Hannah Montana: The Movie
Hannah Montana: The Movie
G | 10 April 2009 (USA)
Hannah Montana: The Movie Trailers

When Miley Stewart (aka pop-star Hannah Montana) gets too caught up in the superstar celebrity lifestyle, her dad decides it's time for a total change of scenery. But sweet niblets! Miley must trade in all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood for some ol' blue jeans on the family farm in Tennessee, and question if she can be both Miley Stewart and Hannah Montana.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
GazerRise Fantastic!
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Fatima Al-Musawi Hannah Montana: The Movie is a film based on the TV series Hannah Montana, which is about a young girl named Miley Stewart who lives a double life. One as a normal teenage girl, the other as a talented, widely popular, world famous superstar, named Hannah Montana. The show is a low-budget, 20 minute show that is made by and featured on the Disney Channel. It is heavily aimed at young girls between the ages of 6-14.I saw the rating on IMDb (currently at 4.0) and got prepared to hate this movie... but I didn't. I didn't even find myself bored. Admittedly, although I'm not that old (turned 20 last month), I do not fill the bill to be in Hannah Monana's target audience (though I am watching the entire series). So I am judging it based on what this film is meant to be for young girls who are fans of the show.Many, many people complained that this movie was unrealistic, cliché, and predictable. Also about Miley Cyrus's acting, the music featured in the film, as well as its sense of humor.What the heck did you expect, and what more do you want?If anything, I was impressed! Perhaps partly because I went in with very low expectations, also because I only take it seriously in what I want for television made for children. Here's why: The concept of Miley Stewart's double life is explored, exposed and explained in ways that the creators could not have done on the show. The relationships between the characters are taken on a whole new level, whereas it's not only sweet and endearing, but also very simple and easy to understand for children. It is truly and simply a drama for kids.I think Hannah Montana presents a lot of good values for children, and I'm happy to say that if I had kids who wanted to watch this series again and again, I would have absolutely no problem with that. I have some reasons why...For one thing, as opposed to a lot of young female protagonists on television, while Miley Stewart may not be one of my favorites, I am absolutely, positively pleased that she is far from being a perfect girl. Miley is sweet and means well. She's relatively smart and knows how to get what she wants. She's also very talented and has made her way around Hollywood to be popular and loved by all*. HOWEVER! She can also be selfish, rude, shallow, unrealistic, and overbearing. In addition to that, although she may be down-to-earth most of the time, tends to struggle with this, due to her double life as a diva. Not only does this help her image become more attainable (as attainable as an superstar-in- disguise could be), but also gives young girls a good role model that teaches them that while you should be good and kind, being selfish, jealous, dorky, lazy, and so many other things is completely normal and a part of your life. Also that what defines your personality is how much you grow, and learning to admit your mistakes and apologize, rather than try to be perfect from the get-go, which is impossible.A recurring lesson in Hannah Montana: Family and friends are important. Always be there for each other, love one another unconditionally. Don't let boys stand between you and your friends, support your loved ones when they are dealing with difficult things, and, most importantly, listen to each other.More lessons that were put under the spotlight in this movie: Being honest with everybody is being honest with yourself, follow your dreams, nothing should come in the way of a true friendship. Find your home, and you'll always find your way back to it, so matter what.Unlike so many other western movies I've been watching that are for kids, this movie is filled with love. Fathers singing with and cuddling their daughters seems to be cliché, but is put here without a second thought. Communities showing support seems to be out of style, but Miley's family and town people are kind. I appreciate this movie bringing these things back to my screen. It may not be realistic, but it reminds me of being an innocent kid.Now, for the quality of the movie... I loved the directing. Yes, even the melodramatic revolving door scene, which I think was perfect, because it advanced the entire plot in about 1 minute and was very easy to understand without having to include any words at all.Miley's acting was NOT good... but who cares? Everybody else was average. I've seen much worse, and kids definitely don't care.The songs were perfectly fine. I suppose my only critique for the songs is that the "Hannah Montana" songs ("Let's Do This", "Let's Get Crazy", etc) fall completely flat. They are all just about dressing up and having fun. I suppose that while the Hollywood lifestyle is glamorized a little bit, the focus falls on Miley, not Hannah, which makes it tolerable.Featuring country pop songs from other artists (Rascal Flatts, Taylor Swift) as well as 12 brand new pop songs by Miley Cyrus, I thought the soundtrack fit the mood perfectly. Some of the maturity in this film can be found in beautiful songs, which are "The Climb" and "Butterfly Fly Away", respectively.I didn't enjoy the jokes... but I'm capable to stop thinking about myself for a moment and realize that it was perfect for kids.I will end this review by saying that Hannah Montana: The Movie is better than the 2013 animated Disney feature, Frozen, so all you folks who gave this a bad rating because it was "immature" or "uninteresting" can go to heck. Feel free to fight me at feel-free-to-fight-me@g-mail.com. (Without dashes.)*This is strictly based on how the show presents the character of Hannah Montana.
funnyfrankie As a chap living in Britain there is many films to watch and enjoy. I did not find enjoyment from the American hillbilly singing pile of rubbish called Hannah Montana. The plot sucked, the actors sucked and the entire movie sucked. I took my loving daughter, Steve to this film and I pulled her out of the cinema because it was that bad. Complete rubbish and I'd have a better time sipping at tea than watching this movie. I waisted my money on this crap and I even called my credit card company to remove the charge. Every so often I this movie comes along on Cable and I just turn it off so dear Steve could not drop IQ points by watching this rubbish. I recently purchased an Xbox 360 for personal use. If you ask me I'd say its a waist of time. 1/10
TheLittleSongbird I will admit outright first, I do not like the show at all really, because I find it mainly unfunny and feel apart from two or three actors the acting is not good. So I wasn't expecting much when I saw Hannah Montana:The Movie out of curiosity, and while I do think it is a marginal improvement over the show, that isn't saying much.The scenery is sometimes very nice, but I felt the editing was choppy in places. I also don't really like the soundtrack that much. Butterfly Fly Away was sweet, but I do not like The Climb at all, mostly because the lyrics are really uninspired and Miley Cyrus's vocals were rather forced for my liking.What else didn't I like about the movie? Well, there was the clichéd plot line, with one too many predictable turns. There was a weak script, that tried to be funny or touching but failed, and a very dull romance. Then there is the message, for me this is one of the most hypocritical messages I have seen in a film in a long time. I can't say anything good about the acting or direction either. The direction is simplistic, while Miley Cyrus verges on painful to watch. Emily Osment tries her hardest, but is given literally nothing to do, while Billy Ray Cyrus should stick to singing than acting. And Barry Bostwick needn't have bothered really, he is a good actor, but with such a poorly written character he is wasted.Overall, it is a waste of time. By all means you can see it and like it, but to be honest I didn't think much of this. 2/10 Bethany Cox
wwe7961 I hate the show with a burning passion, but amazingly I hate the film more. When Disney is not making classic animated films they are shamelessly ripping off little girls with things like High School Musical, The Jonas Brothers, and the worst of them all Hannah Montana. Miley Cirus can't sing or act, but thanks to Disney she is a big star. Why is the show successful? It gives girls a leader who they want to be like. In front of them is a role model, but from behind the smoke and mirrors is just a rip off scam to get parents to cough up money. It has no charm, it has no soul, and the film makes that even more evident. The jokes are terrible, the film is extremely cliché, none of the actors can act, the songs make my ears bleed, and the plot is beyond idiotic. Every last character I hate. Nobody is likable. Miley is a bitch, her father is an awful actor, Miley's love interest is uninteresting, Miley's best friend is stupid, and everyone else I don't care at all about. The romance is like a stale piece of dry bread. You don't feel any emotion. In fact the whole entire movie is like that. It is stale, uninteresting, stupid, and soulless. It also throws in a F*CK YOU of an ending moral. I'm not going to spoil it, but simply put they made the worst moral I have ever seen. I mean you could have put a commercial for the Hannah Motana series at the end, and it would have the same exact thing as the moral. The music is also a thing to talk about with this movie. Let me say that it is the equivalent to hearing an innocent kitten getting slaughtered. There is few films that I have watched that have made me start crying in pain screaming for it to end. Congratualations movie because you have done it.0 stars out of 4
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