The Good Night
The Good Night
R | 25 January 2007 (USA)
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Gary, a musician, is trapped in an unhappy relationship with his live-in lover, Dora. He becomes enthralled with a beautiful seductress who enters his dreams, and tries to control his dream-state so he can spend more and more time with her. When Gary sees his mystery woman's face on a bus billboard, he discovers she is real, and fate brings him an opportunity to meet her.

Micitype Pretty Good
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Vlad Patryshev I was glued to the screen. Since I myself wrote a similar story a while ago (no copyright claims, just a pleasure to see similarly-thinking minds), I felt like I am in my own dream.The movie is much deeper though. This is a piece of art, and thank you, thank you, Paltrow people!Penelope Cruz plays two characters here, an imaginary one, and a real one; is not she great? Gwineth Paltrow, she's (as always) the most natural actress in this world. Please don't take this movie lightly, it's a serious one. The description says it's a comedy - to the extent that all our lives are comedy.
Chrysanthepop Jake Paltrow's 'The Good Night' tells an interesting story revolving around dreams. I liked the creativity that was used in this movie and the concept behind the story. What if life has become so dull and sad that one prefers living in their dream through lucid dreaming? The storytelling is pretty tricky as it hints and suggests without exactly revealing until the very end. In between the main story, the film jumps into interview scenes with Gary's friend, ex-girlfriend and ex-bandmember talk about him. The dream sequences are very well executed. I liked how Penelope Cruz's voice was modified to suit Ana (who is a figment of Gary's dream). The screenplay is solid. Martin Freeman does a superb job. Simon Pegg is first rate. Penelope Cruz is wonderfully sensual. Gwyneth Paltrow does a fine job and Danny De Vito is terrific. Music is an important component of the film and 'The Good Night' is provided a brilliant score. This is a unique little film that had me engaged throughout its running time and I may pay a revisit sometime later.
bloodymonday "The Good Night" is what Michel Gondry's "The Science of Sleep" would be like in your typical Hollywood production. It tried so hard to distinguish itself by having A-list cast and extra cool music. But without intriguing script and visual creativity, this story tends to be bland and pretty uninteresting. In the end, it just doesn't really have anything new to talk about.Gary Shaller (Martin Freeman) is at a crossroads in his life: his job is going nowhere, his wife, Dora (Gwyneth Paltrow), drives him crazy, and he passed his thirtieth birthday four years ago. Add to that his best friend Paul seems to become more successful every time he breathes. Gary is feeling depressed and dejected... until he meets Anna. She's beautiful and smart; she's sexy and funny. Best of all, she's crazy about Gary. Anna (Penelope Cruz) is the girl of Gary's dreams...literally. And that's the problem. Gary can only see Anna in his dream life, so he's got to find a way to carry on the most satisfying relationship of his life, in his dreams. His quest for lucid dreaming techniques introduces Gary to some crazy characters (that is Danny DeVito) who ultimately give him a new perspective on life (credited by IMDb) Nothing wrong with the story of people in midlife crisis and quest to find their soul mate (even you are already being with one). But, for me, the way they presented to us is pretty uninspired. "The Good Night" invite us to go into a deeper layer by examining a various phases of our protagonists. But once we're already feel attached to it, it just didn't really worth afford. We knew that Gary and Dora are unhappy married couple. He's depressed and she's desperate for something fresh in life once again. And we hope that, in the end, they're going to sort things out (whatever that is). Yes, they're finally sort things out. But it's unraveled in a sense of script-wise. For me, I found a difficult time to believe anything that happened in the last act, when Gary attempted to salvage his life.Speaking about the casts, "The Good Night" might have one of the best casts in such a small scale production. Martin Freeman and Simon Pegg are just amusing to watch (their jokes are hysterical and their rapport seemed casual). On the other hand, Gwyneth Paltrow and Penelope Cruz are not entirely memorable (Especially Penelope who just having a very thankless role). And the character that Gwyneth (who might do a favor for her younger brother Jake in his directorial debut) played is just so mean and unpleasant to be around. Having she uttered a lot of f-words is completely unnecessary. And the worst part is she and Martin seemed to have zero chemistry (and that's not a good sign for this kind of film)."The Good Night" may neither break any new ground, nor has a potential to be a great one. But it's seemed harmless to watch. The story is easy to love and appreciate. The casts are just having a good time and it will definitely make you relax while watching it. And that's enough reason to take a look at this one.
Jay Harris Penelope Cruz, & Gwyneth Paltrow, Danny DeVito & 2 UK actors Martin Freeman & Simon Pegg team up in this languid romantic comedy-dram.Jake Paltrow (brother of Gwyneth) both wrote & directed this. It is supposed to be a comedy, BUT I found little to laugh at or even smile about. It tends to verge into a dream state, then back to reality,much of it made little sense to me. Supposedly Freeman & Pegg are popular in the UK, I will hold off further opinion to I see another one or 2 movies with them in it.Most if not all of you never heard of the film,reason is simple.It played only in 2 theatres in the US. one for 3 weeks & the other for one week, Total gross (as per IMDb) under $25,000. the film cost about $ 15 million to make. I also was shown in various festivals.This is be a nice tax write off.Filmed in both London UK, & New York City.This type film would have been shown as part of a double feature when I was a lad. It definitely should never have been shown as a single feature.Ratings:**1/2 (out of 4) 67 points (out of 100) IMDb 6 (out of 10)