Small Soldiers
Small Soldiers
PG-13 | 10 July 1998 (USA)
Small Soldiers Trailers

When missile technology is used to enhance toy action figures, the toys soon begin to take their battle programming too seriously.

Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Minahzur Rahman I remember Small Soldiers when I was a child – I loved it. I remember having a pencil case set of Small Soldiers my mum bought me, so I do have fond memories of it, and I also do remember it being very popular back then. I actually use to thought back then that the soldiers were the goods guys, and that the gorgonites were the bad guys until I watched the movie. The movie was very good, enjoyable and watchable. Some of the scenes were really funny – I have to admit. It is a movie where you hope the soldiers will just get "toyed" with, but it wasn't as simple as that – not by a long shot!!! What I did not enjoy about this movie was just how weak the gorgonites were made out to be compared to the soldiers for the most part of the movie. It felt like the soldiers were in charge for the most part of the movie including over humans??? the soldiers were frightening despite being toys – I must say. I didn't like some of the cast though, however, such as the one that played "Alan" – his character was annoying as hell! they could've used someone better than Kirsten Dunst though she was very popular after her success in the Jumanji film. With better choice selections in terms of cast, and possibly a better storyline, Small Soldiers would probably have been an amazing movie. It's still a good movie nonetheless. Small Soldiers brings back a lot of memories, and is surprisingly underrated despite its initial popularity back then.
Kenyae Kofi Seeing this movie again in 2017 brought up great memories for me of what I would watch all the time as a kid. I love how these toys had a mind of their own and decided to attack humans. I thought this movie was hilarious especially with the business man. And also giving the toys to have the ability to gain personality and attack the other toys showed a little bit of a Chucky Doll killing or attack.
jamariana "Small Soldiers" is a decent enough '90s family film. My only complaint is that the movie felt a bit long, but I mostly liked it otherwise. Phil Hartman was a great addition - sadly, it was his last film. I still love watching old SNL episodes from his run. This film has a creative plot, great visuals for the time, some humour, great film references - from 2001 to Apocalypse Now - and was an altogether entertaining film.
luke-a-mcgowan 1. This is one of those movies I watched as a kid and enjoyed now for nostalgia purposes. I think the DVD I watched this on was one of the first DVDs ever made.2. Top notch casting, even if some of the voice acting doesn't have the heft of Inside Out or The Lion King. Tommy Lee Jones aces it as Major Chip Hazard.3. Add a star for the Patton spoof where Chip Hazard recites every single cliché American speech line and turns it into the most patriotic speech ever made.4. The screenplay never takes itself too seriously but at the same time doesn't feel cheesy. Its a tough balance to walk for a movie about killer army men, but they handle it well.5. Its a delight to see Phil Hartman on film (his final screen appearance). Of the on-screen cast, Kirsten Dunst charms the audience easily as Christy and Kevin Dunn makes a mark as Alan's father. Gregory Smith is adequate as the film's protagonist Alan, playing him as a T2- era John Connor. Ann Magnusson has a very memorable moment towards the end with a tennis racket.6. Dennis Leary absolutely owns the entire screen as Gil Mars. I don't use that phrase lightly, but when Leary is on screen the whole movie is elevated dramatically. It is a Velma Kelly level of screen presence.7. The love story between Alan and Christy is goofy. Her boyfriend is barely an obstacle because she doesn't seem to even like him that much. She flirts with Alan in the same breath as saying that she only dates older boys.8. The battle sequences are fantastic, a great blend of practical effects and CGI. The use of standard house tools and items somehow raises the stakes to an incredible level.9. Its a great family movie but above all else it is just a delightful movie to sit down and watch. Certainly above average in all respects.
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