The Art of War II: Betrayal
The Art of War II: Betrayal
R | 12 August 2008 (USA)
The Art of War II: Betrayal Trailers

Agent Neil Shaw is called out of retirement and finds himself in the midst of a plot to assassinate several leading Senators with himself set-up to take the rap for a recent killing

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
PodBill Just what I expected
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Maziun The first movie was already bad one. This sequel takes everything that was wrong in the first one and makes it even worse. The acting is... wait, what acting ? There is no acting here.Same goes for the dull dialogue , predictable story and lame action scenes. The action scenes are badly choreographed and the camera angles are completely amateurish. You barely can see what's going on ! I'm not even going to laugh at the dreadful CGI... Seriously , the CGI here is so fake that probably you could make it better Don't waste your time and money on this trash. Snipes deserves going to jail just for the fact that he made this movie. It doesn't even deserve to be called a B-class movie. I've seen a few fun B-class movies. This isn't one of them.I give it 1/10.
homecoming8 Wesley Snipes is to this day still a qualified action-star, movies like Passenger 57, Murder at 1600 and the Blade Trilogy made him great. The Art Of War was also a decent action-flick which co-starred Michael Biehn(Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss). On the action-level, it certainly delivered with a great twist at the end (and some good action as well).Art of War II co-stars Lochlyn Munroe, a comedy actor who has had some excellent roles in "Dead Man On Campus" and "Scary Movie". The story has nothing to do with the original, so it was purely a marketing-trick. Think of this as Snipes' former direct-to-DVD movies (Steven Seagal has some of these too) so the budget is limited, just like the acting, the story and so on. Like Seagal, Snipes is also years away from his glory-days. And you can tell.. A dull story, bad camera-work, lame characters and so on. You can skip this one, even if you love action-films. I still haven't seen The Marksman with Wesley Snipes, but judging by this painful mess, I am not going to bother. Watch Passenger 57 once again instead..
Michael O'Keefe Agent Nigel Shaw(Wesley Snipes)comes out 'retirement' to avenge the murder of his former mentor. Along the way he allows himself to do some work for a friend(Lochlyn Munro), an actor turning candidate for the Senate. He ends up trying to protect current Senator Carlson(Rachel Hayward)from possible assassination. Shaw does his digging and finds a round robin of political corruption and dead bodies keep piling up. A romance starts brewing when Shaw's mentor's daughter Melina(Athena Karkanis)begins sticking to him like glue.Some high octane martial arts and very good special effects. A simple story seems to become a snake uncoiling. The high tech surveillance is interesting, but the movie on a whole is a bit of a let down. Snipes is very much the hero and Karkanis is so easy to watch. Others in the cast: Winston Rekert, Ryan Mcdonald, Eric Brecker and Olivia Cheng. Its anyone's guess about a third episode.
wildpeace10 The first one was pretty good except for the bloody scenes which i pretty much disliked.This one is clearly a low budget product from the director of the contractor, a film which was even superior to this one.It has fights in the dark where you get the impression that snipes'double did most if not all of the fighting.The DVD even has alternative fight scenes which really don't look that much different from those actually in the film.In about every snipes action film straight to DVD, i can find something to like and this one isn't different but you need patience and i really was getting to lose mine at 45 minutes.Something interesting happens at about 49 minutes(unfortunately it starts getting in the flat and boring zone oncein a while after that) and you can tell until the end that the scriptisn't the main problem but the directing's mostly flat and boring but a better directorwith a bigger budget could have made something good out of it.I also really hated the ending.You see ... there's a traitor(not such a big surprise when you see so many movies) at the end and that person is being killed in cold blood by snipes.The whole thing is so flat and dull that it simply doesn't feel true and leaves the viewer unsatisfied.This art of war sequel is indeed a betrayal of the first one since it hardly has any real connection to it (bringing marie makito could have helped) and is so far below in quality.Apparently nobody was aiming high with this and it shows.
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