Small Time Crooks
Small Time Crooks
PG | 19 May 2000 (USA)
Small Time Crooks Trailers

A loser of a crook and his wife strike it rich when a botched bank job's cover business becomes a spectacular success.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Clevercell Very disappointing...
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Python Hyena Small Time Crooks (2000): Dir: Woody Allen / Cast: Woody Allen, Tracey Ullman, Hugh Grant, Elaine May, Elaine Stritch: Delightfully funny comedy about the life of luxury we often dream of. Title suggests class, or lower class. Written and directed by Woody Allen and starring himself and Tracey Ullman as Ray and Frenchy Winkler. We learn that Ray has already served time in jail for robbery but he devises another scheme. He convinces Frenchy to bake cookies in a vacant pizza parlor while he and company tunnel to a safe next door. After flooding the basement it is discovered that the map was upside down. Meanwhile Frenchy's cookies become a surprise success to the point of franchising. Now they have the life they dreamed of and not enjoying it. Clever and witty screenplay is detailed to the best of Allen's craft. Allen and Ullman totally compliment each other as one desires riches while the other desires the simple life again. This will resurrect one last scheme that concludes in hilarious misplaced karma. Hugh Grant is given a promising role as an instructor of wealthy living but this subplot is weak. It is obvious what the instructor's intentions are, and it is beneath Grant's comic abilities. Elaine May steal scenes as a relative who joins Ray in a scheme. Elaine Stritch hosts at one of the mansions that Allen and May make an appearance at. It steals big on laughs and lunacy. Score: 10 / 10
Sandcooler Nobody likes to see Woody Allen complain for 90 minutes more than I do, but "Small Time Crooks" sorta phones it in. It's basically three movies in one, but none of the three really brings much new. It starts of as a comedy about goofy criminals, then it has a (too) lengthy fish-out-of-water act, then finally it goes back to square one and puts in some more love story lines. The characters are never particularly engaging, and Allen himself is surprisingly annoying in this one. There are a couple of bright spots though, and they can come from where you least expect it. For instance: Hugh Grant is really good in this movie. He may not be in it much, but it was refreshing to see him play something slightly different for once. Slightly. The best part of the movie is Elaine May's character though. The idiot character is probably the easiest part to write, but some of her lines are really quite inventive. "Small Time Crooks" is clearly one of the lesser works, but that doesn't really make it bad.
FokszMulder Weak movie, yet it is worth watching. Tracey Ullman is very hot, thanks to some magician working on the set. Tha short skirts and tight outfits, wow. I had to check who the actress is and was surprised that it was Tracey Long legs and all, she is the only good thing about this movie. Allen has lost it I think, he is just riding his old fame's waves and nothing else. Amazing that famous starts are lining up to be in his movies. He is one of the luckiest men giving practically nothing, yet people watch him and wan to be around him. Anyway, watch it ans see if you share my opinion about this one, enjoy Tracey!
travis_iii If you can hold on through some lame one-liners and weak slapstick in the first half-an-hour of 'Small Time Crooks' you'll be amply rewarded with some much better comedy in the second half.There's oodles of comic talent on show (Tracey Ullman and Elaine May playing the dumb and dumber broads are wonderful) and there are enough gems in the dialogue to keep the brisk, frothy plot bouncing merrily along for a thoroughly enjoyable 90 minutes.Comic highlights? Without giving too much away look out for the Sunset Farms documentary at about half way and Elaine May's (she seems to have all the best lines) reference to her first husband Otto. In fact Elaine May, in a rare appearance, is an absolute treat.