Faces of Death III
Faces of Death III
| 10 March 1985 (USA)
Faces of Death III Trailers

The third installment of the infamous "is it real or fake?" mondo series sets its sights primarily on serial killers, with lengthy reenactments of police investigations of bodies being found in dumpsters, and a staged courtroom sequence.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Luecarou What begins as a feel-good-human-interest story turns into a mystery, then a tragedy, and ultimately an outrage.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Stevieboy666 Michael Carr is back as Dr Francis B.Gross to narrate a series of faces of death. These include motor accidents, serial killers, sex murder, drugs, suicide, diving accidents including a shark attack, dog attack, slaughterhouses plus some open heart surgery. Only the latter two are definitely genuine, the rest being obviously re-enacted. Quite poorly too in most cases, and a lot of it is just a rehash from parts 1 and 2. In Britain the BBFC cut it by 78 seconds, a scene of sexual violence but having watched the missing footage online I don't understand why as they have passed more graphic film than that. Having seen the first 2 FOD movies then it was worth watching as an addition, though it is inferior to both.
hamfiver Okay, first of all, if a man is being convicted for the rape and murder of a woman, and the main piece of evidence against him is a hand-held video of the assault, one would think the law might also want to go after the guy holding the camera. This "documentary" is populated with shaggy-haired mustachioed police men and soldiers who all look alike and spout such incredible kitchen sink moments as, "this place is going to hell!" and "I hope someone gets those bastards!" And I swear to god that the narrator said a cut could become "infested". If you're looking for wild animals attacking sides of beef dressed in coats and hats (the beef, not the wild animals - that at least would be a curiosity) make this your first stop.
duce122 Faces of Death 3 (1985) D: Conan le Cilaire (John Alan Schwartz). Michael Carr, John Alan Schwartz. Incredibly fake third entry in the FACES OF DEATH series is nothing more than a collection of re-enactments and cheesy acting in supposed `death footage.' The piece on `serial killer' Michael Lorenzo (played by director John Alan Schwartz, credited here as Conan le Cilaire) is especially dumb (and badly acted). What's worse is the budget looks larger this time around, proving that you don't have to be low budget to create cinematic trash (if you even want to describe this monstrosity as `cinematic'). Being a subject in a death clip (being burned alive or hell, why not getting my throat slashed) would be preferable to having to sit through this junk. RATING: 1 out of 10. Not Rated (MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY).
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki The "Faces of Death" series nearly bottoms out here, with nothing more than one video-taped reenactment after another. The original film dealt with various cultures preparing for death. Part II dealt primarily with stunts gone wrong. This film focuses largely on serial killers, or mock serial killers. A lengthy sequence involving a supposed killer on the loose in what was called 'a major city in the United States' goes on forever and is obviously fake - why don't they ever mention where this crime supposedly took place? I don't think that any of this footage is real, except for the scenes in the slaughterhouse, but you can watch the first movie to see that. The sequence allegedly depicting the serial killer/ rapist (played by the writer/ director John Alan Schwartz) looks like it was filmed in someone's garage, and it probably was. The tired, sickly looking narrator only appears on screen for a few minutes in the entire movie, and his scenes look like they were shot on a camcorder.The German version of this one includes a couple of sequences not shown in the US version: a guy in an ape costume is supposed to be Bigfoot, "proving his existence". A clergyman, possibly played by writer/ director John Alan Schwartz's brother, James, in a ridiculous looking beard, driving and speaking German poorly, on his way to perform an exorcism, in the following scene. After the suicide jumper's death, police speak to his wife, before putting her in a squad car (with absolutely no identifying markings or names, pretty much showing us that the sequence is faked)