High School Musical 2
High School Musical 2
G | 17 August 2007 (USA)
High School Musical 2 Trailers

The East High Wildcats are gearing up for big fun as they land the coolest summer jobs imaginable. Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and Taylor have scored sweet gigs at the Lava Springs Country Club owned by Sharpay and Ryan's family. Sharpay's first rule of business: Get Troy. As Troy experiences a life of privilege he's never known, will he give up the Wildcats and Gabriella to rise to the top?

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Chatverock Takes itself way too seriously
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
plusfour As great as Dirty Dancing, Flashdance and Footloose all rolled into one.
scott-dana52 Dana Scott Professor Iles Humanities 246 Film Review on IBMD High School Musical TwoHigh School Musical. While most males run away from the word musical, most females get excited and attached to the relation of high school and the cute buy who happens to be the basketball star. High school Musical Two has more than just songs sung by students, it has a story line to follow that can really teach kids a lesson about life. The second film is about the summer life of high school students just before their senior year of high school. Getting jobs, spending money on clothes and saving money for college, the wildcats finally get their head in reality as they all get summer jobs at this rich club. The idea is to learn the lessons of life before college, find out who you are and just have fun before the real world begins, getting ready for college. Sharpe, the "top singer" for the musical, and her brother Ryan, have parents that own this club. Sharpe only wants the basketball star, Troy to work at this club so Sharpe can try and be his girlfriend. What turns to surprise is that Troy current girlfriend, Gabrielle, along with all of their friends, show up on the first day at work as well. Sharpe, being angry, throughout the whole film, tries to sabotage the relationship between Gabby and Troy and get the rest of the crew to quit so she can date Troy and win the club's talent show at the end of the year. The theme for this movie is based on complexity of a human relationships, the key idea- friendship. In this movie, the viewer can easily see that friendship that the students have with the other students. One can clearly point out who are the friends and the foe's The idea of the film is based on friendship, who overcomes the drama when rumors are spread and lies are spoken and who has each other's back for when it comes to the important stuff in life. Two plots that show friendship is Troy, who has been asked to play basketball allot with some college players vs his friends, and when Troy has to choose between his job (which is not giving him enough time with his friends) and choosing more chances to hang out with Gabby and his friends. The first technique, and is used quite allot in this movie, is motif. There are several scenes in the movie that have the same idea, an example would be that Sharpe is constantly trying to get Troy to choose the amazing chances he has, like a better job offer and playing basketball with college students. Throughout the movie, Sharpe is trying to create new ideas to make Troy hang out with her or do something different rather than playing and hanging out with his 'real' friends. The second technique that was used to show this theme, is based on camera angle. Throughout the whole movie, there are several short shots that has the camera shot towards Troy playing basketball, then back to his basketball friends watching him play as everyone else works their job. One movie that has the same theme idea is the first and third movie of High School Musical. Each movie of the trilogy is based on friendship, figuring out who is important, and accepting each other for who they are. In the first movie, Troy wants his friends to accept that he wants to be in a musical and the third movie, the gang tries to stay friends, knowing that senior year is to a close and even though they will be separated for the first time in years, they will still stay true friends until the end. The idea of figuring out who you are is based upon the friends that you hang out with. Choosing your friends can show your character in several ways. Friendships are very important in life because true friends support you no matter what choices you make or hobbies you like, as well as they are to be understanding for the mistakes you make. This movie shows that friendship is very valuable and important in life as you grow.
valbrazon This sequel is different than the first because it takes place during summer vacations, in the Sharpay's local club. Here we will see the jealousy of Gabriella about Troy. He doesn't will give interest for her because bad girl Sharpay will court him. They will play golf together and Troy will also meet his favorite basket-ball team.I preferred this episode to the first mostly for the songs, the first song is my favorite. I felt this episode was a bit longer than the first one, maybe because it take place in a summer club, but if they did another episode in high school, i think we called it "remake". I would like preferred something else.
blanche-2 I happen to be a fan of the "High School Musical" trilogy. They're the modern versions of the "Hey, kids, let's put on a show" musicals of the late '30s and '40s. No, there's no music by Gershwin or any of the greats, there's no Judy Garland, and there's no Mickey Rooney. There are, however, attractive, enthusiastic, talented kids.In HSM2, the kids end up at a resort in Colorado for the summer. It's a resort where Sharpay and her brother Ryan perform yearly. Troy and Gabriella get jobs there, and apparently everyone else gets a job there too, the notion of the big boss being that Sharpay might want her friends around her. She would, if she had any.To me, there's nothing special about any of this music. It all sounds the same, but I like the dancing. Zac Efron is adorable - and you'll find many women my age who think so. He's our guilty pleasure, which is why we wind up watching movies like this.I maintain that you have to take these films as they were meant to be taken -- as light entertainment aimed toward teens -- and not expect anything else. To inject reality into it and say things like, the kids aren't being paid, for instance, is ridiculous. There's no reality in this film. How many high school kids do you know that spontaneously do production numbers while just standing around in the gym? Take it for what it is and enjoy the youthful energy, and stop thinking it's a Scorcese film.