G | 13 January 2012 (USA)
Frenemies Trailers

Three pairs of friends relationships go from good to bad and back again. Several couple fall out over girls, boys and work. Can all these couples settle their differences and be friends again?

Tetrady not as good as all the hype
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
hannahwilh I absolutely loved this pointless, trashy waste of my time. No, I'm sorry, I can't even be sarcastic. All I can say is the best part of the movie was when a nameless character yawns at the beginning of a scene. It's not even funny that I'm not joking. The three acts had little to no correlation at all, and the storyline was so shallow and predictable that I think my brain cells started dying. Yeah, this movie was a big "yay for friendship, let's make this into a life lesson" thing, but I think it would have been much better if there was at least some substance to it. Act I- Cliché boy and dog, nothing can ever come between us except "super hot" girl who just wants to be science partners. Her evil plan to use the boy to get an A is revealed through some very loud whispers within earshot of said boy and dog, but only dog hears. Girl is rude to dog and boy doesn't notice (???). Fast forward through some uninteresting plot. End of act, science project that boy did by himself is ruined and mean girl runs away. Act II- Much "eepppp"ing. So competitive. Such friendship. Everything resolved in end. Act III- Two girls are identical twins, and yet later on revealed that actually they aren't related, they just happen to look exactly the same. And you'll never guess what they do-they switch places!!! Never saw that coming! And after a day in each others' lives, they want to switch back! But then they don't (???). At the end, the high school relationship is resolved because the boy didn't care that he was being lied to, the conceited jerk gets dumped, the uptight parents each tacos, the girl gets her forbidden puppy, and everyone suddenly appears for a dance party. If Disney-and any other corporations that appeals to the young people in society- really want to impact children, they can. But not by making these mind-numbing movies that teach "friendship is important" (not saying it isn't). How about a movie that teaches real life lessons, like how to be a decent person and treat people with respect, or how it is more important to succeed in high school than it is to have a boyfriend and be popular (with someone other than a rich, white suburban girl as the protagonist)?Or not.
thirteensixsixsix Okay, I won't lie; this movie made me chuckle a few times. But at the end of the day it was stupid, trashy nonsense and I'm not just saying that because it's a film aimed at kids. You can watch much better movies with your children. I'd even recommend "High School Musical" over this garbage.Some of the messages it sends out are bizarre. Best friends are great and all but are you really going to let friendship get in the way of a huge career opportunity? And why did the first mindless tween let his dog get in the way of a relationship? Granted, it wasn't a very healthy relationship, but who knows how many more times he's going to put his dog before actual people? And as for act three... well, I don't even have to go into that. It was a total rip-off of "The Parent Trap." This film is a cliché storm and compared to this, "Camp Rock" looks like "The Godfather." By all means, skip it.
chrisdyenewguy well i must admit i am a man and am 22 years old and should probably not have really enjoyed this movie at all but however i really enjoyed it very much so much that me and my little sister watched it twice in one day and it was even better the second time a very cute and funny story about friendship and how far you will go to save a friendship in danger to give you a little bit of the story OK well i will just tell it to you there is this guy whose best new girlfriend happens to not like his best friend who just so happens to be his dog come to find out the girl the dog has in mind is so much better than her because the girlfriend turns out to be a total flirt. now on to story two there are these two girls who have been friends for years and they both apply for a job but there is only one problem only one of them can get the job and both of them want it. now on to story 3 ever wish you could have a different life well Savannah 'cute girl from story one ' just happens to get that very wish granted one day when she meets a princess who just so happens to look just like her and the princess also wants a change so they swap life's and suddenly realize that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence but i loved this movie and i think you will too no matter how old you are or if you are a male or female
bkoganbing Shake It Up Stars Belle Thorne and Zendaya and Stefanie Scott of ANT Farm star in this latest Disney Studio teen offering Frenemies. It's a tribute to today texting culture. And it's a trilogy.Act I is your boy and dog story with Nick Robinson as a science geek and his best friend, his dog Murray who is real intuitive and smarter than a lot of people. Also he's a good judge of character as he spots how shallow teen queen Scott is and the girl for him is Mary Mouser. After all anyone who is an animal lover has got plenty going for them.Taking center stage in Act II are bloggers Belle Thorne and Zendaya who go to school with Robinson, Scott, and Mouser and have recorded their story for posterity. The two best girl buds are put to an acid test when they compete for a position with Jessalyn Wanlim's magazine and her character is a light version of Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada. Will friendship trump ambition? This is a Disney Studio production so you know the answer.The third Act is a female version of The Prince And The Pauper as Mary Mouser meets her rich teen princess look alike and both decide they'd like to live the other's life and do for a week. The consequences aren't quite like the Mark Twain story where the fate of a kingdom was in the balance. Still with a high school musical type finale it all ends on a high note.Not a bad film, I liked the first story best, but then again I'm a cat lover and no one comes between him and me.