Lemonade Mouth
Lemonade Mouth
G | 15 April 2011 (USA)
Lemonade Mouth Trailers

When five ragtag freshman first meet in detention, it seems they have nothing in common. But, through music, they form an unbreakable bond and discover they have the makings of the greatest high school garage band in history! In the face of incredible odds, Olivia, Stella, Wen, Mohini and Charlie find they can make a real difference when they learn to lean on each other and let go of everything holding back their dreams.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
zamlazercorn I really love this movie. The characters are likeable, good songs and good story. The perfect family movie
chubbydave Disney high school band movies was trending in the late 00s. This was one of them, and in my opinion, it was the best. You know the story. Some high school kids inadvertently find each other and they realize they have a great band together. There are hurdles along the way, but at the end they're a great band, and the movie also includes some great music. They enter a competition; maybe they win; maybe they lose; but at the end they realize they're great friends. And there's a romantic component thrown in there.What I like about this movie, and it speaks to contemporary politics, is one scene with a girl in a wheelchair. They band plays at a school dance or something. I don't know. But the band is playing an awesome song, and shown are people in the crowd dancing and smiling and having a good time. A girl in a wheelchair is shown, and she is smiling and dancing as best as she can in her wheelchair. What that tells us is that first of all a kid in a wheelchair felt comfortable enough to go to the high school dance. Second of all she was having a good time.Years ago that kid in the wheelchair may have just stayed home. But now we're all one. We're all together. Whether we're black, immigrant, handicapped, gay, whatever.. We're all going to accept you, and whoever you are you can enjoy the band, dance however you want to dance, and you're part of us and accepted in the group. That says a lot.
amoc910 I am always excited about the next Disney movie to come out, because they are hilarious to make fun of. I noticed this movie in 2010, when me and my sister found a page that listed what movies Disney had made, and were going to make. We looked at each other with a matching questioning stare. Then, two years later, I noticed the advertisement. After Disney's absolutely AWFUL creation 'Starstruck', I was very much looking forward to this. I personally love the Breakfast Club, and this movie is basically the Disney Corporation eating the Breakfast Club, digesting it into a musical, and this mediocre movie is the excrement of the process. I think I'll simply list the positives and negatives, because I know if I don't bullet point I know I'll end up rambling and complaining for pages and pages. I didn't care enough to learn their names, except Stella, so I will have to describe them as - ''Zeke Or Luther (I don't know which one he is, because I've never watched the show'', Blonde girl from ''Good Luck Charlie'', ugly slightly popular girl, and drummer-dude.POSITIVES: Characters: -Blonde girl and Zeke or Luther's characters were interesting and in-depth, and I enjoyed their parts. And they weren't bad actors either. I'm actually surprised that the fact Good Luck Charlie's dad was in prison - just the fact that it HADN'T BEEN DONE IN ANOTHER Disney MOVIE! -I unfortunately have to admit that Zeke or Luther guy and Good Luck Charlie girl made a cute couple. And the kitten was ADORABLE. Writing And Directing: -I'll admit that they did in fact attempt to make a movie that reached out to teenagers, and I don't think it completely plummeted in that respect. -The acting wasn't award-winning, but it wasn't a total flop. NEGATIVES: Characters: -Some of the adults in the movie such as the principle and drummer-dude's parents were too dim-witted for my liking. And if there's anything I hate from a kid's movie/TV-show, it's making kids think that parents are stupid. -I seriously doubt any school has a) a that big a basement b) care more about sports than Shakespeare, IT, Chess, music etc. c) a principle that rides a walkway -Can Disney not hire a NEW ACTOR in a while? Stella was in Wizard's of Waverly Place, Good Luck Charlie girl was in, Good Luck Charlie, Zeke or Luther was in Zeke and Luther etc. -Why did Stella care about a crappy Lemonade machine that the majority of people didn't even know existed. -One would expect Stella to be into MCR and Evanscence or, you know, something not totally cheesy. And did she wear the same shirt throughout the film? -The other ''popular band'' annoyed me so much. They thought they were totally ''bad-ass''. They met up in some kind of junkyard shack, in leather jackets with gel in their hair. But their music was the same, cheesy, poppy, bland rubbish as every other song.As well as the main singer looked several years younger than everyone else. -Some other review mentioned this, and I agree; why does Disney insist on making teenager movies for a ten year old audience? Teenagers don't like it. Ten year olds won't really get it. And even as teenagers they're all rather goody two shoes. No swearing. Nothing about alcoholism or drugs or sexual tension. Nothing that's like actual teenagers. -Why does the rather good looking guy have no experience with girls whatsoever? Writing And Direction: -I seriously doubt any school has a) a that big a basement b) care more about sports than Shakespeare, IT, Chess, music etc. c) a principle that rides a walkway -Cheesy, boring, same-old dialogue. -If I were in that pizzeria, I certainly wouldn't want the singer lying on top of my table. What if she had dandruff? Or lice? It isn't very hygienic. -Why does the Granny's radio sound really scratchy, then suddenly as clear as a whistle? It was odd. -I've never seen rain start so heavily so suddenly ever in my life. -When did ugly, slightly popular girl become the lead singer? -This bit really annoyed me - The fact that they all suddenly know the lyrics and music for a song? People were harmonising the lyrics and everything else - they obviously knew them. It's like in Camp Rock when they all know the perfect choreography even they supposedly 'haven't done it before'. -When did they become friends? I mean the Breakfast Club basically took the whole movie developing the relationships between characters - they basically were VERY SLIGHTLY annoyed at each other at the beginning. Within thirty seconds they were singing a song that "none of them knew", and then they were friends! Yay! And throughout there wasn't even any kind of personality friction whatsoever, even though they're all supposed to be a rag-tag, team of misfits from totally different backgrounds. But none of them had any creative differences or argued about anything because of how different they were. -Lemonade Mouth? - Stupid name. (I know that's not really a real reason. But I do think that.) -Cheesy part with the audience singing the lyrics, literally made me vomit. -Worst lip-syncing I've ever seen in my life. -Worst mime playing too. -Worst rapping I've ever heard too. -The fact that there was no kisses whatsoever kind of bummed me out. I did pretty much hate the movie but I am a bit of a sucker for that. Because I'm stupid like that. - They were certainly not good enough for that big stadium at the end. A really unbelievable ending - which kind of ruined the whole ''average rag-tag group of misfits'' thing they had going on. Well, there's more I'd like to say but you can watch it yourself. I gave it what I think is fair a 4/10. I really hope Disney can think of a good movie next time.
movieguy592 In a world populated by mega pop and rock franchise films such as High School Musical and Camp Rock series I wasn't sure what to expect when flipping through the guide on Netflix and found Lemonade Mouth. I was working on a few things for one of my own screenplays and needed something mindless to watch and I thought..."oh a Disney film, this should do it" as I remember from an add as a Disney Channel Original movie. So I started it up... Let me just say I wasn't able to get much done on my screenplays. This is one of Disney's better films in a while. No it's not High School Musical or Camp Rock, it's different than a lot of Disney films... It deals with questioning authority. Some might say that Disney's done that before but not in this tone and not to this extent. The focus of the movie and how the band came together has the undertone of being heard, standing up for what you believe in. This movie isn't perfect, but there's was something missing from this film... the majority of the cheesiness/corniness factor that you see in a lot of Disney films. This is one film that while scenes were awkward at times it was during situations that would more than likely be awkward in real life. Very well played by the actors. For those that said scenes were awkward - THAT WAS HOW THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE PLAYED. Thing aren't always peachy. Lemonade Mouth was dealt with the real issues with realism. It was a welcome surprise. The one thing you may have to get used to is like in High School Musical and Camp Rock music and singing start with little warning like the traditional musical film. While the film attempts to connect the story from rag tag to the instantaneous singing and we are know how to play it's better if you just accept it, otherwise you'll find yourself back in reality when you should be just enjoying the music. There's a good pace and I found the songs are a lot more rock than other Disney Films and were quite enjoyable. All in all this movie I give 8/10. There were a few scenes in the beginning - the soccer scene and a couple others that weren't up to par, but they were kind of necessary. Disney (Channel) seems to be branching out and realizing that it's audience is not just limited to kids and preteens as those that grew up watching the Disney Channel are now in their teens/twenties and those older folks that remember when Disney Channel was still a premium pay channel like to relive their youth.Solid display of different from Disney, but in a good way. The film as a whole is entertaining and if this is the start of a Disney revolution for less cheesy films, the the future is bright for Walt Disney Enterprises.