| 13 March 2006 (USA)
LOL Trailers

The relationships of three men are examined through their use of technology.

Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Zoooma I had never seen a movie with actress Greta Gerwig but a few weeks ago I heard a radio interview with her and became immensely intrigued about her films. So right at the beginning of her film career I am starting out. This mumblecore independent (is any mumblecore film not indie?) is quite interesting in that it sucks terribly due to mega low budget... but it's quite truthful. Our addiction (in general) to technology and how it negatively affects us is at the core of all three story lines here. Their lives only briefly intersect and there's no ending because there is no resolution -- the problem goes on. It's scary to see a generation of college grads living their life this way. And kids after them are only making it worse. Technology bad, move to a cave in the middle of nowhere!5.2 / 10 stars--Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener
Karl Self LOL is an experimental, low budget movie about young men who are so preoccupied with the internet and their cellphone that they miss out in their social life, in particular with the ladies. It's shot on wobbly low-res video, the dialogue is improvised (or feels that way), the actors are newbies. There's a subplot where a protagonist films people making strange noises and makes "Electronic" songs from the samples. But that's not why this movie is somewhat difficult (tiresome) to watch. It's because the film makers make no attempt to make us want to follow the story. And the pure observations aren't that captivating to begin with. One guy constantly chats online, even when his girlfriend waits in the next room fixing to get busy. Why does he act like this? We can make up our own theories, or -- in my case -- just not care.Watch this if you're into low-budget experimental movies, or curious about the beginnings of the Mumblecore school of filmmaking.
danielmillar_au For a film shot entirely on standard definition video, LOL is surprisingly accessible. In fact, the low quality visuals only seem to add to the ambiance of the film, which deals with the "youtube generation" a group of people whose social interaction relies heavily on the internet and technology. Yes the film is slow, almost boring in parts, but this fact becomes completely forgivable when one realizes that what they are watching is a near accurate representation of real life. Standard Hollywood conventions are ignored and replaced by a truly pioneering cinematic style. The characters infuriate, in the way only real people can. It's like watching a friend self destruct after not getting their way. But how can these characters give or take all they need from relationships, when the very technology that is there to enhance communication, is in fact hindering it. There is no physical sex, the closest thing being the sending back and forth of sexual pictures between mobile phones. The film paints a grim portrait of the way social interaction is heading, becoming more and more distant as we rely more heavily on technology. Although the film is probably only relevant to a certain narrow demographic, the filmmakers certainly have their fingers on the pulse of that culture.
alicenyc1980 This movie is so true of our society today with falsified internet relationships. Bravo!It "freaking" nails it! So many people try to use the internet as a buffer to who they really are, they want to hide, not showing their true colors. Most never realized they are chasing after a lost cause! The musical score goes perfectly with the footage. Brilliant yet subtle. Peak performances from Tipper Newton. Not a surprise, her sister is, Randi Newton, an established actress in New York and Los Angeles. It would only make sense for her to follow in her footsteps. Both Tipper and Randi shot the indie feature "My Sister" and "The Baby" in 2004, if you haven't seen it, try to grab a copy. Their other sister Cobi Newton is a reputable artist in both Kansas City and New York.