The Amazing Panda Adventure
The Amazing Panda Adventure
PG | 25 August 1995 (USA)
The Amazing Panda Adventure Trailers

Far from home in the lush bamboo forests of China, ten-year-old Ryan Tyler, with the help of a young girl, goes on a wonderful journey to rescue a baby panda taken by poachers.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Benedito Dias Rodrigues A nice adventure in a chinese countryside,with breathtaking landscape,rivers and lakes absolutelly in clean water,amazing Panda's cub,but the plot and the dialogues are boring and don't make sense,a lot of standard clichés,childish behavior,just for the kids!!!a little of imagination shall be better!!Resume:First watch: 1998 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 6
starfrog I am outraged that these poor panda bears were put through so much torture to make this movie. Fortunately, the evidence is caught on tape. What you are about to see done to these animals for the sake of entertainment may shock you! The bears are shot at, dragged off of a bridge, tossed over a waterfall, dangled over a cliff, and virtually starved to death. The makers of this film as well as anyone who watches it should be ashamed of this dangerous and gratuitous exploitation of such poor helpless creatures. I have already alerted my congressman, Greenpeace, Ralph Nader and my Mommy. Hopefully a follow-up movie can be made showing the capture and incarceration of the producers...what? The bears are actually robots? Oops....
Wizard-8 The movie offers a rare glimpse into China's countryside (looks spectacular), and the pandas are pretty cute (when they show the real McCoy, and not the animatronics). Aside from that, this is a slow, almost pointless movie. The American kid is very annoying, and I wished he'd fall off one of those gorgeous mountains. The Chinese girl is a little better, but her character is weak - they never explain how come her English is so good. The chemistry between both these kids is pretty much nil. At the end, they don't seem to be either friends, rivals, or anything else.Some viewers may be offended by the way the Tibetian people are portrayed - there's no evidence of the persecution they are under. The poachers are not scary or interesting as well. I grew tired of hearing the same bars of music over and over, and I grew tired of seeing the same shots over and over! I think even kids may be frustrated with this movie.
Bengt74 Ryan Slater is a very good actor.All the pandas in the movie are very cute.If you like a movie with both people and animals in you should see this movie.