Confessions of a Shopaholic
Confessions of a Shopaholic
PG | 05 February 2009 (USA)
Confessions of a Shopaholic Trailers

In the glamorous world of New York City, Rebecca Bloomwood is a fun-loving girl who is really good at shopping - a little too good, perhaps. She dreams of working for her favorite fashion magazine, but can't quite get her foot in the door - until ironically, she snags a job as an advice columnist for a financial magazine published by the same company.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Luxurious I actually tried hard to like this movie, I really did. The thing is, RomComs are generally bad with a few gems. It's super weird since Romance by itself is very good, and Comedy by itself is really good. For some reason, they just can't mesh well together. This is because bad RomComs are either super annoying, or they go from RomCom to a torture porn fest. It's actually unsettling. Without further ado, let's jump into this review.Rebecca is the opposite of Andy from The Devil Wears Prada. She is a girl, who has a passion for fashion, working at some random gardening place with a dream of working for this huge fashion magazine. Unfortunately her job goes to Alicia, and she has to settle for a job at a financial magazine (under the umbrella as her favorite magazine if I remember correctly). The thing is, her job is writing a column about giving people financial advise when she's a shopaholic that's thousands of dollars into debt because of her habit. This movie then turns into a torture porn that doesn't make any sense:Why does Alicia hate her so much? They hardly even met, and as far as Alicia goes, Rebecca is Luke's co-worker. Despite all of that, she literally got pleasure from seeing Rebecca get embarrassed at the event. It's not even logical. Derek, the credit card guy, is being a creepy stalker for no reason what so ever. Why harass her? Doesn't he have a life or any other victims to hunt down? The most disgusting scene was when Derek stalked Rebecca on her show and asked her those humiliating questions about debt on national television. This is when RomComs go from slapstick humor, to full on torture. Nothing is funny about a girl being torn to shreds on national television and having to fight back tears. Take in mind that the only crime in this movie that Rebecca has done is shop excessively and lied, yet she gets more torture than a girl who makes fun of other girls and her own career and a girl that played puppet master to some random girl she just met just to get an ego boost. I'm done.
Catherine_Grace_Zeh Even though I haven't read the books that it's based on, CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC, in my opinion, is an excellent movie that can surely teach you about spending money wisely. If you ask me, all of the mishaps that Rebecca (Isla Fisher) got into were hilarious. One reason I said that was because she was always trying avoid debt collectors. I simply couldn't stand Derek (Robert Stanton). Other than that, everything about this movie was great. The production design was great, the performances were top-grade, and the costume design was fantastic. If you're a fan of Isla Fisher or enjoyed the best-selling Sophie Kinsella novels that this film is based on, I highly recommend this movie. You're in for a real treat, so rent it or buy it, kick back with someone, and see it today. I guarantee you that you'll really enjoy it.
SnoopyStyle Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) is a hopeless shopaholic. When she loses her hated magazine job, she gets another one in a financial magazine which she knows nothing about. Luke Brandon (Hugh Dancy) is her new boss. She tries to juggle her lies, her shopping addiction, and escape her debt collector.Isla Fisher is cute and fabulous. This movie treats a very serious problem with cuteness. She almost gets away with it. The debt collector is never truly menacing. The lies she tells Luke are ridiculous. It's stupid how she could ever get the job unless he wanted to bang her. They should have introduced the girlfriend earlier so that the rom-com could take a more central role. And the shocking confrontation with the debt collector could have easily spun into something great for the magazine. That part never made much sense. This is a light fluffy comedy without much of an edge.
Cindy Yaman This is the most under-rated rom-com in the history of cinema! All the more surprising given the sparkling script and a superb supporting cast (especially the mannequins).The director deftly steered the audience to cheer the heroine all the way to the tills. It helps that Isla Fisher has such expressive naivety and impeccable comic timing. Her internal dialogues reflect the lies we tell ourselves, when we become totally "consumed" by our very own grand obsession.Whether we are shopaholics, chocoholics, or plain old alcoholics, the endorphins are released in exactly the same way. And the guilt trip afterwards slowly eats away at our self-esteem, and the drug treadmill cries out for another "high" to compensate. Of course, in calmer moments of sanity, we solemnly swear true repentance. Ultimately, our heroine's attempts at 'redemption' reflects the human fragility of impulsively doing the opposite of the promises we make to ourselves.Hugh Dancy charms us with his take on life: "Cost and worth are very different things". And I must confess that I am a movie-holic, but this film has definitely worth been watching (again).