Lilo & Stitch
Lilo & Stitch
PG | 21 June 2002 (USA)
Lilo & Stitch Trailers

As Stitch, a runaway genetic experiment from a faraway planet, wreaks havoc on the Hawaiian Islands, he becomes the mischievous adopted alien "puppy" of an independent little girl named Lilo and learns about loyalty, friendship, and ʻohana, the Hawaiian tradition of family.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Jesper Brun I mean think about it: it has a similar style of animation, had a remarkably lower budget than the movies which preceeded it, it actually made a fair amount of money after a string of disappointing outcomes. Even though I think that either critics or audiences or both were a little too harsh on certain Disney movies of the 00's, I can certainly see why Lilo & Stitch reigns supreme as the best of the second dark age of Disney. It all comes down to one simple thing: the story. Lilo & Stitch takes up great themes of family and responsibility. The relationship between Nani and Lilo is so real and touching. Spicing it up with an alien coming to Earth was an odd choice, but Stitch is both cute, entertaining and serves a purpose. A big one actually. I'd say that that is both a blessing and a curse, because it gives the movie a feel of wanting to be two movies at the same time. It is not as distracting as, let's say, Meeko and Percy in Pocahontas or the gargoyls in Hunchback of Notre Dame, but Stitch steals the show and I first discovered the real heart of the movie when I watched it again as an adult. No hate, just a note. But it makes the movie unique in its own way and therfor it does not affect my rating.I love the characters! No one is dragging the movie down. They're all likable and entertaining, but Nani and Lilo are the emotional center of the movie. David Ogden Stiers' performance as Jumba is my favorite along with Chris Sanders as Stitch and Daveigh Chase as Lilo. They have the funniest lines and bounce off of their surroundings perfectly. If you haven't watched Lilo & Stitch since your child I highly recommend that you do it, because a beautiful story like this is perhaps even better for adults .
Mckenzie Barkdull-Pugmire The film lilo and stitch is a movie expected to be aimed specifically for a younger audience but as you watch darker undertones of child services feath broken homes and wanting to belong. As a kid this was one of my favorite movies and it has definitely withheld the tests of time and is relative to every age group.
datautisticgamer-74853 While I have only seen this and The Emperor's New Groove, I can say with confidence that no Disney film made in the 2000's can top this in terms of my experience. The humor is formidably hilarious, the emotion is sturdy, the animation is wonderful especially during the scenes in space, the characters all have lovable or love-to-hate-able (I needed to make that one up). While Lilo can be obnoxious occasionally, she still has an excellent heart, especially during the moments she has with Stitch. The action, as typical of Disney, is almost always engaging, though it does have some questionable moments and seems to drag at some times. Regardless, this is one of the best Disney films I have watched yet, and once you see it, disappointment will not be present. Apparently, this movie was so popular back in 2002 that Disney decided to craft a television series and three sequels connecting to said television series. I haven't seen the series for a while, but I can assure you that most of the fun comes in the film. Laugh, well up, and get pumped? Lilo and Stitch can cater to all of those demands.
Matteo Fossi Which are the Disney undisputed all-time classics? Why The Lion King and Aladdin or course. sure, The Lion King is stellar and Aladdin has the genie... and uh... it has the genie. anyone will say that Disney's golden decade was the 90's which to me is the one where they all started singing for some reason to the point where I was relieved when Phil Collins would do the singing in Tarzan and Brother Bear. To me, the two golden decades of Disney was the 60's (101 dalmatians, The Sword in the Stone, The Jungle Book and The Aristocats) and the early 00's. yeah, sure, Atlantis: The Lost Empire and Brother Bear where kinda mediocre. But The Emperor's New Groove, Treasure Planet and Lilo & Stitch was Disney waking up from there 90's musical/princess/cheesefest trip. Emperor's New Groove was more self-aware and fourth-wall breaking than anything else, Treasure Planet was more ambitious and refreshing than anything else but Lilo & Stitch was just nothing like anything else in the Disney catalog. Then, drawn animation officially died in 2003 when Finding Nemo came out but let's not be resentful of the past, shall we. we're here to talk about Lilo & Stitch.The movie starts of in the extra-terrestrial world where Stitch (currently called experiment 626) and Dr. Jumba are both on trial. Jumba is accused of having created Stitch and Stitch is accused of being Stitch. From this very first scene, everything works beautifully, you feel engaged and sucked into this super cool setup and it's characters including the grand councilwoman (yes, that's her official name) and Captain Gantu. Then, Stitch escapes effortlessly, flies away with a ship and then crashes on our favorite little blue planet. The galactic government peeps decide to send their own version of Laurel & Hardy (Jumba & Pleakley) to Earth to destroy Stitch. Jumba, because he created Stitch and Pleakley, because he's the alien nerd who knows stuff about Earth. What's so great about Jumba and Pleakley is that they're not evil and stupid because they have to be as Disney antagonists. They're actually very likable and are carrying this mission because Stitch is actually a threat during the beginning of the movie. And the reason they keep failing to catch Stitch is not because they're stupid and clumsy but because Stitch is just impossible to catch, which makes it so brilliant.We then get to the good people of Kauai, introducing Lilo and her older sister, Nani. And that's where this wonderful little Disney feature get's very heavy and emotional. Lilo and Nani are orphaned sisters and Nani being the young adult, has to take care of Lilo all by herself, under the supervision of the harsh but fair social worker, Cobra Bubbles. They are all introduced in that first infamously heart-grabbing scene that some will remember having cried to back in the day and maybe still today. The wonderful yet heartbreaking connection that Lilo has with Stitch is that Lilo, too, acts like a strange and destructive alien and can't fit in with anyone due to the troma of having lost both her parents and only having her caring sister left as a parent figure who yet is patience-limited at times while going under the stress of her little sister's odd behavior and finding a job so that the social worker won't have to take Lilo away from her (yes, it's a Disney movie we're talking about). I don't think I have ever seen a film or animation that shows a truer and rawer depiction of sibling relationship, while struggling under the burden of living as a broken family.Eventually, Lilo meets and adopts Stitch in a dog adoption home, as he makes himself look like and act like a dog to stay undercover while trying to get Jumba and Pleakley off his tail. From the point Stitch comes in the picture with Lilo and Nina, he starts of acting destructive and careless while Lilo constantly finds an appeal to him and tries to tame him and soothe him all while Nina is very skeptical of Stitch.Why I think Lilo & Stitch is the best is because it's made for everyone and has the power to move anyone. Everything feels so true and organic, the attention to detail when it comes to timing, dialogue, comedy, little actions and mannerisms, character relations and personalities and the loyal attention to Kauai's culture when it comes to the dancing and the music makes Lilo & Stitch's quality the same level as an award-nominated live-action movie and if Lilo & Stitch was adapted perfectly as a live-action movie and it could be (even though, I don't want it to be), it would still be amazing but of course not as amazing as it's original form. go watch it.