27 Dresses
27 Dresses
PG-13 | 18 January 2008 (USA)
27 Dresses Trailers

Altruistic Jane finds herself facing her worst nightmare as her younger sister announces her engagement to the man Jane secretly adores.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
rod-bryans So the TV channel plays this over and over. I lock in for just a moment. But now I'm hooked. Katherine Heigl is a find. She's the genuine article and brings me back time and time again.Previous reviewers have found it corny but good god what isn't. Every plot tripping out of the big movie machine is regurgitated pap. This ground has been played before but Heigl lifts it above the norm. She's heartfelt, sexy and acts the strong supporting cast off the screen. Give it space and let it just flow over you. Man up and enjoy it for what it is. The good guys will love this.Solid plot, strong performances, and Heigl. I'm sold.
Geeky Randy Career-oriented pushover Heigl finally has enough when another woman swoops in on the man she secretly loves (Burns), the only problem… the woman is her sister (Åkerman). Ugh. Then there's Marsden's character pushing his way into conflict, as a cynical writer who tries to win the heart of Heigl. Typical chick-flick that offers as little originality as it does laughs. While the acting may not be terrible, it certainly is insincere—maybe the cast had a difficult time hiding their frustration with being a part of such a dull and empty movie. Even the Elton John music can't lift this cookie-cutter rom-com.*½ (out of four)
tonypolain I just had the sad misfortune to witness this spineless, witless pile of pap.111 minutes of my life totally wasted. There so many far better examples of this genre.It tries to exude an air of smug satisfaction and sophistication, yet I literally cringed at every creaking plot "twist" and baulked at it's puerile attempts at adult entainment. The should be laws against this kind of brain-rot. Just because it is a Rom-com, it doesn't mean that it should get away with the bare-minimum of effort. The only good thing about this film was Bloc Party on the soundtrack
Dresses27 The contributing factors that made 27 Dresses, a 2008 film, a success for me were the plot, acting, originality, and soundtrack. This movie is your usual "chick-flick" by nature. The plot is relatable to the female audience and a great movie to watch while with your girlfriends. The male audience would maybe find some parts funny like those with Marsden but I wouldn't recommend it for men. Katherine Heigl is a hopeful-romantic in search of her groom. Having been a bridesmaid 27 times in 27 weddings ranging from themes like scuba to classic, she is now ready to search for a groom of her own. She has done everything for each and every bride that she has been a bridesmaid for. She secretly is in love with her boss, Burns (George), and believes that he is the one. While daydreaming about her boss, Marsden comes along with his charming ways and tries to weave his way into her heart. Heigl's character is so sidelined by her love for George that she doesn't see it. Along comes Akerman (Tess), Heigl's sister, and Burns immediately falls in love with her. Akerman then asks for her sister to plan her wedding and puts her on track to be the bridesmaid in her 28th wedding. What's one more, right? Wrong. Heigl will not let him go that easily and pulls the crowd with her and she takes on the challenge. Heigl (Jane) and Marsden (Kevin) combine to create a comical yet beloved couple. Their use of wittiness makes for the perfect dose of comic relief in the sometimes awkward situations and it adds to their charm. They are sent to go shopping for Tess' wedding registry and decide to scan all the ugly things in the store to get back at Tess. There are some cheesy lines every once in a while, most frequently from Akerman (Tess), but is not unbearable for us viewers. The originality of the film is what really drew me in. Like I said before, the film definitely follows the outline of a traditional romantic comedy, but not one that is completely predictable. The emotions of the film made it seem like I was on a roller-coaster, but was hard to foretell. In the beginning you have hope for Heigls and Burns' characters and then it quickly fades when Marsden comes into the picture. There is a feeling of hopefulness in the relationship between Marsden and Heigl since there is a spark between Burns and Akerman and the emotions continue from there.The soundtrack is very appropriate to the film and the events in it. The songs are rather catchy and may lead you to sing them for the rest of the night. After watching the film I was singing "Bennie and the Jets" until I went to bed! 27 Dresses is a film that I would recommend to any female and would make for a great movie on a night with the girls. If you are someone that likes movies like The Proposal or The Wedding Planner, then you would like this one as well. While they all have to do with the idea of marriage, they were all either directed or produced by Anne Fletcher. This film will be one of my favorites in my collection and able to hold its own against the others. If I were to rate this film based on my liking out of ten stars, I would give it nine stars.