Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
PG-13 | 02 July 2001 (USA)
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Trailers

Led by a strange dream, scientist Aki Ross struggles to collect the eight spirits in the hope of creating a force powerful enough to protect the planet. With the aid of the Deep Eyes Squadron and her mentor, Dr. Sid, Aki must save the Earth from its darkest hate and unleash the spirits within.

Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Python Hyena Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within (2001): Dir: Hironobu Sakaguchi / Voices: Ming Na Wen, Alec Baldwin, Donald Sutherland, Ving Rhames, James Woods: Breaking new ground with computer generated images yet retreads old story clichés. It presents such promising animated detailed yet by its ending it is certain to be a great object for target practice. Title makes no reference to anything important. It begins with soldiers entering a planet inhabited by phantoms. They encounter a woman named Dr. Ross who apparently has a phantom inhabiting her body. This is perhaps something that no prescription drug can take care of. Director Hironobu Sakaguchi must have been infected for all the good he did the film. The characters have all the personality of an oil rag. Dr. Ross seeks a plant in futuristic New York and what follows is countless action violent scenes to pointless avail. This is one of those over hyped bags of crap that Hollywood insists that people waste their money on because it has production values. The cast might as well have stayed home for all the good this movie will do for their careers. Wasted voice talents by Ming Na Wen, Alec Baldwin, Donald Sutherland, James Woods, and Ving Rhames. This is hardly the height of any of their careers and they should feel lucky not to be seen. It is a pointless and dreary film that has all the excitement of a jar of fireflies. Score: 1 / 10
Dalbert Pringle I can still clearly remember when Final Fantasy was first released back in 2001. It was kind of a strange movie release 'cause nobody raved about it. Nobody marvelled at it. And nobody (including myself) went to see it. Final Fantasy came and went without even as much as a whimper. It was a weird phenomenon. Final Fantasy was "The-Movie-That-Wasn't".Over the years about the only thing, anywhere near to an opinion, that I've heard about Final Fantasy is that it is unbelievably "boring". Yeah, B_O_R_I_N_G! I guess word-of-mouth of this sort kept people away in droves. It's really amazing sometimes what one, little word like "boring" can do to the fate of a flick.Well, I, for one, certainly didn't find Final Fantasy "boring". To be honest, the story was a bit dry, the action a bit slow at times, but, all-in-all, it did hold my interest for the most part. Yeah, I'll admit that "War Of the Worlds", it ain't. But, hey, I didn't expect it to be, anyways. So, I wasn't disappointed.Where Final Fantasy excels (to the 10th power) is visually. It is an absolute delight to behold. The attention to detail in all the computer-generated imagery is nothing less than fantastic.Any short-comings that Final Fantasy's story may have will be immediately forgiven if you simply treat this movie as basically a feast for the eyes. If you do so, then you won't feel let down when the story doesn't meet any of your preconceived expectations, or if it doesn't go accelerating into high-gear.Final Fantasy's story is set in the future. Natch. The year is 2065. Mankind is on the brink of total extinction after our Earth is infested with alien Phantom-Spirits that feed ravenously on the human life-force.Our quickly dwindling human population is forced to live within great, domed cities. These cities are now the last and only refuge for Man. A specially engineered force-field engulfing the entire city shields these last remaining citizens from being totally annihilated by the ferocious Phantom-Spirits.Top scientists within the city are frantically searching for a means to successfully combat these menacing spirits, yet retain and protect our planet's fragile environment.WOW!! Now, does that sound "boring" to you!?.....Check it out. You might be pleasantly surprised at how non-boring Final Fantasy really is...... :)
Nexus Engel Honestly! Most people hate this movie because it doesn't go along with the video games! Lots of Final Fantasy video game fans hate this movie and some other fans of the game series love this movie, me included. One of the greatest things about this movie, actually, is how DIFFERENT it is from the games. It actually tries to make its own story and in my opinion succeeds. The animation is awesome, I thought I was watching a live action movie at some scenes, the story is great with a "non- clichéd" twist near the end, and it does pick up quite a bit of momentum towards the end. Hell, it even goes with the games by having a party of five people! What more can you want?Now, for the degrading to begin. Some scenes did look a bit puppet-like or a little cartoony for the animation used. The movie wouldn't be for kids who can't sit still for half an hour since they would feel a little bit bored when it *gasp!* actually takes the time to explain things, but those scenes are important! Also, some stuff might scare the smaller kiddies with a bit of the imagery.Overall, 8 outta 10. It's an awesome, underrated movie that must be watched and is worth a lot more than 5 bucks at Zellers.
haterofcrap Okay, at first I thought that it was going to be a pretty bad film, since it is based on a video game (And I hate video games) but then I read that this movie didn't had anything in common with the video game franchise in which this was supposedly inspired.Anyway, this was very good film, not only because it had a incredibly animation (Not like the boring and bland CGI crap that you see in most of the animated flicks released every year) but also, because it had a very interesting plot, combining science fiction with mysticism...And also, it had lots of aliens, all of them with an unique and fascinating look.This movie had many beautiful sequences, I liked specially the "dream" scenes, that take place in one alien planet. Also, I liked how it was deconstructed the whole concept of "alien invaders" that appeared in so many films... Apparently, one of the animators from the great movie "Avatar", Andy Jones, worked in this film too, so no wonder why the animation was so good.It is true that not even the best animation could replace the emotion of real actors, but despite that, I still believe that this movie is a great achievement for the cartoon world. Hey, at least it is much better than the overrated kiddie crap that came every single year. And considering that it was inspired in a video game, it could have been very much worse: This could have been anime.