Kiss Me Again
Kiss Me Again
R | 28 April 2006 (USA)
Kiss Me Again Trailers

A married couple decides to test the boundaries of their relationship with a seductive Spanish woman. When an unlikely relationship ensues, all three are forced to rethink their definition of love.

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
slugerama This movie was dreadful. It only gets one star simply because I cannot give it any lower.There was absolutely no redeeming features about this movie. It looked cheap and nasty. Acting was woeful. The dialog was the sort of thing I would expect from something like Party of Five or one of those lame TV series.Jeremy London looked WAY to young to be a professor, (of what I am not sure because I fast forwarded a lot of it). Completely miscast, not sure that he would be right in anything. This was 45 minutes of my life wasted. I said I forwarded through a lot of this.
mas17-2 For first time feature of William Tyler Smith, this movie holds what Smith is best at: the complex analysis of complex relationships with nuances of character that we may see in ourselves. Knowing Smiths work in his short films, it is clear that he has extended his sensibilities (and his love for the female persona and the complexities of women in general) with this movie. As an independent film it shows great promise and a new voice in cinema. The performances (and especially one in particular) are generally excellent and of course Smith's sense of visuals are throughout the movie. Talent starts out raw, and over time matures and develops a polish that takes a director from the ranks of director to the ranks of filmmaker. William Tyler Smith with this film is on his way!
suzanne813 Oh, what tangled webs we weave...Instead of just being about sex, this film is an extremely complex and insightful look at relationships and human interactions. The emotions are intensely subjective and raw, making it uncomfortable to watch occasionally. The vulnerability punctures through the screen due to a stellar performance by the entire cast. If you're looking for the average Saturday night sex comedy, than you might want to pass on this one. However, if you're looking for a 103 minute emotional roller-coaster of passion and perplexity, then definitely check this film out. I'm excited to see what William Tyler Smith has in store for us next.
samgqnemliason Not the best movie ever made, but it was pretty good. The casting was interesting, but somehow it all came together and worked well. Katheryn Winnick's performance is phenomenal... (seeing this film has made me a huge fan of hers) This was a different kind of role for Elisa Donovan and she was excellent, I actually gained respect for her as an actress as a result of seeing this film. Mirelly Taylor has an incredibly interesting part and she plays it well. Jeremy London spends most of the movie reacting to the women around him, and he does it very naturally. Overall the acting is great.This film could easily have been mostly about the sex scenes in it, but it's not. It's about the relationships and emotional connections between the characters, who are all incredibly complex. The emotions are raw at times, in "Kiss Me Again" but it's such an interesting film, I imagine even those that aren't completely enamored with it will still be glad they saw it. Anyone watching this movie with an open mind will find something to love about it.