Get Carter
Get Carter
R | 06 October 2000 (USA)
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Jack Carter, a mob enforcer living in Las Vegas, travels back to his hometown of Seattle for his brother's funeral. During this visit, Carter realizes that the death of his brother was not accidental, but a murder. With this knowledge, Carter sets out to kill all those responsible.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
adonis98-743-186503 Jack Carter, a mob enforcer living in Las Vegas, travels back to his hometown of Seattle for his brother's funeral. During this visit, Carter realizes that the death of his brother was not accidental, but a murder. With this knowledge, Carter sets out to kill all those responsible. Get Carter is a 2000 Remake of the same name and stars Sylvester Stallone, Rachael Leigh Cook, Miranda Richardson, Rhona Mitra, Alan Cumming, Mickey Rourke, John C. McGinley and Michael Caine and it's some sort of an "Anti-Revenge Thriller" that received a lot of bad reviews from critics and was a box office flop and although i understand why at a certain degree i didn't find the movie to be that bad as many critics said it was actually a fun and enjoyable movie and Sylvester Stallone gave a terrific performance as Jack Carter and in my opinion he fits the part perfectly plus he had a great chemistry with Rachael Leigh Cook who plays Doreen. Now my major flaw with the film was the rest of the cast that was simply not that good to begin with and even Cain's character was just kinda forgettable at times but the action, the cinematography, the soundtrack and Stallone were pretty good and if you ever find it on TV, Netflix or even on DVD check it out it's no Masterpiece for sure but it's a good action/drama film. (8/10)
johnkmohan As soon as I saw a quick cutaway shot of the wheels of a steam locomotive (when Carter was riding on a modern Diesel/Electric train) less than four minutes into the movie, I knew this movie was going to be terrible. Why on earth would they choose to use blatantly wrong footage?
zkonedog As I sat down to watch this film, I expected very little based on previous "recommendations" and reviews. Remarkably, it still managed to bore, confuse, and altogether turn me off.For a basic plot summary, the movie focuses on Jack Carter (Sylvester Stallone), who returns to Seattle (after spending years as a mob-enforcer in Vegas) for the funeral of his brother Richie. After discovering that Richie was "into something" at the time of his death, and also may have involved his daughter Doreen (Rachael Leigh Cook), Jack goes on a revenge streak that leads him into a dangerous business cover-up.This film fails on so many different levels that it is difficult to even remember them all (but I'll try):-The plot is so confusing that you almost have to "Wiki" the film after viewing to know exactly what transpired. -Besides Stallone's Carter, none of the auxiliary characters stand out whatsoever, thus they tend to blend into each other and only add to the confusion. -Director Stephen T. Kay tries to be a visionary with the camera, but all we get are scenes that don't make much sense, along with scenes so frenetic that it is impossible to even know what is going on. -Try as they might, the writers/producers cannot make Jack Carter an interesting character whatsoever. For the majority of the film, he ruthlessly pursues a gang of business thugs, taking them down one by one. Then, with hardly an emotional scene to swing public opinion, we are supposed to believe he has changed. Not quite.Really, only Cook's Doreen is an interesting character in the film, and she isn't given enough screen time to upgrade the overall plot much, if at all.This "Get Carter" was a remake of the 1971 version starring Michael Caine, and I would recommend the original if only because there is no way it could be as boring, bland, or confusing as this 2000 reboot.
callanvass Jack Carter is a mob enforcer in Las Vegas and heads back to Seattle for a funeral of his brother Richie, who has died under mysterious circumstances. The window of Richie's, Gloria isn't exactly thrilled to have Jack back into the fold for bailing on them for five years, but Jack gets on well with Gloria's daughter Doreen. Jack is willing to do whatever it takes to uncover the truth of Richie's abrupt death. The IMDb rating is about right for this one. I've never seen the original with Michael Caine, can't really compare the two. It's full of flash, glitz, grungy rock music, and style, but it lacks punch. I wasn't satisfied with Richie's story. We don't get enough background on the guy to fully care about why he died. It just felt kinda there, along with everything else in this movie. I'll give it this much, its slick, but it is rather easy to figure out. It's just cookie-cutter. There isn't a ton of action, but we do get a few dandies. A couple of car chases highlight this film and Stallone and Rourke have a nifty scrap as well, if a little one-sided. Jack Carter's reconciliation storyline with his family should have been much more riveting than it was. I should have seen a ton of emotion from a vulnerable family, but I didn't see a lot of it. Stallone's storyline with Rachel Leigh Cook is one of the most interesting things in this film and I wish we saw more of it. It could have elevated this movie a bit. The characters are so poorly developed. Sly is really good as Jack Carter. He's totally bad-ass and enjoyably tough. The sunglasses were a nice touch. He conveys his emotions perfectly. He has one great emotional scene as well. I wouldn't have messed with this guy. It just sucks that Stallone accepted quite a few projects that didn't deserve a man of his talents. When he has enough to work with, he's proved what he can do. Cook is solid as the daughter, I wish there was more of her. Michael Caine is wasted in a thankless role, but he adds pizazz to a throwaway part. Mitra is poor. Mickey Rourke is clearly trying to cash a quick check. Alan Cumming steals some scenes as a weasel. The ending is completely anticlimactic, void of any emotionFinal Thoughts: This felt otiose to me. I was never really bored, but I wasn't all that entertained either. Action fans will be disappointed by the lack of action, but fellow Stallone fans will love his performance. Check it out on a gloomy day and then forget it even exists. It's that type of film5/10
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