The 24 Hour War
The 24 Hour War
| 20 November 2016 (USA)
The 24 Hour War Trailers

In the early 1960s, Henry Ford II and Enzo Ferrari went to war on the battlefield of Le Mans. This epic battle saw drivers lose their lives, family dynasties nearly collapse, and the development of a new car that changed racing.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
steveolund I was born in 1966 and obviously had no clue of the state of auto racing or the major players. I enjoyed the historic slice of racing that you touched on and how events unfolded post WWII. I have always known names like mario andretti and aj foyt growing up and I liked a documentary that connected the dots as to why they were big names in their sports. A good blend of entertainment and education and after watching I realize that there are so many other stories that deserve to be told, specifically Carrol Shelby. Well done!SteveO
Jose Lopez The Ford-Ferrari or Ferrari-Ford Battle has been told so many times in Literature and Media that frankly it can became almost boring to me after awhile. I saw this free streaming before deciding to buy it,First off While Corvettes are given their due on how unbeatable they were in American Sportscar racing the 24 hour war seems more like a propaganda piece for The Ford Motor co in selling their new emasculated(read Politically Correct,Ecoboost) Ford "GT"(v6 really?)I lean towards Ferrari Despite not being a A overly big fan of the tifosi (Ferrari Fandom).My bias and outright disgust for all Things blue- oval is legendary(having owned them.)But to the "Film" or "Documentary". first off Chaparral(Chevrolet powered innovations,won outright the Nurburgring 1966)Despite the footage shown of 1965 Sebring the famous deluge race the Chaparral winning the race outright is not Mentioned,FORD did not Win the race,Chevrolet in the form of Chaparral did.From the very start the FACT the Ford GT/GT40 was/is a Lola GT from England with a Ford motor in it is not mentioned,one raced with a Chevy in the Mecom colors in the Form of the original Lola GT at Nassau(the only chevy Engined one,still around today).Corvette Grand Sports Whopped Shelby At Nassau outright,no Cheating unlike Shelby and Ferrari.(Fia Paperwork,legality)The Only REAL FORD was the MKIV and by then it was learned from the GT40 from the Lola GT of British Genius Eric Broadley who Sold the program to ford that how's the GT40 CAME IN to being. First off Ralph Nader is in this "film" a guy who single handley ruined a great innovative car like the Corvair which already had it's fix in only to further his failed political ambitions and stardom does this film no favors.A.J Baime who wrote the fluff-piece of a book "Go Like Hell" about the Ford-Ferrari Battle which read more like a National Enquirer rag than a book in order to probably sell into a Motion Picture(Rumored,hopefully it won't come out.)does the film a disservice,he is not a "Historian"just some liberal NY times guy who compares the ascension of The Ford GT to Obama towards the end of his mediocre book.They say sometimes history can be revised in this case despite some good period footage it has been,facts omitted or lazily just left out.To the non-Gearhead or in the know it's an insult to those seeing or hearing,reading about the story the first time it sadly can become facts.It has some seconds of Great footage on the Dx Corvette driven by Dave Morgan and Don Yenko fro Sebring 67',The unrelated but Similarly colored And somewhat DX-Sponsored,Botany500 Corvette from Le Mans 67.The Bizzarrini another Innovative car chevrolet powered That is a true exotic is shown.the Beautiful Ferraris and yes the slippery and Broadley Designed/derived Ford GTs.I saw a Better movie on The Ford GT lately without all the hype and hyperbole of the Liberal Hollywood Establishment behind it like Adam Carolla.Sadly,History repeats itself now we have the Cheaters in the form of the Current FORD GT which thanks to the FIA has been sandbagging and doing dirty tricks.Buyer/Viewer Beware.
RCOHAN Rotten Tomatoes editor-in-chief is Matt Atchity who is also a good friend of guess who, yep it's Adam Carolla the creator of The 24 Hour War. Coincidence that this movie got a score of 100%? The probability that this little movie, that is appealing to a very small market, would get an ultra rare rating of 100% is zero to none and yet there it is guess it's nice to have friends in high places.
A_Different_Drummer ... is that at times the viewer forgets it actually is a documentary and gets caught up in the action. Adam Carolla achieves such a feat in this film, a feat no less amazing than those of the engineers who built the cars showcased in the story.This is achieved by the most aggressive use of sound bites this reviewer can recall in the documentary medium. And some of the best editing. Even though different voices are talking about different things, it seems TO THE VIEWER that one voice is telling a continuous linear A to B story, from beginning to end.Amazing.As for the story itself, it is indeed iconic because it marks the end of an era when (as explained in the film) it was both possible and even desirable to enter the race with a "factory" build package which in theory even working stiffs could order from their local dealer.Another bonus for Corolla is that he brilliantly manages to coax the viewer to overlook that this is really a David and Goliath tale -- Ford possibly could have purchased Italy itself after Ferrari turned his deal down -- and allows you to think that these two contenders may have been evenly matched. This too heightens the drama.Finally, the coup de grace, the timing makes it possible to have the same personalities who were in the thick of the action appear on camera as they are in 2017 ... which again makes this all the more dramatic.Great film.