The Con Is On
The Con Is On
R | 04 May 2018 (USA)
The Con Is On Trailers

In an effort to avoid paying off a massive gambling debt to a notorious mobster in England, a couple flees to Los Angeles and hatch a jewel theft plot.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
renskeveldman When you have Tim Roth and Uma Thurman you'd expect a good movie. This was not good. It was bad.
zippyone99 Attracted by the cast, I was sorely disappointed.The acting felt like some poor, second rate 'Murder She Wrote' tribute, stretched into an hour and a half.There are so many better movies to watch, given the time.
shacmasta With an ensemble cast that includes Uma Thurman, Tim Roth, Alice Eve, Maggie Q, Sofia Vergara, Crispin Glover, Stephen Fry and Parker'd think a movie fan would at least walk away from this film somewhat entertained. Wrong....What you get Is a 90minute cluster of a movie With no direction and just keeps movie forward with no real chance for a real conclusion. Even the ending is so ho-hum you will question why did you even waste your time on this dreck. 3 out of 10 because at least most of the actors tried to put forth an effort.
atconsul To think I once watched Tim Roth on stage in the lead of Metamorphosis, and now he has actually turned into a dung beetle. Uma Thurman has quite a pedigree, too, and Steven Fry is an electric performer, even it it's not obvious what kind of role he should try acting in.Put them together in a comedy and it's bound to be a romp, right? Er, no. Cobbling a few ideas together from the Pink Panther, add some merry pranks in drug- and alcohol- fuelled craziness and get Roth to say the F-word in every line staggering around as a stock lush, let Uma do a camp version of her femme fatale forte, and sprinkle in Fry with a pet boy,.Hilarious yes? No. Add a little gratuitous violence and some lesbian action to make sure we're up to date. Can't fail? Yes it can.The only question left is, does this review contain spoilers? No idea as I'm not sure what if anything was left to reveal as the plot (?) unfurls (?unravels?).Clearly the producers share my view of their awful investment, which is why they have tried to release this film in only a few places which, lacking British English native speakers, may even think this was funny to British English native speakers. Also no.One star because I laughed once by accident. I misunderstood a gag and it seemed funny till I realised.