Butterfly on a Wheel
Butterfly on a Wheel
R | 27 July 2007 (USA)
Butterfly on a Wheel Trailers

A sociopathic kidnapper methodically pushes a desperate pair of parents to their absolute breaking point.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Steineded How sad is this?
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
sawnbelinda This movie completely disgusted me. The ending was completely unexpected and what made this movie the worst I have ever seen. I do believe that Gerard Butler despised doing this movie and only did it to fulfill a contract he signed and didn't know the ending was appalling. I know that many of you will watch it just to see what has me so overwrought but I warn you will regret it. I love Gerard Butler, Maria Belo and Pierce Brosnan and they put all their effort into it except Brosnan was seriously lacking and overdid his accent. I wish I had never watched it. I need to watch 300 just to get the bad taste out when I think of Gerard Butler and some James Bond for Pierce.
Lele This movie contains NO gore, NO physical violence, almost no bad words. With a few seconds cut, this movie could be OK even for 40s-50s Hollywood standards. PG13 rating reads "some material may be inappropriate for children under 13". I agree, but R reads "under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian". "...for some language and violence." Kids watch much more violence in their schools than in this movie!Anyway, the movie is fine. The story is a universal one. Did you know that India made a remake in 2010? Cocktail IMDb reference tt1821373. And someone can write a plot of a similar story set in XVIII century Vienna, or in ancient Persia and so onActing and cinematography are pretty good. IMHO it's worth to see this movie. My wife asked to me what would have I done in male victim shoes. According to the way I am, when he is not believed in the police station I would have called 911 or I'd go to another officer: I can not stand not to be believed, especially when I tell the truth :)
Leofwine_draca BUTTERFLY ON A WHEEL is one of those twisty-turny thrillers that lives for its next revelation. Unfortunately, it's also a fairly predictable piece of film-making, content to act as a weak reimagining of THE GAME for the most part, with a little bit of DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE thrown in. In essence, Gerard Butler and Maria Bello are the happily married couple who find themselves at the mercy of a sinister kidnapper, played by Pierce Brosnan.My first thought was that Brosnan can't play a villain, and I was right; he's way too sympathetic to be even slightly intimidating. The other characters aren't much better, either; Bello seems to be repeating her role from A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, to diluted effect, while Butler is too gung-ho and action man-y to convince as the trapped and hounded family guy (he was much more effective as the villain himself in LAW ABIDING CITIZEN).We're left with a film that keeps you watching, although it can hardly be called entertaining. Most of the time, the twists are so well choreographed, and Brosnan's character is so calculating, that you can predict what will happen long before it actually does. This type of film has been done too many times to really create much impact these days, and William Morrissey's script doesn't have the oomph that it needs to truly shock or provoke. Add in indifferent direction and you have a rather bland and forgettable movie; nice to see THE X-FILES' Nicholas Lea in a supporting role, though.
Sam Matras I enjoyed watching this movie (on TV). One of my best movie-evenings for several weeks. At first it seems like a movie where the irrational madness of Tom Ryan (Pierce Brosnan) enters the perfect life of a perfect couple (Gerard and Maria). Gerard and Maria are forced into doing things that will eventually destroy their lives. This would be enough to satisfy an action-addict like me, but as the madness evolves Tom Ryan increasingly symbolizes some demonic darkness within this seemingly perfect relationship, a kind of bad conscience leading to a raving night-mare. (My interpretation)At the end Gerard is forced into crossing his final moral boundary, and at this point Tom and Gerard swap their roles in the movie: Tom becoming the protagonist and Gerard becoming the immoral antagonist.Until this point the movie is splendid, but the end including the actual role of Maria is a bit shallow and could have been better written. Nevertheless it is definitely worth watching, partially because of the high-quality music that lifts the movie.