| 24 May 2002 (USA)
Thunderpants Trailers

An 11-year-old boy's amazing ability to break wind leads him first to fame and then to death row, before it helps him to fulfill his ambition of becoming an astronaut.

Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
mrjlkelly I am shocked and very disappointed that most of the the world has no sense of humour whatsoever. It's a most pitiful indictment on humanity that a fun, silly little kids movie like this could be scorned by so many and scored so lowly on IMDb. This movie doesn't really deserve a score of 10 but I feel that I need to somehow redress the balance on this film which I have enjoyed many times over.I recall when this film was released that there were a number of good reviews published in various newspapers and it was mainly shown in the more "Arthouse/Independent" cinemas around Sydney. I never got around to seeing it until a few years later when I rented it on video. I loved it, and it was one of those films that I tried to get as many of my friends to check it out as well.This is a film that I would suppose would be most suited to young boys who love a good fart joke, but some of us never grow out of that. The film has an excellent cast, (you'll recognise many of the adults), and the set designs are an absolute blast.One of my favourite kids movies.
flawless51 I've never quite seen a movie like Thunderpants. It was on the television at a friend's house, and just his description of the movie made me laugh, however we watched it anyway. I've honestly never laughed so hard in my entire life...I had to ask my friend to turn off the TV for a minute just so I could catch my breath. Everything from the stupid quotes about wanting to be a space man, to the Patrick's flat hair style, to the green theme as absolutely hilarious - but NOT in a good way. It was a pathetic excuse for a movie, but wow it really blew me away. This movie will break wind before it breaks any records. If you're ready to watch this wretched film, watch it with friends who will make you laugh.
general-melchett 'Tis a shame how this film got such a pathetic rating on IMDb and ended up on the bottom 100. This film proves that fart humour is still as strong as it ever was, with its rich characters, hilarious situations and original script. Of course, it isn't going to win any Oscars, but it makes for a hell of a laugh, and you really get to know and care about Patrick in a really short space of time - it took 10 minutes for me to get interested in the film. None of the special effects are bad either - not even the outer space scenes are badly done. I don't really care what anybody else thinks - I think Thunderpants is a great British kid's film, that will entertain anyone. Of course, it is as predictable as hell, but which film isn't these days? At least it is understandable and not insulting, and actually carries a very important message that you should ruminate on after the film finishes.This is fart humour at its very best, and should really be a high 6 or a low 7. So I say this to every IMDb voter - get Thunderpants off the bottom 100! 9/10 P.S. To everybody who gave this a 1 - I'd like to see you make your own films and see how bad they truly are before you mouth off about other people's work.
stephen-macbeth A fantastic film that uses toilet humour to spread the message that it is OK to be different.Pebbledashed with fart references and farting, this film is a breath of cabbage filled air wafting through the rose fragranced industry.The main film may be toilet based humour however the underlying message that being different to the crowd is OK is worth spreading in many ways.Whilst not everyone will be amused by the fart jokes, many many people can identify with Patrick's struggle about being different.I laughed out loud through the whole film, and liked it so much I bought the DVD.