Paranoid Park
Paranoid Park
R | 07 March 2008 (USA)
Paranoid Park Trailers

A teenage skateboarder becomes suspected of being connected with a security guard who suffered a brutal death in a skate park called "Paranoid Park".

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Bene Cumb The name Gus Van Sant should be a label of quality - and I agree when I have in mind Good Will Hunting or Milk or My Own Private Idaho - but the movie in question has uninviting script, slow course of events, and uninviting actors (teens were apparently selected due to their skateboard skills and "cuteness" only). The whole story could have been shown within half an hour or so and the ending is shallow as well, so when the credits appear you just shrug your shoulders... The only elements I liked were distinctive directing, camera-work and choice of music, but they could be at place in a talented beginner's creation as well, not in case of a highly acclaimed and known director. The movie contains many important topics such as growing pains, vanity, apathy, insensitivity, but the manner depicting them could be much more interesting than here.Paranoid Park can be catchy for introverted teens and their parents-relatives, but not my cup of tea.
Patryk Czekaj I remember driving to the cinema on my skateboard. I was then in the middle of a stage called 'growing up' and I was incredibly joyful that I will be able to watch a movie that is, at some point, connected to my passion. And even though skateboarding isn't obviously the main topic of the film I recall that I really enjoyed it, despite the fact that I maybe wasn't fully able to feel what Alex, the protagonist, felt throughout his uneasy adventure. Some years have passed. The passion is now gone, but the fascination with this film is still somewhere in my head. Mostly because it's the same Gus van Sant, who brought us the amazing My Own Private Idaho.Paranoid Park is a true coming of age story, which intersects with an investigation of a horrible crime that occurred somewhere on the way. We embark on a journey along with Alex, as he tries to cope with problems at home (divorce of his parents) and also with his sexuality (strong sexual tension coming from his girlfriend, Jennifer). At the same time he is being eaten alive by the guilt of what had happened on that one terrible night near the railroad tracks. The reminiscence of the accident and brutal, yet highly accidental, murder won't let him sleep. He wanders around town at night. In order to let go of the past, he starts to write about this terrible experience.Gabe Nevins gave a very decent performance in his first career role. The viewer is able to feel the pain and great fear coming out right of his eyes. This troubled teenager has already a very large bargain on his shoulders, considering his young age. The way, in which he attempts to deal with all the problems, may not be the smartest (like lying about the whole situation to the police investigator), but at least he is trying to fight with the world crashing over his head.The use of various camera effects gives the movie a fantastic vintage feel. Various slow motions sequences and recurring nostalgic and dream-like scenes create a very emotional atmosphere overall. The movie has some slightly boring parts, but because of the soundtrack, which beautifully interacts with the main storyline - at one moment builds the harmony, just to destroy it a few minutes later – all of them seem actually vital.In the end, I should mention the scenes, which caused the most joy at the time I watched it for the first time – teens skating around town, like nothing else matters. That's what I wanted to do then. And even though I know that the movie bears a very serious message to all of us, I also feel that it has this special thing that once caught this boy's attention and made him foolishly assume that being a passionate skater meant being free from all the world's problems.
ericace1991 I bought the movie after reading the book that the movie is based off of the book which I have read tons of times, each time appreciating it more and more. Sadly, however, this movie disappointed me drastically. It says it is rated R for sexual content, but in the only scene where there is sex going on, it is pretty much just a PG-13 scene. Nothing real exciting. You see the main actor and his "girlfriend" getting ready to have sex, and then the next scene is after they have done the deed. Also, the "disturbing images" might be disturbing to children, but in today's society, the people who watch this movie would see more disturbing images on TV, and on movies with lower MPAA ratings. I will admit the language is pretty bad, but nothing I didn't hear on a day-to-day basis in high school. Overall, in my honest opinion, this movie failed at doing justice to the amazing book Paranoid Park.
bandw Alex, the teenager who is the protagonist in this movie, navigates his way through his days more often by reacting rather than acting. Only a couple of times do we see him really engaged, once when listening to music while driving and again when he listens to a newscast that has great relevance to him. With Alex being so visibly emotionless, and the minimalist approach taken overall, it is surprising that I felt I got to know him fairly well. At fist I was put off by the pacing, like a long take simply following Alex as he walks along a path near the beach. But you can tell a lot about someone by the way they dress and how they walk. After relaxing and letting the story unfold at its own pace I came to appreciate the dreamlike mood created.The story is told in a non-linear fashion that is initially a bit confusing, but a whole does emerge. The plot rests on a remarkably few pivot points and by the end I was surprised by how much had happened when it seemed like nothing had happened.The teens in this film seem real; I think Van Sant understands how teens actually talk to each other and interact. After a rash of movies portraying teens as sex obsessed it is good to see a teen who is ambivalent in his approach to this topic. Music plays a significant role, not only to establish mood, but to add commentary. For example, in one scene that has Alex walking down a high school hallway in slow motion (a scene that lasts well over a minute) Elliot Smith is singing the song "The White Lady Loves You More" which contains the lyric, "I'm lookin' at a hand full of broken plans and I'm tired of playing it down." This could well apply to Alex as he tries to deal with his parent's divorce, a tragic accident and death, sexual pressures, and boring classes. Alex's approach to his problems is the first response of most teens, or perhaps most everybody--avoidance and escape. The skateboard park that Alex is attracted to ("I could sit all day and watch") is key to his personality--he is more of an observer than a participant.I can see how some would find this movie pretentious and obtuse (Van Sant certainly does not hit you over the head with whatever it is he is trying to express), but it is a unique piece of work worth consideration.