PG-13 | 04 May 2012 (USA)
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In a world connected by YouTube, iTunes, and Facebook, Lola and her friends navigate the peer pressures of high school romance and friendship while dodging their sometimes overbearing and confused parents. When Lola's mom, Anne, "accidentally" reads her teenage daughter's racy journal, she realizes just how wide their communication gap has grown.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
claravg-23274 Soo, this is teenage movie and in that way I would comment this. Movie has great actors, full of great energy and style which shows in real way their ages. Friendship become love and relationship between Lola and John is so cute and clear in emotions. Movie for fun and summer :D
E.J. Newman Hilariously atrocious film. It is beyond me how a film so utterly logically flawed and without any semblance of a coherent, structured plot could attract a few A-list celebrity actors. Normally I can appreciate an entertaining but not particularly profound romantic comedy, but everyone has a breaking point - I could not watch more than 45 minutes of this trainwreck of a film. The plot moves far too fast and builds up no momentum, yet sprinkles in pointless montages that make absolutely no sense. Incessant plot holes render the entire film a ludicrous farce and a complete waste of time. I normally never write reviews but this was so terrible I felt compelled to warn humanity against ever setting eyes on this film.
Rachael McCabe How and where do I begin to tell you people the horror that is this poorly acted , terribly scripted mess of a 'film'. I never thought I would ever watch a film that would at condone the poor behaviour of miley Cyrus' Character Lola but actually promotes and glorify it. The drug use that Lola partakes in is classified as 'cool' and 'hip' and the consequences of taking drugs are only briefly spoken of , Lola also is a victim of terrible parenting , Demi Moore is a overly touchy-feely mother who loves to indulge in the very acts she so aggressively and rightly condones HYPOCRISY AT IT'S FINEST PEOPLE , Demi Moore and her friends actually smoke pot in the adjoining room from her daughter and Jeremy {friends son} where they to are indulging in this terribly destructive behaviour pattern. Lola is often implied to be just like her mother POOR GIRL her mother is a woman who actually makes no sense as a human... she got a ride home with a COMPLETE STRANGER for peat's sake. Most of the males in this film {In fact all of them} display a chauvinistic view about women which none of them dare to challenge.Also nobody seems to care as to Lolas obvious obsession with technology and her mother fails to tell the father about Lolas self destructiveness and lies to him. MATURITY . Demi Moore portrays {badly} the worst parent ever who finds condoms in the house which her daughter owns along with several used joints and the only punishment is missing a party BUT WAIT ... LOLA GETS TO THE PARTY, Lola lies to her boyfriend and has an overly advanced sex life for her age To conclude this is a very destructive film which promotes behaviour that is self-destructive and harmful without consequence , this would be the last film on earth that i would permit my child to watch and it is in general crappy AVOID AT ALL COSTS
3Shirts A lot of these reviews do sound a bit like old people who don't understand youth culture. There is a lot of moaning about 'these kids with cell phones constantly in their face'. The problem is that this film fails to challenge that image at all. I understand that the way teenagers communicate has changed. They use internet slang in person, they are on social media a lot and always using a smart-phone. It makes sense for films to reflect that.The problem is that this film is total tripe, regardless.The acting is horrendous on all sides, particularly Cyrus who clearly already passed the limits of her acting talent in Hannah Montana and needs to just jack it in. How Demi Moore got involved in this I do not know. Sure, she's done some bad movies in the past but I thought she was older and wiser now. Apparently not.I not only failed to empathise with any of these people, I actively started to dislike all of them for being so woefully one dimensional. If you have a teenage daughter, or even just know a teenage girl, ask her about her life at school or the boys she likes. I guarantee it will be more interesting and engaging than the plot of this film.I actually consider this film does more harm than good to the very people it portrays. It could have been an insight into the, sometimes impenetrable, world of teenage life. It could have shown parents or other adults how things have changed since their youth and why social media is so important to teenagers these days. Instead it just reinforces the image that they are shallow, whiny, and entitled 'kids' with no perspective on the real world.I would say this is just for hardcore Miley Cyrus fans but actually it's more likely to upset you if you liked her before. It's not for anyone, simple as that.