R | 09 November 2007 (USA)
P2 Trailers

A businesswoman finds herself locked with a unhinged security guard in a parking garage after getting stuck working late on Christmas Eve.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Space_Noodle This movie will put you in a bad mood. From the slow start, to the cops that could barely give a fig, to the multiple times the girl gets the upper hand on the bad guy only to run off instead of finishing the job. The bad guy of course recovers, and the process starts all over again. I think they covered nearly every cliche here. The bad guy isn't even scary. If there's literally nothing else on, and you really, really need something on in the background, you should still avoid this one. Go carve words into your skin; you'll have a much better time.
Lauren Safford This film actually reminds me a lot of "Vacancy" a movie which I really loved. With the cameras all around the garage, the 2 police officers turning up in the middle, things like car and cell-phone breaking down. and an intense game of cat and mouse. Anyway, I did enjoy this movie, it's well worth a watch if you like thriller movies. I was expecting this to be more of a psychological thriller rather than an action thriller.
meddlecore P2 tells the tale of a lesbian workaholic named Angela, who is trying to get by in a patriarchal world, in which she is expected to put up with sexual harassment- even sexual assault- and the likes. But that is the least of her problems, when- after working late on Christmas Eve- she is accosted, drugged, abducted, and confined, by the lonely, turned misogynistic, overnight parking attendant.He claims that he loves her; that he would never hurt her; and that he wants to help her...despite all his actions, to the contrary. And he doesn't take rejection well.But she isn't quite the pushover he thought she was...and he just may have bitten off more than he can chew. Because she has fight in her, and refuses to go down...no matter what it takes.While most definitely a B-film, produced on a low budget...this film succeeds in winning you over with it's creep factor and extremely realistic gore...of which their is loads.It is replete with tension, more or less, throughout...and the numerous twists- which keep the tables turning, as both sides manage to get the upper hand, at different points- keeps things interesting.The gore is pretty insane- in that it is incredibly realistic. Especially during the most shocking scene in the film, in which a man is crushed to death between a car and a wall.When all is said and done...you can't help but route for our feminist heroine...who is definitely a force to be reckoned with.An unexpectedly great film. Tension filled. Gore laced. And downright entertaining...with an important underlying message!!!Recommended.6.5 out of 10.
asmithee23 I am nutsy-cuckoo for coco puffs for this film. I own a copy and watch every couple of months. This is the story of...pfft, who wants to read a plot synopsis? Neither you or me. The premise is utterly absurd, I'll admit that however, the more you watch it, the more plausible it could be. Roger Ebert, the late, great one, reviewed and applauded it for its' realism, reminding him of the time he got locked inside Hyde Park in London, England. That's sounds like a joke, too but it happened. What makes this story work so well is how real everything is. It's not too extreme in any direction and Rachel Nichols' Angela is equal parts scared, smart and assertive. Bentleys' Thomas doesn't seem scary but that's what make him more so; that ability to seem sane and rational while all the while being a raving lunatic. You know, this movie is mostly in the dark parking garage but you can see everything! There is actual lighting so it isn't a struggle to tell what's going on. Round of applause to Franck Khalfoun, the director, and Maxime Alexandre, cinematographer for that. And Ruth Secord, costumes, she deserved an award for that dress (14 used) Rachel Nichols wore. Sorry, gents, it stayed in place for the whole picture. I guess that's a spoiler. Karl certainly didn't ruin my Christmas.