PG | 15 March 1979 (USA)
Hair Trailers

Upon receiving his draft notice and leaving his family ranch in Oklahoma, Claude heads to New York and befriends a tribe of long-haired hippies on his way to boot camp.

Wordiezett So much average
Executscan Expected more
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
irishm I never saw the play, and it sounds like many of those who have are finding fault with the way the film was done, but since I've only ever seen the film version I don't have any way to compare the two. Treat Williams excels in the role of Berger, and he's supported by a very capable and talented cast. It's an interesting, thought-provoking film with some beautiful music and dancing, and it's very entertaining. Unlike some films of its era, it's still relevant and watchable today.I also find it interesting because in a way it parallels my life when I was that age: I was a small-town Claude type, and I traveled to the big city and got involved with a couple of rather cutting-edge New Yorkers who were amused by my naiveté. They had a completely different lifestyle than mine, but we learned something about each other and accepted one another at face value rather than passing up the chance to become friends just because of our extreme differences. That's a life lesson worth learning.Parents very strongly cautioned: no real violence to worry about, but your kids will be asking awkward questions and seeking the definition of some fairly off-beat words and concepts if they sit through it.
DKosty123 This might be one of the more over rated films on IMDb. For some reason this film was made with no connections to the original play. The 3 writers who worked on this do not have any really great work and 2 of them did no writing credits except the musical book on this film. That work is straight from a play with great music. The play was 1967 and this film is 12 years later. The writers who did work on the original play made changes in the plays characters which make little sense.That gap is an issue. While the film does keep the Vietnam Anti-War theme intact, though it really mentions it very little, it tries to take the hippie movement and make it mainstream in 1979. It was not even mainstream in 1967. Hippies were created by the media to influence a generation of teenagers to try and expand their horizons by tuning in a dropping out. While the media image has an iconic value, a lot of what is presented here is just incorrect.This is not your present Democratic view, as a lot of the music in this one is now considered politically incorrect by modern Democrats. In the 1967 it is not even right. Democrats in 1967 and 1968 were protesting Vietnam, but they were not accepting diversity as this movie portrays. About half the party was supporting George Wallace and segregation then and would continue to do so until Wallace was shot in 1972. Even after that modern Democrats would use racism to divide Americans, rich from poor. Hippies that existed were people who were liberated, which early on in this film is shown, but then there is little in common with these characters and what was the real world. Central Park in the 1960's was full of crime and muggers. They would have eaten these hippies in the park alive. Hippies were more of a reality on the West Coast as California had much less poverty in the 1960's. Cute though is the sequence with the police horses legs, and the other horsing around.The skinny dipping sequence is strange in that several people strip and go in the water, but only the last 2 people in actually come out of the water with their clothes having been stolen.The music is the best thing about this film, as several songs are now golden oldies from the era. The PC people must cringe though at the songs referring to Sodomy, Masterbation, White People, and Black People. The plot towards the end of the film of the Military swaps and road trip of the stolen car to get there are kind of absurd. So is the character whose extremely pregnant at the beginning of the movie and looks less so at the end of the film.This film should have a warning that it tries to reflect the 1960's reality, but instead creates a fantasy 1960's that has almost nothing to do with what was real then. There is only a little of the war protests, and no real peace movement stuff here.Once again, the 12 year gap here has created a movie that you have to try to accept as reality, but needs a reality check. Enjoy the music here and wish that the original message of the stage play survived.That message is not here, and is so removed now it might never be found.
petarmatic I remember when I was growing up in Sarajevo in the 1970*s this film was very popular and always on the repertoire of the state Yugoslav TV. It was a strong anti war film, and it has outstanding music.I watched it many times over and I know most of the songs. I specially went to Manchester in England, England to sing that song. My ex wife and kids watched me with astonishment. Did Daddy go crazy at last? Well I was glad that the locals in Manchester are used to those kind of singers, they told me that they had many before, after all it is an old film.I have to tell you, that if you did not see this film before, this is a must see!
Mimi Andreeva The Musical is completely different category in the cinematography. It's really hard to create a work of art which do not affect by some catchphrases part of the best screen writing but with the whole magic of music that let people's mind fly through the movie make audience entertain. But Hair is not that musical it doesn't let people relax while watching it but make them think and pondering over questions deeply stuck in the human's history of the civilization. The war, and most specially Vietnam War, the consequences after it, the inner shaking that it provokes in human's soul lead Mr. Milos Forman to the path of making that extraordinary piece of pure cinema. A rollicking musical memoir. Affecting drama, exhilarating spectacle, provocative social observer. Fantastic musical, I highly recommend it. We all have to let the sun shine in our souls and realize that from the war nothing good may be borne - if we want to leave a better life we can just if we live in harmony with everything which means to leave in peace firstly with ourselves, and secondly with the others living creatures. What the phenomenal Mr. Forman wants to show us are exactly the ugly faces of the war but by the tragic finale to provoke a feeling of real catharsis that the good will always prevail over the evil.