Faces of Death II
Faces of Death II
NR | 10 November 1981 (USA)
Faces of Death II Trailers

Brief scenes of death related material: mortuaries, accidents and police work are filmed by TV crews and home video cameras. Some of it is most likely fake, some not as much.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
MovieGuy01 I did not think that Faces Of Death 2 was as good as the first film. But much of the film is the same as Faces Of Death with scenes of death related footage. A lot of the film is done with home video cameras. Most of the film footage seems fake like in the first Faces Of Death film. I found most of the film quite shocking and disturbing to watch, such as scenes that were filmed in Mortuarys, I would not recommend people to watch this film unless they are able to take what is shown on screen, as most of it is quite disturbing to see. I have all of the Faces Of Death series on DVD , and i still find the first film the best of them all. 4/10
fod1218 Faces of Death 2 does not live up to the pure gore style of the first film, which makes it not quite as good. The one thing that makes this film stick out is the amount of real footage. Faces of Death used fake footage to get fame, which was okay because the footage was still so graphic and disturbing that it didn't really matter. But almost all of the footage found in Faces of Death 2 is real, with the exception of a few scenes, such as the drugstore shootout. It has some good stunts gone wrong, a few disgusting animal scenes, and a really brutal boxing match where a heavyweight takes on a man who looks like he hasn't eaten in five years. Faces of Death 2 isn't the best in the series, but it isn't the worst either.
davelawrence666 This is simply a continuation of the first film. More of the same bits of footage thrown together interspersed with a supposed Doctor of Death patronisingly telling you why you should be shocked and think about what you are seeing. Watch it if you had any form of enjoyment or interest from the original.
easy e-3 I was relatively kind in my review of the first "Faces of Death" movie. Sure, it was utter trash, but I could see at least a reason for its exsistence: to scare the hell out of people. The sequel's only goal is to make more money off the original's infamous reputation. What kind of inspiration is that? The idea of a film comprised of footage of real people and animals getting killed in front of the camera is sick and disturbing. The first time around, there was merit, the idea of making more, just for the sake of making more is totally wrong. (F) Not Rated, but equivalent to an NC-17 for continual graphic carnage and gore from man and beast.