The Creep Behind the Camera
The Creep Behind the Camera
| 13 April 2014 (USA)
The Creep Behind the Camera Trailers

An exploration of the making of b-movie sci-fi cult classic "The Creeping Terror" and its con-man director Art "A.J." Nelson/Vic Savage.

Wordiezett So much average
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
amosduncan_2000 Look, maybe it's not important that the story of "The Creeping Terror" is told with historical accuracy, but some of this movie is not only exaggerated for laughs, it's a lot of nonsense. Charles Manson was in Prison and had not come to California yet when "The Creeping Terror" was filmed. I was hoping this would be a well researched film which actually told the true story of the making of the film.
eastcoastband I saw the Creeping Terror years ago... who knew all this crazy stuff went on behind the scenes?! Josh Phillips as Vic Savage makes on of the all time great despicable characters of all time. It's quite a roller-coaster ride! I got to see it in Montreal as part of Fantasia Fest and the audience loved it. I'm pretty sure it went on to LA too. Great music score and photography. The story, which kind of goes all over the place, follows this scumbag AJ Nelson from some goofy bingo hall all the way to Hollywood. When there he abuses his sweet wife (wonderfully played by Jodi Lynn Thomas) in all manner imaginable. Then he makes the Creeping Terror. The whole thing is a great look at how the Hollywood system attracts the worst sort, and how they can convince people they know what they are doing even though the writing is clearly on the wall. I really, really recommend this film!
chrisseward This film is a must see. I was pleasantly surprised how it took on an almost new genre of film making. The Creep Behind The Camera was not a documentary or a re- enactment of real life events, but a combination of both. There were interviews with real people who actually experienced the terror of Vic Savage/Art Nelson and also well placed areas where they showed the story unfolding before your eyes. The craziest part is that this film tells a true story! It's not exaggerated and that makes this film so much better! There were definitely parts where I could not believe this story actually happened... however, the further you dive into this movie, the stranger and stranger this true story of the creep behind the camera gets. This movie is an absolute MUST SEE!
Thom Phelps Even though I had seen trailers for this film and had firm expectations walking into the screening, I still found myself surprised and dumbfounded by the story told and the way it was revealed. The directions the film takes by careening back and forth between interviews with the people involved in the original production of "The Creeping Terror" and the behind-the-scenes reenactments had me laughing out loud at the sheer Hollywood absurdity while I was cringing in abject revulsion.Josh Phillips's portrayal of the psychotic creep, Art Nelson, was haunting and dark, while Jodi Lynn Thomas and Bill LeVasseur shine on screen.This film is a fun, eerie, outlandish, weird retro ride through the darkest valleys of the Hollywood hills. I recommend it.