R | 31 October 2006 (USA)
Heartstopper Trailers

Two hospitalized young people discover that things can get even worse when the dilapidated institution is stranded by a severe storm and a maniac stalks the corridors butchering the patients and staff.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
atinder saw this the day before yesterday, My computer is acting up as, I know I posted this yesterday! lol I was not expecting much from this movie at all, I heard nothing but bad things about this movie.Well it was not one of the worse movies I have seen, I am not saying it was great even that good I liked the plot of the movie, I liked how started, the movie flowed really well from the start to the end. There were some blood deaths nothing really gory, deaths were all kind of the same. The acting was watch able at best!4 out of 10
Paul Andrews Heartstopper starts late one stormy night as convicted serial killer Jonathan Chambers (James Binkley) is executed in the electric chair, he is pronounced dead & taken to a nearby hospital to undergo an autopsy. However en-route Sheriff Berger (Robert Englund) runs into a suicidal teenager named Sara Wexler (Meredith Henderson) crouched in the middle of the road, she is put in the ambulance along with Chambers dead body & taken to the hospital. Sara is seen to & Chambers body is taken to be autopsied, however Chambers isn't dead & comes back to life. He needs to change bodies & Sara is it, he stalks the corridors of the hospital looking for her & ripping out the heart of anyone who gets in his way...This Canadian production was directed by Bob Keen & one has to say that Heartstopper isn't the most enjoyable was to spend 85 minutes. The script by Vlady Pildysh & Warren P. Sonoda takes itself very seriously & seems to have taken it's inspiration from Wes Craven's Shocker (1989) & House III: The Horror Show (1989) with it's evil deranged killer back from the electric chair type plot, in fact when I think about it there hasn't been an evil deranged killer back from the electric chair type horror film for quite a while which is understandable really. Here in Heartstopper no explanation is given as to why or how Jonathan Chambers survived & came back from the dead, none. Sure there's some sort of living tattoo on his arm & he has some sort of magical pendant around his neck but no concrete explanation is given at any point. Once Chambers comes back to life Heartstopper goes into standard clichéd & predictable teen slasher mode as the rest of the film is spent running around the darkest hospital in film history with Sara & some black dude trying to survive, at no point does anyone suggest they should try to phone anyone which is odd. When the lights go out why don't the generators come on? Why is it so hard to find a way out? Can't they just open a window & climb out or something? One character remarks whether it's a hospital or a prison which is a very good point, I can't believe there is not one single exit or window they could have left through. The character's aren't great, the main teenage leads are annoying & Chambers as a villain is awful as he spouts some really bad dialogue which I suspect was meant to be scary & meaningful but ends up sounding terrible, he just has no on screen menace at all.Director Keen started off in the horror film biz as a special effects make-up man working on films such as Krull (1983), Lifeforce (1985), Highlander (1986), Hellraiser (1987), Waxwork (1988), Candyman (1992), Event Horizon (1997) & Dog Soldiers (2002) amongst others & has more recently turned his attention to directing. No offence Bob but stick to what your good at & directing isn't one of them. Heartstopper is set in probably the darkest & most underpopulated hospital in history, there's about six doctors & six patients! There is a fair amount of gore which saves Heartstopper from being a complete dud, there are the expected ripped out hearts, someones stomach & chest are torn open, there's scalpels in eyeballs & slashed throats, there's mutilated bodies & corpses with their faces torn off & there's plenty of blood splatter too. I wouldn't say Heartstopper is scary, in fact because of the distinct lack of lighting it becomes very frustrating to watch. There's an annoying scene near the start where the doctor is about to perform the autopsy on Chambers body & ask's for the lights to be turned out! I have never performed an autopsy myself but I would imagine being able to see & having the lights on was a basic requirement!According to the IMDb Heartstopper had a budget of about $3,000,000 which I must say does sound quite a lot for what actually ended up on screen, there's nothing here which stands out although it is well made with good special effects. Shot in Ontario in Canada. The acting isn't great, it's alright but not great. Mr cameo himself Robert Englund makes yet another smallish appearance in a cheap horror flick, he's made a career out of it hasn't he?Heartstopper is an OK teen slasher, it only lasts for 80 odd minutes so at least it's short & there's a fair amount of pleasing gore but a silly script that has lots of loose ends & an annoying location means this is average at best. Heartstopper isn't the worst slasher out there but it's far from the best, you can do better if you try.
gavin6942 A girl stands in the middle of the road, gets hit, and ends up sharing an ambulance with a serial killer who allegedly died in the electric chair. Well, he didn't die. And he is looking for the girl (Sara Wexler), which is coincidentally fairly easy, being in the same hospital.Some of this movie is pretty good. The electric chair scene is alright, the coroner scenes are pretty good. And I especially have to give a hand to Robert Englund. I was afraid he would show up for five minutes and then disappear, or give a lackluster performance to get a paycheck (like Jeffrey Combs and Lance Henriksen seem to be doing lately). But Englund gives a great performance, and plays a hero brilliantly and with more passion than I've seen from him since "Slashed Dreams". Thank you, Mr. Englund.The plot is shaky. A killer who survives the chair... well, I want to reference "Shocker", but should I? (If the director has a Shockeresque killer and casts Robert Englund, does he have a Wes Craven fetish?) Anyway, it's something hard to pull off because there are already many immortal slashers out there. Further ,the plot is just weird -- the string of coincidences around the Sara Wexler character... I don't know. Hard to believe.And what's with the ripping out of the hearts? Okay, I get it -- he's a "heart stopper". But he puts his hand through a chest -- bones and all -- and pulls the heart out without blood and with neatly sawed off arteries. Weak, very weak. Maybe I can believe this in "Temple of Doom", but not here.So yeah. I might be a little harsh. After all ,this isn't pure rubbish like "Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis" or any number of other films I could name. But I felt I was short-changed as a viewer. You set me up for what could be a great supernatural slasher flick and then really drop the ball at the key moments. Thanks a lot. I make no recommendations for this film to anyone.
Skirmantas Petraitis I watched this movie just because of Robert Englund (best known as Freddy Kruger from "Nightmare on ElmStreet"), but I was disappointed! This movie looks just like cheap 80's slasher movie (exaple: "Nightmare on ElmStreet" latest 4 sequels). This movie became a disaster at the end, when Chambers has been taken by tornado.Young actors acted nice. Meredith Henderson and Nathan Stephenson had show, that they can act very good, so some producers had to take them to better movies. Other actors acted fair. Robert Englund is still a good actor, but this movie has not been watching, if you're the fan of Roberts character Freddy Kruger. Plot of this movie was average (except ending).So, I give a 4 to this movie, but I was thought about 2 or 3.