Hannah Takes the Stairs
Hannah Takes the Stairs
NR | 22 August 2007 (USA)
Hannah Takes the Stairs Trailers

Hannah is a recent college graduate interning at a Chicago production company. She is crushing on two writers at work, Matt and Paul, who share an office and keep her entertained. Will a relationship with one of them disrupt the delicate balance of their friendship?

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
SnoopyStyle Hannah (Greta Gerwig) is a twenty something starting an internship at a Chicago production office working under writing partners Matt and Paul. Her boyfriend Mike (Mark Duplass) quits his job. She contemplates breaking up and Mike decides to do it himself. She starts to fall for his co-workers which causes friction among the trio.This is Joe Swanberg, mumblecore, and the indie circuit. Gerwig is starting out her partnership with Swanberg. She definitively has a star quality to her. She is very much the IT girl of the movie. On the other hand, Matt and Paul are not being played by IT guys. It would help to have Duplass play one of the guys. There is real tension happening between Hannah and Mike. It gets really uncomfortable and dark at times. The love triangle needs that kind of tension and darkness. Without it, the film goes limp. They struggle to get to that same level. It doesn't put Hannah in the best of light either. The movie falters to the finish.
KawaiiKiwi When the movie started, with the amateur filming and uninteresting boobies scene, I almost turned it off right away. I ended up watching more, and really got into it. Of course it's nothing special, it's filmed like a low-budget TV series, but what makes it interesting is that it feels real. The characters are real, the story is real, the problems are real. I felt like I was watching a reality show with people who have relationship issues that I could relate to. Obviously, if you don't like reality shows, chances are you probably won't like this. Hannah was fun to watch, although she's a bit annoying at times. Overall I really enjoyed this simplistic home movie, it was very pleasant and real. The only thing I disliked was how it ended so abruptly, I wanted more!
superfizz Please take the movie camera away from these people. Whenever I have the unfortunate opportunity to watch a "mumblecore" movie I regret it instantly. I want to be engaged in a film that I watch, be it a small independent film or a blockbuster. This film does none of that. I hope that this type of film stays underground where it should remain. It is painfully clear that this was shot without a script. Maybe in a few years those involved in this film can do that when they have more practice. Yuck. Andrew Bujalski does not deserve the accolades he receives for his film-making. Save yourself a couple hours. Do not watch this movie.
amarr70 This is easily the worst movie of all time. These actors are nowhere near talented enough to pull off a 100% improvised dialog. All of the guys in this movie are really snotty and dorky, the kind of guys that listen to crap like "emo" or "indie rock" and proclaim it to be on the same level as Miles Davis or Stravinsky. The thing that really pisses me off is that the characters in this movie are such self-absorbed elitists! These are the kind of people that talk like their so "compassionate" towards others but then when it comes down to it, would never even attempt to have a conversation with someone that works at a factory in Missouri or someone that grew up in Newark. They never have anything interesting to say, the main character (the blond girl) seems like she's drunk the entire movie. What an ugly mess this movie is!!! I could find a few of my friends, buy a cheap camera and make a movie 10x better than this is a matter of hours. Any self respecting "critic" that gave this movie a good review should be ashamed. This is total CRAPOLA, and I'm sorry but that's just a fact.