Irreplaceable You
Irreplaceable You
| 16 February 2018 (USA)
Irreplaceable You Trailers

A stunning cancer diagnosis spurs Abbie to seek a future girlfriend for fiancé and childhood sweetheart Sam, who's clueless when it comes to dating.

Bereamic Awesome Movie
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
gayle-23652 I guess we never know why people act the way they do. No one can judge.
andrewdrumm911 The premise of this movie had me very excited to watch. I am a sucker for chick flicks, romance movies and tear jerkers so this looked like it would be right in my wheelhouse. Unfortunately this never reached the heights it had the potential to go. The movie is constructed as a tear jerker but while it gets close at times, they never do a good enough job of creating a close enough relationship with us and the main characters for us to care enough as we would in other great sad movies. While Gugu Mbatha-Raw is fantastic in this movie, Michael Huisman's performance really drags the movie down as he is infuriating with a lack of emotion about the situation, both lack of sadness but also anger at Abbie's decisions and he just doesn't care enough which makes it hard to invest. The decision in the middle of the movie that Sam makes is just plain stupid and left me not wanting him to end happy at all. The movie tried too hard to be different when they already had a great idea with a fantastic actress that would have worked if they hadn't tried too hard to be unique. The supporting parts were well done, particularly Christopher Walken, and I connected much more with his and Abbie's relationship in the movie than I did with Abbie and Sam's. A final nitpick was that they made the strange decision not to have Abbie appear physically sick at all. Her appearance barely changes throughout and it just makes no sense and once again loses an opportunity for us to connect. Some great acting overall but it gets dragged down by a bad performance from Michael Huisman and poor writing. So much potential and it is my favorite type of genre but really disappointed with the outcome.
abigailheinsohn If you are looking for a tearjerker romance movie, I highly suggest watching Irrepleacble You on netflix. I have watched other tearjerker romance movies, but none of them compared to this one. I cried throughout most of this movie, which doesn't always happen for me in chick flicks. The story shows two bestfriends, Sam and Abbie, who have known each other their whole lives and are now engaged. I thought the actors who played these two roles did an excellent job. I liked how the director casted Abbie as a strong woman. Sometimes I feel like, in romance movies, the woman is always casted as some soft flower who doesn't always stand up for herself and just shuts down in a bad situation, like a breakup. This was not the case with Abbie. She was portrade as a very determinded woman when she put her mind to something. Which I liked because I felt like I could relate to her. In the movie, it shows Sam working as a TA for what seems like a medical anatomy and physiology class. Which, I have taken that class. So, it was fun for me to actually know what the characters were talking about in some parts; whereas, others might not have understood what was going on. I really liked how the movie wasn't strickly serious after Abbie gets diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer. It shows her trying to plan out Sam's life without her and making sure it is full of happy, uplifting things. For example, Abbie sets up "appointments" with other girls to see if they are a right fit for Sam, so he isn't alone after she passes away. Which, is weird considering she's setting her finace up with other women, but it kind of creates a soft spot in your heart knowing she wants Sam to be happy. One flaw that the movie had was showing Abbie's sickness. It didn't portray her as someone who has cancer. You typically will think of extreme weightloss, in some cases, the loss of the hair, and throwing up. There were two scenes that showed her throwing up and losing a chunk of hair but that was really it. It didn't show her sickness over time like it should have. Overall, I really liked this movie. I highly suggest it if you're in a mood for a tearjerker movie.
rozziemarie The sound and editing and writing are painful. If you enjoy the Hallmark channel, you will love this film. I hope this is not the direction Netflix is going.