The Haunted Airman
The Haunted Airman
R | 31 October 2006 (USA)
The Haunted Airman Trailers

An injured RAF pilot, confined to a wheelchair is committed to an eerie hospital where he starts to lose his mind.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
adonis98-743-186503 An injured RAF pilot, confined to a wheelchair is committed to an eerie hospital where he starts to lose his mind. The bad thing about The Haunted Airman is that it's trying to be some kind of Shining meets 12 Monkeys but you see there's one problem: Those films had a great story and a great cast when this film has none of that. Personally i like Pattinson as an actor but he doesn't get to do a lot of stuff in this film except to f*ck his aunt in law and just starting to go insane every once in a while. The acting isn't that bad it's just that the story and the characters as a whole is a mess i don't give a damn about anyone or anything and it's just that it's a boring mess it takes forever to lead somewhere and even more to actually do something. If you like Pattinson or movies of this kind? Prepare to be very disappointed.
cate_gorski YES, THERE ARE MASSIVE SPOILERS IN THIS POST.Does it matter? ..... no.No, no, and no. One hour and ten minutes of my life and a dollar and ten cents that I will never get back.Not to say it didn't have a certain... theoretical something. But Barney on a cracker, it was bad! Movie! You are supposed to have a PLOT. Not a series of oft-unintelligible images framed by a well-regarded actor, a pretty older gal and a semi-hot teen heartthrob who is famous for acting intensely disaffected. Or is that disaffectedly intense? Whichever one, he does. For the whole movie.I rented this thinking: hey, young Leo DiCaprio wasn't at all bad when he had leeway to ACT (even before Aviator, in which he was rather awesome). I liked Pattinson as Cedric Digory well enough. I think I'll give the shiny vampire kid a chance.*sob* Oh, I rue the day...To add insult to injury (do those TV lawyers do pro-bono for intellectual bludgeoning?), every time I thought something would HAPPEN... it turned out to either be a 'dream' (ARGH! CHEAT!!) or some never discussed again empty plot point.Except for the suicide. Who then comes back. To... haunt him? Give friendly advice with a mute child from... the bombing??? I JUST watched this dreck an hour ago and I have NO IDEA.Save yourself the agony: it's not the actors faults (probably), the script should have been tossed on the 'interesting but only for a short story' pile, the director should have called in sick (it might have been better! Julian Sands would have been, I'll wager), and the cinematographer... needs to STOP WATCHING MICHAEL BAY FILMS. Not EVERY SCENE that you want to be DRAMATIC needs to be filmed by HAND by a person suffering chronic Jazz Hands Syndrome!! Sorry to get so shouty, but... OK, any movie that starts with the Vienna Spooks Choir "AAAAAHHHH!"ing spookily as the camera pans through spooky trees to a spooky house while using a spookily blue filter (for almost the entire bloody movie) needs to be shot. Erm, never shot. Yes. Never shot.My tuppence.
mikentami1116 If there was a lower rating than a 1 star, this movie would earn it. This movie has Robert Pattinson in it, you get to see his pretty face. That's about the only thing this movie has going for it. The plot NEVER comes to a climax, when the movie ends you find your self wondering.."OK....what exactly was the plot?". Truly pathetic and please do not waste your 99 cents for the rental price. Just Awful! In fact I'm having a hard time finding the words to write a minimum of 10 lines to describe it. At no point in this movie do you truly know who were the bad guys. So many appeared to possibly be involved yet in the end you still have no clue. Never once do you get any idea of why he constantly saw spiders. Who killed the other patient? It never comes to a close. It's almost as if they tried to make a twisting plot movie and then abruptly after drawing out the openers for too long came to a halt.
Gertrude Fletcher NOTHING HAPPENED IN THIS MOVIE!!! I figured it was just a slow starter and kept watching. Then the credits started rolling. ????? Neither the character development or the plot have any substance. I came into this with no bias (i.e., I am not a crazy Twilight fan but I wasn't going to discount this without cause). There really is no point in watching this movie. I didn't find it unbearable and torturous as some other reviewers did, but honestly there was nothing to be gained from having seen it. The best thing I can say about it is... at least it wasn't 2 hours long. There is so much emotion that could have been tapped into considering the subject matter... this really fell short. I would not recommend this to anybody except a preteen girl who isn't really watching the movie anyway, just staring at the average looking actor who plays a crappy sparkly vampire elsewhere.