NR | 11 July 2014 (USA)
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An aspiring young photographer finds himself caught up in a heady world of money, sex, and privilege when he moves to wealthy Long Island in the summer of 2008.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
adonis98-743-186503 Swept up in a world of absentee parents, plentiful booze and casual sex, aspiring photographer Fisher Miller escapes his life for the moneyed mansions of the young, beautiful elite. With a stash of high-quality weed and a vintage camera, he gains access to his gorgeous cousin Kate's circle of wealthy and indulged friends, just as their entitled reality is about to spin out of control. Affluenza could have been such a great film especially since it starred Grant Gustin (The Flash, Glee) but unfortunately it was an awful by the numbers teen drama with genre cliches.
huh_oh_i_c I really disliked the overall message of these types of movies, which is that we're supposed to feel sorry for the uber rich folks, because THEY evved up the global banking system and that some (about 0.01% of them) lost some money. Because, let's get real, all of those people are back on their feet again, making millions.So, sure, lots of crap is going on in the lives of wealthy people, but it's all First World Problems ... for 1 percenters.I like to see pretty actors like everyone, but to see them in a mediocre script, not surpassing the plot complexity of reality shows, is disappointing. I mean, two boys wanting the same spoiled shallow girl, girl does them both, being a slut, it doesn't get more boring than that. Then we have the "Stranger-In-Town-Stirs-Everything-Up"-plot line, and the "Ooooh,-See-How-Middle-Class-Folks,-Including-Those-Gay Middle-Class-Couples-Are-Much-Happier-Than-the-Rich"-plot line right at the end.And the ONE time the film ALMOST gets a bit daring/interesting, with the possible cousin-cousin incest, the filmmakers get all yelly belly and back off. Also when the main protagonist has a chance to make photos of political nature, he doesn't do it.Sad commentary on our film industry that well known actors like Guttenberg and Mathis felt compelled to partake in this.The Melancholic Alcoholic.
zif ofoz This is actually not a bad movie! Unfortunately the title leads viewers to expect more about 'the attitude of the super rich toward those outside of their circle' which never really happens.What we have is rich people interacting with other rich people! And this just turns the plot into a drama of lifestyles of the rich. There are plenty of television shows that do as much. The only character that seems to have a concept of life without money is Phillip Miller played by Steve Guttenberg - he goes to work to maintain his families lifestyle. The other characters just party.With the title 'Affluenza' I was expecting to see spoiled self indulgent rich people seeing the 'working class' and treating them with a decidedly cavalier attitude. Doesn't happen! They just stick to themselves and create the typical misbehaving rich people story. Ho-hum! Seen this way to many times.Most of the acting and dialog is good but the story just slides along on its dramatic path with predictable turns. It has it's moments of being good and Ben Rosenfield is rather good as the cousin Fisher Miller finding himself surrounded by the affluent family he's staying with while he tries to become a photographer.
M MALIK To be totally honest here when a good scripts is at hand the cast is bad or they might be good looking but cannot act at all there are plenty of films like this out there the IMDb database is full of them the themes regarding recession,money,sex,relationship,love triangles etc you name it this film highlights the problems rich kids face everyone has its problems we all have seen films like this before but its not such a bad film as everyone saying including critics and people online why i liked this is because of some nice acting that's it nothing more.The Plot:in 2008 when recession hits USA young photographer fisher miller comes ton long island to live near his cousins Kate,Philip & bunny miller together they hang out around rich friends fisher soon sees that this proximity is not good and could have explosive consequences as money,sex drugs and showoff is going out of control he wants to get out of this Affluenza as soon as possible but things are not in the favor.The story is not bad its got a message who's fault is it if you have too much wealth and you can't take care of it and love to waste it on useless things a lot of people in the world worked hard and got rich on their own they didn't cheat,steal or do gambling they live happily thing point this film tries to make is this is the problem of parents who failed to teach their children the difference between right & wrong.Some kiddos to the cast Nicola Peltz & Valentina De Angelis are hot babes but male actors did some serious acting it kept me hooked they were acting like they have done this many times before but they are new artists like is said before everyone has issues so what if it is in the families or the critics that cant handle a nice film there is a little bit of nudity in this film.This is the kind of a film you can show to a person who says money can not change you it is absolutely the biggest lie ever it can totally control you it is pure evil people even sell their loved ones for cash it drives you insane like alcohol its intoxicating but it can never change a person with strong will to control ego or greed.Overall Affluenza 2014 is a film worth watching if you like some decent acting my rating is 5/10.Recommended