers blackouts and ends up pregnant though Josh is sterile. As her life spirals she hides a camera in her home and unlocks a horrific secret with far-reaching consequences.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Micransix Crappy film
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Peter Pluymers "Why would God give a Christlike gift tot the very Devil himself …""Come back to me" is an indie horror with a fascinating and original basic idea, but the repetitive nature in the middle was a bit to much. The opening scene, where you're witnessing domestic violence with a rather bloody ending, was a masterful move by the creators of this strange film. The change of scenery, from the murder scene in Reno to a sleeping suburb in Las Vegas, was rather abrupt and confusing. But later in the film, you'll know that the seemingly emotionless boy from Reno is the same person who lives in that quiet suburb and lives opposite Josh (Matt Passmore) and Sarah (Katie Walder). His name is Dale (Nathan Keyes). A strange behaving, concluded guy who acts pretty retarded and exhibits a kind of fascination for Sarah at the first encounter.Josh and Sarah are an attractive, young couple. Josh is croupier in a casino. Sarah studies at an unknown university and works on a thesis about the influence of pornography. Still one specific problem hampers their relationship. Sarah's desire to have children isn't actually fulfilled. In fact, if you look at Josh's reaction, it seems as if he isn't really enthusiastic about it. When Sarah is being hounded by terrifying nightmares, after which she awakens in an entirely different location with sometimes strange injury and not knowing how she ended up there, and she gets blessed with an immaculate conception, everything becomes a bit of a mess. Sarah is convinced there's something fishy going on and she decides to install a camera system in her house. In this way she tries to figure out what's causing these hellish nightmare.The cover of this film isn't really impressive, so to say. And certainly not frightening. To be honest I wasn't expecting much. A typical horror with stalker elements, I thought to myself. Ultimately, at first sight it seems not to be really special at all. But believe me, the phenomenon Sarah has to deal with, is quite a unique find. Granted, there are more movies with a weird, creepy neighbor or a lovely lady who receives nocturnal visits of unsavory characters. But I've never encountered such a phenomenon, that disturbs Sarah's sleep, in any other horror. The film contains the necessary tension and suspense. Plus there's this supernatural skill added to the story. And those surveillance cameras created an atmosphere which made me think of "Paranormal Activity" immediately. By the way, that's not one of my favorite movies.Katie Walder is not only pleasing to the eye. She also manages to play a proper role. A vivacious and sexy blonde, whose daily rhythm gets screwed up because of some realistic, nightmarish dreams. The end-result is a hysterical and helpless young lady. It's not Oscar worthy, but it's convincing. Matt Passmore's part is limited and not so overwhelming. But that has more to do with the script than the person. The most memorable interpretation is provided by Nathan Keyes. Without a problem he turns into the strange and creepy Dale. Perhaps all this sounds a bit vague and superficial. But that's because "Come back to me" is such a type of film where it's best you know as little as possible about it. Let me just say that the excellent performances, the creepy and dark atmosphere, the haunting music and surely highly surprising (and in a certain way also most hilarious) end, turned this probably unknown film into an entertaining discovery. Definitely worth to give it a try.More reviews here :
boccyan47 Watching this movie i was thinking this is a fu##ed up version of Mientras duermes (2011), which i thought will be good.And to my surprise was not, after we get what was going on the movie started to turn into a POS, actually a big one.The music in this movie ... all the fu##ing time announce me that something's up, i hate when they use that gimmick.Of course the ending who saved this movie was actually pretty good, i didn't expect that but let's be honest this sh#te doesn't deserve more than 6 and 6 only for the ending, it's an average movie.If you have doubts about this before buying it, take my advice and don't waste your time and money.
facecrook Based on the book, "The Resurrectionist," this is a great, mysterious thriller-horror with a supernatural twist. This movie has a good load of blood in it, although is not entirely gory. The plot is very solid and the characters captivating. As the plot unfolded, I was reminded of a similarly fantastic movie from 2011, "Sleep Tight," ("Mientras Duermes") a French psycho-drama of obsession sans supernatural element. I think a lot of people who watch this movie are not going to expect the supernatural element. If you wanted more psycho-drama and less blood, "Sleep Tight" is exactly for you. I thought the very end was a little bit cheesy, but that's just me. Many people might like the macabre finale, but I thought the movie could have been better if it were more subtle and everyone didn't freakin' die. And, the spoiler is the word "everyone" (you'll see exactly what I mean in the last few minutes of the movie). However, if you enjoyed this one as much as I did, make sure to check out Sleep Tight. Another one I recommend if you've run out of American horror films to watch is "In Their Sleep," ("Dans Ton Sommeil," 2010) another captivating French psycho horror.
Kerem Gogus Besides the under developed characters with weak background stories, the movie is lack of a unique atmosphere and a mood that is crucial for the horror movies to let the audience in (or better swallow). I can give the recent "It Follows" the movie as an example - the moody atmosphere, muted colors, unique soundtrack creates a world that takes you in till the last scene.The ending twist and life-breathing concept maybe new for the most people out there but actually on Stephen King's Dark Tower series there is a dark man character that wakes up dead. Mythology and Religion filled with that kind of resurrection stories already. And the so called clever ending of this movie actually was the reason that I reduced my stars from 5 to 2.But please consider that my opinions are personal and biased since I mostly enjoy supernatural horror and sci-fi type of moody horror films like Alien Abduction and Skinwalker Ranch.For the people who curious about Come Back To Me; just see it yourself and decide if its good or not. This is one of those movies that appeals to many different kind of tastes.