Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
R | 21 October 1988 (USA)
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers Trailers

Michael returns to Haddonfield for Jamie Lloyd -- the orphaned daughter of Laurie Strode -- and her babysitter Rachel. Can Dr. Sam Loomis stop him before the unholy slaughter reaches his innocent young niece?

Daninger very weak, unfortunately
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Gresh854 It's quite humorous when you think about it. Halloween III tried to be completely different from the original Halloween which resulted in pissed off fans, and Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers tried to be nearly the same as the original Halloween but still resulted in pissed off fans like myself. The only difference between Halloween 4 and the original, is that this reimagining is drastically worse. They should've just called this one "John Carpenter's Halloween: Mediocre Edition" if I'm being frank. The newer films simply can't capture the raw and evenly paced direction that at least the first two entries enticed. With that aside, I'm glad they at least beefed up Michael Myers in this one. This is the #1 Myers you don't want to mess around with. Well, that aside Austin Powers.Also, the ending was cute as hell. You'll know what I'm talking about if you've seen the film.
benfrancis-40945 Halloween 4 is one of the best films within the franchise, with its simple storyline and great scenes, matching the basics of the original. Danielle Harris shines as Jamie, and Ellie Cornell is amazing as Rachel becoming the hero in the end. Donald's plesences returns as doctor Lumis and does one of his greatest performances in this entry. The plot flows nicely, and the cast and characters are highly likeable, which makes you root for them in the end, making the movie more suspenseful and engaging. Some of the best scenes are the rooftop chase, the gas station scene, the truck scene and the cliffhanger ending.
TheLittleSongbird John Carpenter's 1978 'Halloween' is wholly deserving of its status as a horror classic. To this day it's still one of the freakiest films personally seen and introduced the world to one of horror's most iconic villainous characters Michael Myers.Which is why it is such a shame that not only are all of the sequels nowhere near as good but that the decline in quality is so drastic. Ok, the original 'Halloween' is very difficult to follow on from, but most of the sequels could at least looked like effort was made into them. 'Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers' may still be no great shakes but actually is one of the better and more watchable 'Halloween' sequels, better than the previous two sequels and much better than most of the ones that were to follow. Lets start with what is good first. Donald Pleasance and Danielle Harris are very good, particularly Pleasance, who is just as creepy and deranged as Michael Myers himself. Ellie Cornell is sweet without being too much so and doesn't overdo it too much.A few of the deaths are unsettling, especially the first one, and the settings and the music score are suitably eerie. Things are taken more seriously than the previous two sequels and it's not as stupid or illogical while the characters are nowhere near as annoying as before. Praise is given for returning back to its roots somewhat and it feels more of a 'Halloween' film than 'Season of the Witch' which tried to do something different but failed.However, 'Halloween 4' has its issues. Pleasance, Harris and Cornell aside, the acting really isn't worth mentioning, something that was expected but even by 'Halloween' sequel standards it was really terrible. The less said about the even worse script the better, was not expecting much from the dialogue in the first place but again by the sequel standards the cringe factor was high. The characters may not be as annoying here but they are incredibly dull.Praise is to be given for returning back to its roots, as said, but like the second film it is too much of a bland retread with very little, if anything new, with scares, chills and suspense seriously lacking and most of the deaths having little imagination or the shock factor. The ending didn't feel that well rounded off, some of the film is sluggishly paced and directed (but not as inept as in 'Season of the Witch') and the cinematography on the most part is too dark.In conclusion, watchable if no great shakes. 5/10 Bethany Cox
Eric Stevenson After the commercial failure of "Halloween III: Season Of The Witch", the "Halloween" franchise decided to go back to making all of their movies about Michael Myers. I admit this film isn't terrible but it really is bad. Michael Myers returns to kill his niece. Honestly, this movie just come across as being bland. There was nothing interesting about it at all. Like all slasher movies, this was when the series started becoming repetitive. It's Michael killing members of his family and that's about it.The only thing I could really remember as being different was when the niece attacks the woman at the end. Maybe it's just because that was the end! Donald Pleasance as Dr. Loomis appears in this and he basically just gives the same speeches and the same ways to kill Michael that he did in the previous movie. This film is just pointless as Michael obviously isn't dead, but I suppose there's nothing to really hate because it's just another slasher movie, which I'm not a fan of. Those bullies took a liking to the girl rather quickly. **
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