Nurse 3-D
Nurse 3-D
R | 07 February 2014 (USA)
Nurse 3-D Trailers

Abby Russell, a beautiful, dedicated nurse with a sinister side, has a secret life in which she targets and punishes dishonest men.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
andyh-28602 Even worse than I thought it could be, and I was drunk whilst I watched it. I am a big fan of 3D to create interesting visual experiences, but the use of 3D adds barely a sliver of interest to the terrible cinematography, which isn't even come close to being the worst aspect of this film. As crude as it is, I have to be honest and say that the film earned its two stars because of its sporadic (and perverted) sex appeal, and debatable humour and irony on approximately one occasion. However there is far too little self-deprecating humour (or comedy/entertainment of any sort) to make this any kind of cult/faux B-movie fan favourite. Don't waste your time.
SquirePM Nurse 3D revives the camp genre that is so often misunderstood, as evidenced by the negative reviews we see here. Some people just don't get it. They've written their reviews as if they expected to see a movie of high drama, pathos and some kind of serious message. That isn't this movie!On the other hand despite lots of nudity, some of it *very* graphic, Nurse 3D is hardly a sexy movie. It's a camp thriller and gore-fest that runs at a fast pace, unabashedly, self-consciously and with glee to a frantically gory ending with an intelligent twist in the closing scene. I'd say it lives up to its creators' aims admirably.
born-giantsfan A lot of negative reviews here blame Paz, the lead actress. And while this is certainly not her best work, I have to blame the director for most of the failings of this film. The actors take the cues from the director - how he/she wants the scene played, the adjustments to dialog, the flow of the film, and all the other things that are wrong with this film.This is a low budget slasher movie, but when there are major flaws in the screenplay and directing, even low budget slashers get boring. Texas Chain Saw was low budget, but they created a movie that didn't distract you with stupid stuff.There are so many bizarre things and incoherent twists that the film is almost laughable. Just a few of the issues with the film are: 1. every guy in the movie is portrayed as morally inept - the Dr's are womanizers, the cops are leeches and sex starved, and all they guys in the clubs are married looking to cheat - even the "good boyfriend" doesn't stand by his girlfriend at the first sign of trouble and acts childish (revs his motorcycle when she is talking as says "I can't hear you") 2. the nudity is bazaar at best - ex Paz is shown in several scenes with only a bra on - nothing else. Either be naked or topless, but bottomless only? just strange 3. Other than the 2 main characters, all the other women are clueless and stupid. Nobody does background checks, worries about liability, etc. Even the Danni character has her moments - like she is convinced she was drugged with rohypnol, works at a hospital, but doesn't bother to get a blood test. 4. all the cops just stare at the women when they walk around (and have sex the witness/suspect) 5. all the security guards are idiots, even the armed ones are only there to get killed 6. and there are so many plot leaps and holes it is ridiculous - ex: how did Abby leave, change into a sexy dress, and get to the parking garage exit right as Dr Larry was leaving? And then how is it that she knows that when the car rolls back into the street it is going to get hit by a large truck and kill Dr Larry instead of a small car or motorcycle (or nothing) and thus not killing the DR and leaving him alive to implicate her. For a very prepared serial killer, she certainly left that one to chance.As an example of the flaws, just look at the set of scenes where Abby take Danni out drinking and they end up in bed in Abby's apartment in the morning. So many issues/questions with this scene alone: 1. there is clearly a drug in Danni's drink yet she doesn't notice it, and oh btw, the remains of the powdered drug are left on the upper part of the glass - the opposite side that she drank from. Any sediment would settle on the side she drank from.2. she is drugged, but clearly per the pictures taken participates in the sex and is having pleasure. If it was rohypnol, it is more paralyzing and the pictures don't line up with the story3. The pictures show she has sex with a guy, but the pictures don't match Abby's bed - so where were they taken? And the guy was not there in the morning - so did they go somewhere else and have sex then go to Abby's where they had more sex (6 orgasms according to Abby)?4. in the morning when they wake, Abby is naked and Danni has a top on. So after having girl on girl sex all night long (6 orgasms) while drunk and drugged, she is awake enough to request and put on something to sleep in while Abby stayed naked? Which she doesn't remember asking for or putting on since she was confused that she was even wearing it? Abby certainly would not have put it on here, she liked Danni naked.5. And where were Danni's clothes in the morning? They were nowhere to be found and she had to borrow something from Abby. So did they have sex with they guy somewhere else, leave her clothes there, and go back to Abby's place naked?6. and speaking of missing clothes, Abby gets up naked then puts on a bra and walks around bottomless - with full frontal nudity. Who does that? I have never seen a woman do that - it is either naked, topless, of bra and panties. And she does this 3 times in the movie. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the view, but strange. the character seems to like to "air things out" but keep her breasts covered? Is this a particular fetish of the director?Anyway, you get the idea.It is an entertaining romp that could have been so much better.
aboingboing Nurses in skimpy uniforms, a killer with a childhood trauma - and lots of blood. Should be fun, right? Fun in that old-fashioned exploitation way - gratuitous nudity, predictable scare scenes, dumb dialogue, overplayed reveals etc.There's quite a bit of sex, but there's really nothing sexy here (or otherwise smutty in an enjoyable good way). The blood and gore are just lame (digital, for the most part, and not done particularly well), with a large emphasis on spurting blood. Worst of all, the story and its telling neither conform enough to genre patterns to be really interesting to fans nor do they stand up on their own. There is no overarching plan or style here: The colors are overblown without this leading to an actual distinctive look. No character is developed enough for the viewer to care, yet the entire thing is not gonzo enough to get away on its thrills alone. There is no arch of suspense at any point. In the end, unless you are a genre completist, go google some best-of lists in the horror genre and watch something off these instead. There are certainly much better options. (If you just want cheap blood, gore and female breasts, then there are numerous Troma titles available legally on Youtube which are so much more fun than this.)