PG | 16 March 2018 (USA)
Benji Trailers

Two school kids strike up a friendship with an orphaned puppy named Benji. When danger befalls them and they end up kidnapped by robbers who are in over their heads, Benji and his scruffy sidekick come to the rescue.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
MinistryofDoom I remember as a kid watching the old Benji films on TV back in the 1980s. Back then they were cute harmless family films that anyone could enjoy. This new Benji, I'm not sure if it's a reboot of the franchise, or just another entry in the same series that began in 1974, is also a great family film. Though it touches on themes that would have never been considered in 1974.This is to be expected though as children are, today, exposed to and aware of, things that children in the early 70s were not. So what you have is a family film that features adorable children who remain innocent but are forced to deal with very serious situations. The new Benji, for what it's worth, is a true wonder dog; capable of doing tricks to get out of jams that would blow any expert dog trainer's mind. This is no ordinary street mutt, to say the least. Overall, I would say that this is a fantastic family film though I recommend that the parents stick around while the kids are watching because surely there will be some questions that will need to be answered.
wowyoursis Beautiful graphic, rich characters and refreshing mainstream family freandly animal theme. DELIGHTFUL, ENCHANTING STORY. I was not expecting this movie can be that good to watch together with my lover. I really love the hidden plot of Benji and that big stray puppy. I was smiling when I see them get along so well. The story line of the title was very clear, logical and even the desolated mysterious sceneries amazed me with surprises. This is not a that old-school family film. It will give you smile and enlighten you with delicate arrangement of its movie settings.
sarah041986 The dog and kids are cute. But the "bad guys" are too dark. We weren't a fan of the gun point robbery with creepy masks. With guns. Then kidnapping the children and taking them to a abandoned house in the woods. I feel likeThis was all too dark. Like watching a napping in a adult film. This is coming from a parent that let's her kids watch Justice League. Also, what was with the Slim Shady look alike lol. He was so cheesy.
abbywynne My 8 year old cried from the half way point right to the end of the movie. The dog was great the storyline too intense and emotional. This is not a light family movie.