Small Apartments
Small Apartments
R | 10 March 2012 (USA)
Small Apartments Trailers

When a clumsy deadbeat accidentally kills his landlord, he must do everything in his power to hide the body, only to find that the distractions of lust, the death of his beloved brother, and a crew of misfit characters force him on a journey where a fortune awaits him.

Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
sol- Hiding his landlord's dead body becomes the least of a social miscast's problems in this offbeat indie comedy starring Little Britain's Matt Lucas. Quirky touches frequently abound as Lucas converses with his dog (who talks back!) and converses with his own reflection (which also talks back) though there is also room to wonder how much here is weird simply for the sake of it; there are several shots of Lucas prancing around in his underwear - even outside he never seems to wear pants. There is one very funny, darkly comic moment as his staging of his landlord's death as suicide backfires, however, best moments here belong to the supporting cast with James Caan as a grouchy neighbour, a near-unrecognisable Dolph Lundgren as an eccentric self-help book author and an equally near unrecognisable Peter Storemare as the odious landlord. The film is so reliant on oddball elements though that things fall apart near the end as the narrative takes a sharp, dramatic turn when Lucas discovers some unexpected things about his brother. The final scene also feels terribly banal for a movie that otherwise has originality written all over it. That said, there is a lot to like in how the events of the film indirectly lead to justice being carried out with regards to two supporting characters. The setting is pretty nifty too with 'Rear Window' parallels in plentiful supply, and the film almost serves as a comical spin on the seminal Hitchcock movie with the extreme oblivion of all residents to the landlord's disappearance - and his body being dragged out in full view at night!
james_crompton-1 This movie out Lebowski's The Big Lebowski. It's that kind of oddball comedy drama. Originally drawn to it because I'm a fan of Per Gessle who does the soundtrack, after watching it I was pleasantly surprised at what a little gem of a movie it is. And what a stellar cast who all shine in their respective parts. Thankyou Netflix for giving me the ability to watch it. Its quirky, dark, humorous, wry, self aware and very random in the kind of way that life is. Not for the prudish or fainthearted though. I can only think that the people who have ranked this so low have not experienced enough of the ups and downs of life to get it. Innocence prevails!
SnoopyStyle Clumsy deadbeat Franklin Franklin (Matt Lucas) accidentally kills his landlord. He must do everything in his power to hide the body. He finds the distractions of lust, the death of his beloved brother and a crew of misfit characters, forcing him on a journey where a fortune awaits him.This is one weird movie. Matt Lucas is a weird white blob of a guy in his tighty whiteys. Juno Temple has a great scene. Dolph Lundgren looks super weird. Just how weird is this? Johnny Knoxville is probably the least weird person in the movie. Add in Rebel Wilson, and this is one weird L.A. apartments complex. Did I say how weird this was? OK then.
Bene Cumb The movie in question is a 2012 American black comedy directed by a famous video maker (Jonas Åkerlund) and tells the story of an odd obese Switzerland-fan (Franklin Franklin, distinguishably performed by Matt Lucas) who inadvertently kills his landlord. All the characters - in spite of their rank in society - are strange zanies, and even if briefly on screen, they are catchy thanks to good/distinctive actors such as James Caan, Johnny Knoxville, Billy Crystal, James Marsden, Peter Stormare, Amanda Plummer, Dolph Lundgren - first and foremost. Apart from crazy moments and depictions, the plot contains several "correct" views on love, friendship, family relations etc, making it hectic and uneven at times, and there are some ending predictability related to the protagonist and bad guys. But as the movie is not long (around 1,5 hours), it is still catchy to watch and you will have your laughs and chuckles.