R | 14 March 2003 (USA)
Spun Trailers

Over the course of three days Ross, a college dropout addicted to crystal-meth, encounters a variety of oddball folks - including a stripper named Nikki and her boyfriend, the local meth producer, The Cook - but all he really wants to do is hook up with his old girlfriend, Amy.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
NateWatchesCoolMovies Jonas Ackerlund's SPUN leaves you feeling dirty, breathless, scuzzy, and like you've just watched a parade of every single facet of Chrystal meth addiction unfold in front of you like a horrible carnival of lost souls and ruined lives. It's a hard flick to sit through, but there's a brutal poetry and gutter stained beauty to the characters lives, and the events that unfold are a nonsensical, dizzying merry go around of calamity, confusion and speed addled insanity. It's my personal favourite film of about drug addiction ever made. Jason Schwartzman plays Ross, whose mission in life is to score the next hit. After a delirious opening sequence set to a calming rendition of Number Of The Beast, he arrives at the home of Spider Mike. John Leguizamo has never had a shortage of energy, and here he lets the ripcord fly off the handle, handling his role like a squirrel stuck in a vat of distiller caffeine, bouncing off every wall in sight and chewing the scenery like a plastic straw. Mena Suvari plays his equally addicted girlfriend Cookie. Brittney Murphy bring surprising depth to her role as a girl who Ross strikes a friendship with. The two of them eventually find their way to the house of The Cook, played by Mickey Rourke. From there the film heads down a scum encrusted rabbit hole of nonsensical run ins, hapless failures and an eventual rock bottom inevitability where every character finds themselves at a place where if they go any further with their lifestyle, there's no return. Rourke finds the emotional anchor in an otherwise manic roster, and even though he's off the wall for much of the film, he has a monologue in the eleventh hour that grounds his role in tragic regret. Very underrated performance from him. Murphy balances the ditsy slut aspects with a maternal yearning for something better than the road she went down. There's a whole rats nest of other assorted characters and cameos running around, from Peter Stormare's aggressive, hilarious narc, to Patrick Fugit's grotesque Frisbee, to Debbie Harry is from Blondie fame as a nosy feminazi. Even Eric Roberts shows up for a brief reunion with Rourke. The film has a heavily stylized, go for broke attitude that pushes the boundaries of what movies have been able to do, in the best way possible. It shows you not from an outsiders perspective what it might be like to observe people on this drug, but gives you a very intimate, non judgmental day in the lives of these manic, lost soul pixies, ghosts of their former selves, enslaved in the mania and constant need for a fix that is their own design. If you can handle this sort of stuff and like the sub genre (Trainspotting, Requiem For A Dream, The Salton Sea etc) then this is a heavy hitting visual and auditory blast of pure experimental cinema, and a total joy to watch. Just bring a barf bag.
RodneyKashmir It's been a week since I've watched Spun and I still can't stop thinking about it. I came in expecting a juvenile comedy full of sex and drugs but what I got was much more. This may be one of the best films I've seen in a long time; the script and the actors were all amazing. The script and the directing portrayed all the characters as disgusting, detestable individuals but the actors made you care about them. When the characters cried I cried, when they laughed I laughed. Nothing about this movie will (or should) be nominated for an award, or receive critical acclaim but some of the actors performances were on level with those of Hollywood legends.The true stars of this movie are Mickey Rourke and John Leguizamo; in every scene they were in I couldn't take my eyes off of them. Their personality and charisma enhanced each and every scene. Jason Schwartzman played an emotionally detached speed head that you never really got close too, but that was the point. He played an emotionless character but it allowed everyone else too shine. Schwartzman's wooden performance made everyone else pop; from Mickey Rourkes P**sy Speech, to John Leguizamo's paranoid rants, to Brittany Murphy's tantrums every actor made me laugh, shout, and cry.I've recommended this movie to all my friends and they loved it. Whenever we meet up we'll start quoting lines until we're all laughing on the ground.I believe you can watch the movie for free on Crackle.com, please if you haven't already watch this movie!
itamarscomix I'm pretty happy to admit that I probably didn't get the most out of Spun. Reading through reviews and IMDb message boards I've found people praising it over and over again for being the most realistic presentation of meth-addicts' life-style ever put on film. That's quite possibly the case; never having taken meth I have no idea. Indeed, it seems that every glaring review comes from someone who has a history with the drug, so I assume the portrayal is accurate. As it is, I can only review Spun based on what I got out of it - which is an interesting film, but definitely not a masterpiece.By itself, Spun has its merits. It's an atmospheric piece, with excellent cinematography and editing; Although it relies too heavily on editing tricks, and almost everything it does was done before in similar ways in more memorable drug-films like Requiem for a Dream, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas and Dazed & Confused. It managed to bring in an impressive collection of actors, both for the leads and for cameos - Jason Schwartzman, Patrick Fugit, Mena Suvari, John Leguizamo and Peter Stormare in one film are a indie-loving hipster's wet dream - and they all do an excellent job, but their characters aren't very interesting. The film manages to convey the idea that methheads are real people with real emotions, but it hammers that idea into the viewer's head over and over again without saying much else.To explain - what Spun lacks, for me, isn't plot per se. Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas or Trainspotting didn't have much of a plot either. But Spun has no depth or heart either. It puts the viewer into the meth experience, it shocks and unnerves - as it should - but it's not enough to make us care. The regular explanation that it's a film for methheads that only methheads will enjoy may have truth to it, but if so its value as a film is questionable. If it's meant to convey an anti-drug message, it's preaching to the choir - because only former meth addicts will know how realistic and thus how tragic it is, while to the rest of us it looks like a zany, trashy, sexy comedy that enjoys the drugs almost as often as it derides them.A six-star rating usually relates to a mediocre or forgettable movie - Spun is anything but. It's also not a bad movie. It's interesting and unusual, but it misses its mark for most of the audience, and it's not original or interesting enough to be worth watching simply as a visual piece. It's funny enough and has enough good acting - Mickey Rourke is of particular note, in the role that may have been the harbinger of his current comeback - but in the end it'll mostly leave you confused.
Firecracka_NFB This happens to be my favorite movie of all time. A lot of people misunderstand this movie when they watch it. YES, the movie does not have a real point, but it does show you how the speed life is. This movie does a great job portraying that, better than any movie i've seen. You could categorize this movie as educational if you wanted. If you know anybody on speed and you you want to know how it's like, watch this and you'll get the picture. This is the best movie in drug cinema. There need to be more films like this.It also has a great cast. I'm surprised and disappointed to see this movie never got to the mainstream. I guess people shy from the truth.