The Last Song
The Last Song
PG | 31 March 2010 (USA)
The Last Song Trailers

A drama centered on a rebellious girl who is sent to a Southern beach town for the summer to stay with her father. Through their mutual love of music, the estranged duo learn to reconnect.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Fallen Eye The first thing that needs to be done is; getting rid of Miley Cyrus. I don't necessarily have a problem with her per se, it's just that, the role of Ronnie was way above her expertise. She just didn't do that character any justice whatsoever.Secondly. Change the director and rework the script. Keep, but elevate Liam's performance, and Bobby Coleman (Jonah), either needs to go, or work hard at his overacting.Thirdly. Keep Greg Kinnear. He could've been better, but was terrific and also, keep the deeper story.All these changes, and a few more here and there, The Last Song is prime Oscar material.A story wasted with clichés, overacting, somewhat choppy and unseasoned directing and a lead that just collapsed under what still wasn't, but could've been, dramatic art.The story was on point, it just needed the right nurturing, alas.
mkminnieyk The main character of this story is a girl. I think this story indicates girl at puberty very well. A lot of girls may sympathize with main character. Girls at puberty have a lot of troubles. Sometimes they consider about their love, sometimes they consider about their family. The main character of this movie, a girl also think about family and her love. Her father is divorced from her mother. The girl defies her parents. Then, she meets a good boy. However she quarrels with the boy over some problems. I think some girls at puberty defy their parents for a while and some girls quarrel with their boyfriend. This movie indicates girl at puberty very well. A lot of girls' feeling is so dedicate. The audience can see the girl's feeling. I can sympathize with main character. However there is not big wave in the story. Therefore this story may be difficult for some kids.
Python Hyena The Last Song (2010): Dir: Julie Anne Robinson / Cast: Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth, Greg Kinnear, Bobby Coleman, Kelly Preston: A long repeated concept regarding last chances to do right. Miley Cyrus and her younger brother are spirited off to their father's beach house for the summer where she is reluctant to reconnect. Director Julie Anne Robinson is backed with fine photography but the screenplay is a cliché ridden romantic farce. Cyrus will go through a predicted up and down relationship with some meathead surfer, will mend things with dad, and save sea turtles. None of this is very interesting and it only serves as an opportunity to cash in on Cyrus's young fan base. Liam Hemsworth has the thankless role of pearly whites boyfriend who goes through a xeroxed jerk around relationship that contains all the passion of a punch to the testicles. Greg Kinnear has the one decent role as a father is is blamed for the burning of a Church. He will die, of course, but he at least has the one bit of dignity in the entire film. Bobby Coleman plays younger brother who does his best but the role is more or less a temporary companion for the Kinnear character while Cyrus is turtle sitting and nearly getting laid. Kelly Preston plays the mother who spends most of the film off screen likely trying to contact her agent and find out why her career has come down to this. The Cyrus fan base will love this film until either the fame dies down or they realize what candy coated manipulative bullshit this truly is. Hopefully the last time we'll see or hear of a Last Song screenplay but that is probably wishful thinking. Score: 3 ½ / 10
contrerassherry I like romances and tear-jerkers but this one didn't do it for me. Along with Miley Cyrus' mediocre acting, there were little things here and there that distracted me from getting into the movie.For instance, everybody knows that it's OK to jump into an aquarium and swim with the fish. And the saving-the-baby-turtle scenes just made me think of how 85% are destined to be eaten.And the vegetarian thing.....And of course a little kid can master the art of stain glass and finish a window for a church in a week or two.And everybody knows that the way to win over a guy is be hostile and obnoxious and reject all his advances.And Will gets the brother some cookies and milk at the hospital and something happens and they walk away and leave it.And when you get stuck in the mud, it's a real hoot, isn't it? Throwing mud all around is the best response. And then later you're magically unstuck.ah well...I did get a little teary at the father-daughter parts near the end. The four stars are for Greg Kinnear.