R | 14 March 2015 (USA)
Moonwalkers Trailers

What if Apollo 11 never actually made it? What if, in reality, Stanley Kubrick secretly shot the famous images of the moon landing in a studio, working for the US administration? This is the premise of a totally plausible conspiracy theory that takes us to swinging sixties London, where a stubborn CIA agent will never find Kubrick but is forced to team up with a lousy manager of a seedy rock band to develop the biggest con of all time.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Prismark10 Moonwalkers is a silly, hippy, trippy, violent comedy. A sort of Argo meets Snatch.Ron Perlman is Kidman an unstable CIA agent, a Vietnam war veteran assigned a task to hire filmmaker Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing in case the real one fails.He ends up giving money to a unsuccessful rock band manager Johnny (Rupert Grint) and his friend Leon (Robert Sheehan) who he thinks is the notorious publicity shy Kubrick.Once Kidman realises his error he goes after Johnny and Leon but they persuade him that they can really hire a director and fake the moon landing but along the way fall foul of some real gangsters.This is actually a low budget film, maybe too psychedelic at times and the ultra violence jars. I really did not think much of it as a comedy and tonally the film is all over the place.
The Couchpotatoes Well to be honest I didn't expect much before watching Moonwalkers but I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised. I laughed a lot and to me that's what it is about when watching a comedy. The combination of a psychedelic environment and Ron Perlman as a brutal American CIA-agent was sometimes hilarious. The mixture of brutal scenes and then the more chill drug taking scenes worked perfectly. Also seeing Rupert Grint in something else then Harry Potter was interesting. The story itself, you don't have to take it too serious, it's a comedy, with a lot of subtle references to all kind of stuff, like Clockwork Orange, Eyes Wide Shut etc... Maybe some people might not like it, but I certainly did, it's my kind of humor. I truly enjoyed Moonwalkers.
michaelhirakida Having no idea what this film was about, I decided to watch it on Netflix last night. I was absolutely blown away by how funny and original this movie is. It's probably one of the best comedies of the decade. Rupert Grint has only starred in so few movies after Harry Potter, but this movie proves he could be on top of the box office like Radcliffe and Watson. The plot is based on the moon landing conspiracies. Jonny is a unsuccessful band manager who is in deep trouble with a crime boss. When CIA Agent and Haunted Vietnam Fighter Kidman mistakes him for Stanley Kubrick's agent, he gets them to make a fake moon landing movie that would be shown live on TV. The money is stolen and Kidman teams up with Jonny and his drugged up pal Leon to make that fake moon landing film. The genius of Moonwalkers is it's atmosphere. The highly hostile and dangerous British Environment makes for some actual funny jokes and absolutely fun characters. The characters don't just develop, they grow. Kidman and Jonny are great to be around and have huge development leaps in characters. The other characters like Renatus, an art house film director are significant and hilarious. Leon is one of the best characters in the movie especially in the climax of the film when they are shooting the fake moon landing. This also happens to be a black comedy filled with heads exploding from sawed off shotguns, teeth being broken, many violent outbursts from Kidman and a violent climax that is nearly perfect. The movie is filled with surprises and laughs. Moonwalkers could become The Rocky Horror Picture Show of it's time if it was marketed better, had a wide release and had more critical praise. It's destined for a cult following.95/100 A
LeonLouisRicci A Wild and Off-Beat B-Movie with very Broad Strokes and is All Over the Map with its Outrageous Plot about Stanley Kubrick Faking the Moon Landing.Set in the Psychedelic Sixties it spares Nothing and No One with its Ultra-Violence and Over the Top Characterizations. It's a Colorful, Mad-Cap, Action-Comedy that Hits the mark most of the time and is an Entertaining Effort with an Abundance of Artistic Flare.Ron Pelleman is Superb as a CIA Agent that is in the Center of this Whirlpool of Government Conspiracies and Gangland Comeuppance. Violent and Sleazy, it contains Nudity and Gore but the Impressive Production Design alone is Worth the Price of Admission.Rupert Grint (of Harry Potter fame) is also quite Good as the "Loser" Rock Band Manager who Stumbles and Bumbles but Charms His way through Outlandish Situations. There's one Acid-Dropping Scene with Pelleman that is a Standout.Overall, Worth a Watch for "Artsy" Types and Anyone who Enjoys Off-Kilter Cinema with a Good Cast, a Quirky Story, and the Talent to Deliver such a Maniacal Movie and make it all work.