Halloween III: Season of the Witch
Halloween III: Season of the Witch
R | 22 October 1982 (USA)
Halloween III: Season of the Witch Trailers

A terrified toy salesman is mysteriously attacked, and at the hospital, babbles and clutches the year's most popular Halloween costume, an eerie pumpkin mask. Suddenly, Doctor Daniel Challis finds himself thrust into a terrifying nightmare.

Alicia I love this movie so much
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
lukemarron This laughably terrible, pathetic piece of crap is so beyond awful that after purchasing the complete Halloween blu-ray boxset I threw this cringe-worthy nonsense straight in the trash the second it finished. Absolutely ABYSMAL. I'm sure some tasteless loser fanboy would've paid $100+ for that rare boxset version of this "film", but I genuinely preferred to lose out on the money and send it to the dump where it belongs. Even Rob Zombie's horrendous Halloween 2 is OSCAR WORTHY compared to this B-movie (Z-movie) gorefest failure. Hurry up and add a ZERO out of ten option already, imdb. I feel genuinely bad even giving this a 1/10, which it in NO WAY DESERVES!
lorcan-61881 Halloween 1 & 2 were box office smashes and it was not long before a third film was announced for a 1982 release, and I'd say they were more excited when they heard Debra Hill and John Carpenter were returning to produce..then they saw the TV spots on television..ewww, that must not have been good. When Halloween III opened that night in theaters, lets just say the ratings were not as good as the first two. The film takes on a completely different plot having no connections at all to Halloween and follows a famous company who are known for making Halloween masks and when a young girls father dies, she begins to suspect the mask incorporation have something to do with it and soon they discover what actually happens when you watch the commercial with your mask on. Halloween III is an amazing film, the acting is incredible, the writing is fantastic but I think Hill and Carpenter should have known waaaaaay better not to do this to a big franchise waiting for a masked killer slasher film. Halloween 3, though, is a brilliant film, but not a slasher film
Zom-Lassic The original idea was let Michael Myers die, and do a different Halloween movie every year, with a different story, this idea obviously failed, because Michael Myers never dies, and people apparently want to keep seeing him killing people and not dying at the same time. But I like Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch, I understand the argument, that it doesn't go with the other Halloween movies, so in my opinion, call it Season Of The Witch, if the the complete title bothers you. This film is pretty scary, the idea itself is probably more scarier than Michael Myers himself. It's not a perfect movie by any means, but it's strong very effective, extremely violent horror movie. The over the top, playing of the silver shamrock commercial can be annoying, but I think that's the point, so when we learn the secret of it later, we can understand the crazy nonstop promotion for it. The one that did really bother me, was making making the 2 leads have sex every moment, I mean isn't that girl supposed to very depressed, over seeing her father's brutally killed corpse, and the point is to find out what happened to him, wow, she really got over that fast, she now just wants to have sex, very unrealistic. But that's really my only problem with this movie. The score is brilliant, the death scenes are extreme, and pretty memorable, and it's definitely not boring at all. Tom Atkins give a strong performance as the doctor who slowly finds out, the true horrifying meaning of the Silver Shamrock commercial, and Dan O'Herlihy is downright evil as the owner of the Silver Shamrock company. Filled with some really creepy moments, and a disturbing, haunting question mark ending, I really have to say, I enjoyed Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch a lot and I highly recommend it.
Fabiano Lourenço Horror franchises are naturally inclined to become stale, obvious and boring after a while, say, after the third or fourth installment, when the formulaic script simply has nowhere else to go. There's no reason whatever to supposed the same wouldn't happen with Halloween. Everybody knows John Carpenter DID NOT want Halloween to become a franchise. But the first two movies made a lot of money, and then they decided they HAD to release a new Michael Myers story every couple of years, if only to satisfy fans of easy and predictable slasher flicks. The third installment in the franchise- Season of the Witch- was a huge departure from the story told in the first two parts- and was also a sign that the real intention was to create a collection of stories based on Halloween, but independent of each other. Of course, it did not succeed, and in the fourth chapter there we went to meet our "dear" Michael Myers and his endless thirst for blood again.It was really a pity things went this direction. Because, truth be told, every Halloween sequel was worse than the previous one, with an indestructible killer who simply was a "seasonal" variation of Jason Vorhees, and all the writers had to do at a certain point was creating a new excuse for bringing Michael back, because the killer invariably ended "dead" or severely injured in each chapter. The rest of the "plot" was basically the same in every movie: Halloween night, Michael comes back to Haddonfield, people are sure he's either dead or only a legend, he starts to kill everyone in sight, someone realizes he's alive, there's a relative of his that he's willing to kill, etc, etc.If this third installment in the franchise had been successful, things could have been different. And instead of having THE SAME MOVIE over and over again, we could have now a very interesting collection of good horror stories. Why didn't this work out? My theory is very simple: this didn't work out not only because people wanted Michael Myers back after his hospital bloodbath in Halloween II, but also because Halloween III: Season of the Witch is a very, VERY bad movie. People might have thought: If the other installments in this series be like this one, then we'd rather have Michael Myers coming back every damn year for more of the same.What can I say not to "spoil" (sic) the party of anyone else? Well, I will not describe the "plot", yet I must say this film does not have any sense whatsoever, bad actors, bad story line, horrible villain, pathetic death scenes, and you end up asking yourself if what you're seeing on screen is really for real. The movie does have a promising beginning, but it all goes downhill from there. I must confess, being a John Carpenter work, the soundtrack is eerie and fantastically atmospheric. Yet the story being told does not deserve a good soundtrack. I think the best way to describe this thing is: bizarre. It's really weird, but not in a positive, Kafka kind of way. It's weird because it doesn't go anywhere and has an awkward story line.I will not give any spoilers, so go and watch for yourself if you haven't yet. I can assure you that you'll understand why the chose to bring Mike back after this "thing".