Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure
G | 19 April 2011 (USA)
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure Trailers

After a talent scout spots her performing with her dog Boi at a charity gala, Sharpay Evans sets off for the bright lights of NYC, convinced instant fame and fortune are in the bag. But theatre's a dog-eat-dog world. Fortunately, Sharpay also meets Peyton, a handsome student filmmaker who finds Sharpay nearly as fascinating as she finds herself.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Mandirenfroe I'm a fan of the High School Musical movies, meaning I love the first one and could go without the second and third on my movie shelf. However, what I loved about Sharpay in the first movie was the scenes with her and her brother, Ryan. They completed each other. For example when it was their turn to go audition for the spring musical, Ryan starts to walk ahead but Sharpay stops him and walks in front of him. He let's her, but rolls his eyes behind her back. Without him, it was just be a self-absorbed Diva being non- humorously pushy with everybody else. Which is what this movie was pretty much about. They tried to have her co-star be an adorable puppy, but it didn't grab the audience's heart or attention. In fact, I honestly could only watch about thirty minutes of this movie before leaving the room. Side character spin off movies or television shows rarely work out. They completely flop if you don't include the things that made them awesome to begin with. In this case, her brother.
kylehaines96 Well this was a very good idea to make into a movie.I can't believe that they made another High School Musical movie this time on the most annoying one of the bunch. Well lets just see how bad this movie really is.The film follows Sharpay played by Ashley Tisdale who wants to make it big and go to Broadway all while having a huge fight with SNOOTY Roger played by Bradley Steven Perry.This is a terrible movie and very unnecessary but Tisdale is not that bad and the last song is not that bad but the songs are not very memorable. Next time I review Judy Moody And The Not Bummer Summer.Rated G.1hr 29min/89min.BOMB/****
annevejb As with HSM, I found the first viewing to be empty, particularly at the start.As with HSM, I found additional viewings to be okay fun.I found it to be an okay Sharpay story. I do not have the extended version so other principals from HSM were not there other than her brother appearing twice in the soundtrack as background music. This story has several songs sung musical style and several as background, drama style.I can like the music, just as much as I can like HSM music. As with HSM, I can really like some of the frocks. So there is storyline, but to me that is not the most important thing with these stories.
neenahhh "Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure" was not needed and a shameful addition to the "High School Musical" trilogy. This movie was just a way to generate money from fans of the HSM movies.This is NOT a movie targeted for teenagers. I felt like this movie's target audience was kids in the 9-12 year-old range! The plot was very shallow and it was so predictable. I already knew how the movie was going to end towards the middle of the movie. It's mostly about dogs falling in love with each other. Thank goodness they didn't add voice overs for the dogs. That would have KILLED the movie even more so.I will say that the acting was pretty decent. Not as awkward as the acting in "Pretty Little Liars" or any other similar franchises. I was expecting the acting to be terrible, but I was pleasantly proved wrong. Actors like Ashley Tisdale and Cameron Goodman made the movie watchable, despite the bad plot. But I did find myself bothered by the horrible lip-syncing. It was just so obvious! That ruined most of the songs for me.I disliked the plot and all its shallowness. But despite that, I'm not giving it a flat 1/10. I have the cast to thank for that. The producers were just lucky that they got real actresses who can actually act. Ashley really saved this movie.Viewed on: May 19, 2011