Body Parts
Body Parts
R | 02 August 1991 (USA)
Body Parts Trailers

A criminal psychologist loses his arm in a car crash, and becomes one of three patients to have their missing limbs replaced by those belonging to an executed serial killer. One of them dies violently, and disturbing occurrences start happening to the surviving two.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
loomis78-815-989034 Criminal examiner Bill Chrushank (Fahey) has a terrible car accident that leaves him alive but his right arm has been severed. Experimental scientist Dr. Webb (Duncan) convinces Bill's wife Karen (Delaney) to let her perform an operation that would give her someone else's right arm. The operation is a success and after therapy Bill is like new. Bill begins to have disturbing dreams and visions of murder and one day he knocks his son across the room with his arm. Bill knows he didn't mean to and it was like the arm did it without Bill's consent. Bill wants to know whose arm is on his body so a buddy at the police department runs his prints and Bill discovers the arm came from a recently executed death row inmate named Charlie Fletcher (John Walsh) who had murdered over 20 people. With further investigation, Bill learns all of Charlie's body parts were transplanted by Dr. Webb who refuses to do anything about it. Bill tracks down the others who received part of Charlie and they are all suffering from similar problems. The person that got Charlie's head and mind is now slowly going around and taking his original body parts back so no one is safe. Eric Red directs this horror film with an eye on the psychological terror lead character Bill is going through. When Bill sits in a bar contemplating if evil is in the mind flesh or heart we are transfixed as an audience. What Red does very well is mix the emotional side of what is happening to his characters and the extreme violence and gore that is present with Fletcher recollecting his body parts. What could have been extremely silly and over the top isn't due to the nice balance within the story and how it was handled. Jeff Fahey as Bill Chrushank turns in a fine lead performance and the supporting cast is strong as well. Body Parts certainly delivers in the gore and blood department but it is mixed into an involving story that stays believable despite some wild leaps in the story. A haunting and well-fitting musical score by Loek Dikker contributes to a very solid and entertaining horror film which has a lot to offer.
FlashCallahan When Bill Chrashank loses his arm in a car accident, he has the arm of an executed murderer grafted on in its place. The only problem, as he soon discovers, is that the arm is possessed by a force he cannot control.....This used to be a firm favourite of mine when I was a teen, here in the UK, it was a straight to video release, and not many people saw it, so it vanished almost without a trace.Seeing it almost twenty years later, it's aged pretty badly, and although it's a schlocky, hokey horror, it does take the main character too seriously, as supporting characters are a lot more entertaining, and make it the B-movie it should be.It's not Fahey's fault, he's a great actor, and can do nuts no problem, but he just spends the majority of the movie maundering around, cutting himself shaving, or shouting at his kids.The final third makes up for the dull first two, by going bonkers, and upping the gore factor, which, for 1991, is pretty graphic.So it's one of those movies that isn't as good as you'd like to remember, but still watchable fluff.
Foreverisacastironmess Effectively uses it's gruesome premise... Jeff Fahey is a great actor, calling him awful is just plain ignorant. Awful actors don't get to be in 118 different features. He is not one of my absolute favourites, but I have always appreciated his laid back, yet edgy style of acting. Brad Dourif! Dourif by name, somewhat dour-looking by nature! Brad is one of my all time favourite horror actors. It is always great to see him, even in small parts in movies like this. I found it really cool to see him and Jeff Fahey acting together, as they are two actors I really like, and they usually play intense, occasionally mad dudes. Brad plays it with his usual manic flair, and Jeff mostly plays it straight, but I love it cause' I know that Jeff could outdo Brad in terms of insanity if he wanted to. People moan that the film copies golden oldies like The Hand and The Hands Of Orloc...So? Know a lot of films about evil body parts, do you? Because I could count them on one hand(!) There's not enough body-part themed horror movies out there... I love the music theme that plays at the beginning, a few times in between, and right at the end. It starts out kind of silly, and then becomes booming and ominous. To me the music represents the film's grotesque sense of fun, and it's shock value. The film has a very good, slow build up of tension. In my opinion it is not until approximately 44 minutes and 38 seconds in that something actually happens. This film is certainly gory, but not very. It doesn't have too many bloody moments, but the one that I find really gross is at the beginning when Bill has had his operation. The way that his arm looks, all freshly stitched, raw and pink...ew!!! I thought it was an okay, average horror movie for quite a while, but my interest had a boost when it came to the scene where Bill discovers that someone has been grafted new legs.(I know that that one is still an impossibility) The film's main antagonist is the dastardly Doctor Agatha Webb. It is made very clear early on that Dr.Webb has her own dark agenda. It is indeed confirmed later on that Webb is indeed a real psycho bitch who will not give up no matter what and cares not a damn that people have to die for her experiment to reach it's insane conclusion. The two kids in the movie are not very interesting or effective, as they were both such bad little actor's! I remember the boy from Are You Afraid Of The Dark? There is a sequence in a bar that's pretty cool. The three transplantees are philosophizing. Brad and Jeff are sitting there with the other guy in the middle, which struck me as funny, as everyone knows who the other two are and no one knows who he is. Sorry other guy, you were good, too! I actually thought he was kinda cute, despite those ears! There is also an awesome fighty bit where Bill, responding to the pestering and insult of a drunk,(Ouch! That one would get anyone ticked off!)proceeds to take on all newcomers with his super-strong evil arm!!! When it comes to the big finale at the end, I don't agree that it's crap, but it does seem to run out of steam a bit. They could have done it better. It turns out that the evil mantis doctor of death Dr Webb's master plan has been, in layman's terms, to amputate the arms, legs, and head(?)of a serial killer?!, transplant them to "lucky" recipients, while still keeping the original torso alive, to later restore, whether the current owners like it or not, the parts back to the original body. Furthermore, she has an enforcer for this, in the killer, who she has kept alive as a head on an unidentified body. All this is for the purpose of proving some great medical advancement in body part manipulation procedures, or some-such. The seen is very impressive because you see all the reclaimed parts strung up in a chamber around the still breathing disembodied torso, awaiting reattachment. I saw what I thought was a very similar and for me far more effective scene in another surgery based horror movie that came out 15 years after this one, and that movie was Autopsy. I bet a lot of people hated or were very unsatisfied with the ending, and I could see why, but I personally loved the ending. I thought it was a different and perfect way to end the picture. It ends like this: the nightmare is over and Bill and his wife are relaxing in a peaceful outdoor scene. He is writing in his journal,(Something that is kind of interwoven that I thought added a lot)reflecting on his experience, and how the arm is now finally truly his. Anyway, they're just sitting there and...nothing happens. No big, last minute fright,(A very nice change)and the credits begin rolling, while lingering on the two, to the film's theme tune. And it's bizarre, and funny, and creepy as hell, and to me it really brings it home that the film was never meant to be taken too seriously. A cool, weird little movie, one that makes you wish you never lose a limb and become ensnared in the evil machinations of a mad doctor! Right on the limb!
Lucien Lessard Criminal psychologist Bill Chrushank (Jeff Fahey) survived from an horrible car accident but he loses his arm. But when a gifted mysterious Dr. Agatha Webb (Lindsay Duncan) manages to find a donor to have a new arm for Bill. When his wife Karen (Kim Delaney) agrees with the doctor for the operation. When the operation is a success and then its takes weeks for Bill's new arm to be working. In fact, he finds his new arm to be much better than his old one. But then, it's starts doing things that he doesn't want to do and being having vivid nightmares. He finds out that his arm belongs to Charley Fletcher (John Walsh). A violent serial killer, who got executed on the operation table. When Bill got his new arm from. But Bill finds out that he's not the only one, who got spear parts from the infamous murderer. Then after meeting two people (Brad Dourif and Peter Murnik), who got spear body parts from Charley. But when Bill wants his arm off, the Dr. Webb refused to do it. Bill has a feeling or two that Dr. Webb is not what she seems to be and he feels, there's something out there is coming for him.Directed by Eric Red (Bad Moon, Cohen and Tate, Undertow) made an intriguing horror film with some effective moments of suspense and thrills. This was an box office disappointment, when it was released in the summer of 1991. The critics were not kind to this movie as well. Sure, the premise isn't original anymore. But director Red tries to make something different here by adding some neat ideals to the already often filmed premise of the picture. The underrated Fahey gives an strong performance. Dourif gives an memorable small role as the artist, who finds sudden success with his paintings. Red does his best work so far as a filmmaker here. Red wasn't made a movie or wrote a script in years but it seems, he trying to make a comeback with his latest work "100 Feet". That film will be released sometime in 2008. Like most of Red's works, "Body Parts" has become a cult classic. It's certainly one of the most underrated horror movies of the 1990's. Effective music score by Loek Dikker. Insipred from the novel "Choice Cuts" by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac (Which they wrote the classic book together "Diabolique"). Co-scripted by the director and Norman Snider (Dead Ringers, Rated X). Screen-story by Patricia Herskovic (Producer of cult classics like "Deadly Blessing", "Mother's Boys" and "Toy Soldiers") and Joyce Taylor. Don't miss it. Panavision. (****/*****).