Bounty Killer
Bounty Killer
R | 06 September 2013 (USA)
Bounty Killer Trailers

It’s been 20 years since the corporations took over the world’s governments. Their thirst for power and profits led to the Corporate Wars, a fierce global battle that laid waste to society as we know it. Born from the ash, the Council of Nine rose as a new law and order for this dark age. To avenge the corporations’ reckless destruction, the Council issues death warrants for all white collar criminals. Their hunters—the bounty killer. From amateur savage to graceful assassin, the bounty killers now compete for body count, fame and a fat stack of cash. They’re ending the plague of corporate greed and providing the survivors of the apocalypse with retribution. These are the new heroes. This is the age of the BOUNTY KILLER.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Matt Kracht The plot: A post-apocalyptic bounty hunter goes on the defensive when a bounty is issued for his head and his ex-lover comes to collect.I didn't realize that this was directed by the same person who did The Last Lovecraft. If I had, I probably would have skipped it. Still, it was better than that horrid film, even if only marginally. I'm a sucker for exploitation films, post-apocalyptic films, and especially exploitative post-apocalyptic films, so I figured this would probably appeal to me. The concept does, but the film... not so much. If you're like me, nothing that I say about this film will discourage you from watching it. However, it's not really worth your time if you're looking for something more than a campy pastiche of Mad Max ripoffs.The first big problem is the humor. I guess if you liked The Last Lovecraft, you'll probably find this hilarious. It's immature, shallow, and not very witty at all. There a few entertaining moments, but they seem to arrive almost accidentally amid the assault of failed jokes. Like the warmed over Sarah Palin jokes from Iron Sky, this film does attempt to pander somewhat to left-leaning audiences, but there's absolutely no substance it. You could probably find wittier humor on The splatter is somewhat amusing, and there are quite a few scenes of decapitation. If you are endlessly amused by gratuitous violence, there's always that saving grace. The hero's sidekick was just plain horrible, though. It reminded me of forced quirkiness of Six String Samurai.The second major problem is that the camera is constantly trying to have sex with the female star. It's downright distracting, and if you're more interested in watching a film than you are in ogling a moderately attractive B actress, this is going to be a slog to get through for you. Acting, characterization, plot -- pretty much everything comes in a distant second, if that. This isn't a deal-breaker, and it's kind of what one would expect from an exploitation film, but normally there is at least some pretense toward telling a story. This film seems mostly to be an excuse to shoot fanservice from a comic book. It's not terribly surprising to find that the director and writer previously collaborated on making exactly that.The third and possibly biggest problem is that everything in this film comes from another film. If you've sat through more than a few post-apocalyptic films, then it's likely you'll feel a constant sense of deja vu. Sure, I guess you could call it homage if you're feeling kind, but how badly do we need another low budget ripoff of The Road Warrior? I mean, sure, I'll keep watching them as fast as Phase 4 Films, Lionsgate, and other direct-to-video distributors can keep pumping them out, but maybe a bit of originality would be nice in a while. I can't help but think that Roger Corman could have done more with this high concept premise, and it essentially gets discarded in favor of Mad Max homages until the climax.If all you want is to ogle a B actress in a post-apocalyptic film with some good if derivative action sequences, then this is a good choice. In fact, it's probably a great choice. If you're looking for anything else, skip it.
thekarmicnomad This is a great B+ movie. The production level is fairly high for a film of this nature and the acting from isn't too shoddy either.The (ridiculous) story has the world being bought to its knees by bankers (well maybe not that ridiculous) and the hero's have to go and blast them into giblets.The Bankers stand firm in pin-stripe suits, garish tyres; a Filofax in one hand and a M16 in the other. They are hotly pursued by Drifter and Mary Death who romps around the radioactive wastes in heels, short skirt and suspenders.If you like Sci-fi B movies this is a must! It has that Fallout/Tank Girl/Mad Max kind of trendy feel and humour about it. You will hear some cheesy one liners, experience some inexplicable death scenes and see some nice bouncy boobies. Win! Win! Win!
ikeybabe OMG! This was good, clean fun! Wait - not exactly clean fun. It was more like wallowing in the extreme. There was so much gore - lots of blood splashing, bullets flying, blades slashing and all in the name of saving the world from the evil corporate overlords. This was so over the top, you couldn't help but to roll with the fun. The antics are completely cheesy, but in a great tongue-in-cheek way. The filmmakers aren't taking themselves seriously and neither should the viewers. I thought the acting was good - right on par with what was needed. And I was happily surprised to see Rapper Eve as the Queen Gypsy, Beverly D'Angelo playing the barmaid and the one-and-only Gary Busey being himself! I really liked the two main characters. They were lovable brutes to one another and the sidekick gun caddy was hilarious. A gun caddy? Whoever heard of that? Very cool all the way around. I'd watch a sequel to this is a minute. Bravo!
bassy97 Bounty killer is the first long movie that Henry directs, not only this, but most of the movie staff are not reputable actors, but guess what Henry could achieve! The movie is very amusing with very good graphics and effects, Henry used the movie budget so efficiently, he had to do so many manual work himself including visual effects and editing, he even wrote the movie! What Henry really needs is fund, and I think that he has enough potential to hit the sky a million times and quake the box office everywhere around the globe. In short, if I were to place a bid, I will place it on Henry Saine because he has proved that he has got a genuine talent. To Henry I say, you are my hero, and it really means so much to me to see a talent like you make it to the top directors list hopefully very soon.