Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo
PG | 01 July 2011 (USA)
Monte Carlo Trailers

Three young women vacationing in Paris find themselves whisked away to Monte Carlo after one of the girls is mistaken for a British heiress.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Steineded How sad is this?
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
mattkratz I think Leonard Maltin was right in his review about this movie:this should have been a better movie. It wasn't too bad, as it was fun watching Selena Gomez in a dual role as an ordinary girl from Texas and a snotty British heiress. This was an OK film about a girl from Texas who saves up with tip money from her job as a waitress to go to Paris after her high school graduation with here friend and stepsister, everything goes wrong there, and she winds up in Monte Carlo and gets mistaken for a look-alike British heiress and winds up taking her place in a fundraiser. While the movie has its moments (I loved the scenes in the rundown hotel room in Paris, where they get separated from the tour in Paris, the scenes with both of Gomes's roles, and the fundraising scene), this movie was average at best. I did like it though. The stars were appealing.** out of ****
RavenGlamDVDCollector This time poor darling Katie gets to go to France without being kidnapped? Anybody else, who when they see her living it up in a French hotel, keep expecting the evil abductors to come rushing in to grab her and carry her off?To parrot one of the other reviewers: Could have been a Walt Disney movie. Has exactly the same structure, down to the ultimately toothless bad girl villain. Just here, it got the big studio treatment.The Crazy Credits entry here on IMDb is absolutely wrong. There are several "location markers" scattered throughout the movie, and, yes, 31 minutes in one appears for Monte Carlo, but that is not the title. The title appears as could be expected at the beginning. Somebody who dozed off made that entry, and it's made fools out of all you lot, 'cause nobody latched on. Or, like me, just don't have the savvy to get rid of the stupid mistake. I tried, but found no such option. Leighton Meester, the girl from GOSSIP GIRL, which I have yet to see, not what I expected. Selena Gomez has her very, very fresh look, but to me it is Katie all the way. Katie, Katie, Katie. Love that scene on the bed early on in the movie, when they've usurped their ill-begotten room. Darling! And Katie's lovely long legs when she goes up the steps (seen from behind), her soft foot sole, and, of course, that foxy little face. Yes, I have made a thorough study of her.I did not buy it for the story, but for the pretty girls. There is an abundance of (a) the backs of Katie's legs, and (b) elevator doors opening and closing. Ideal drinking game cues. Katie's legs would be the nicest way to get thoroughly intoxicated.Another serious review brought to you by chick- obsessed old RavenGlamDVDCollector. On a heartwarming note, would just like to add, I love that bit where Owen said that he had everything in the truck that he wanted, meaning Emma. If I had a chick like that, I'd settle for any old campfire rather than a fancy snooty ritzy no- fun-anyway stuck-up old principality.
lisafordeay I mean seriously is this movie trying to be Maid In Manhattan or was I in some sorta dream world where the filmmakers wanted to do another spin on Cinderella again.Selena Gomez plays two parts in this movie. She plays a girl called Grace who travels to Paris with her best friend played by Katie Cassidy and her stepsister Meg played by Leighton Messer.But when she gets mistaken for a British heiress who is ALSO played by Selena Gomez she decides to become her for the day while the real heiress is off gallivanting and being a bad chick. So she ends up going to Monte Carlo instead of staying in the City of Love Paris. From here its what you'd expect in a teen flick; comedy,romance,drama all the special ingredients to make a teen film so with this in mind you'd expect this movie to be my top 10 favourite movies of all time right.......well not exactly. I would say in my top 20 why well lets begin with what I like about this movie the settings of Monte Carlo and Paris. I was in Paris at the city of it back in 2006 and I was in the exact museum as Selena and her CO were and I thought it looked cool also when Selena and her Co again were on top of the Eiffel Tower also Monte Carlo seems to be a cool place to go to,also I liked the charcthers cause they were all great and their backgrounds were OK I guess. Now to the story don't get me wrong like I said I did enjoy this movie but the story was nice but it gets kinda boring in the 2nd half cause its all about boys and Grace's best friend's boyfriend played by Cory Moneith shows up and MAN her friend is portrayed as a spoilt whining brat.Overall I did enjoy this movie and if your from the UK and saw a show called Dr Who then keep a wary eye out for the actress that played Donna with David Tennant, Catherine Tate as Selena Gomez's other half's aunt.Overall im giving this a 6.
Argemaluco I suppose that many people will excuse the extremely low level of quality from Monte Carlo saying stuff such as "What did you expect? It's just a light comedy made for girls". I have two answers to that point of view: 1) There are some movies "for girls", such as St. Trinian's and Mean Girls, which were funny, interesting and very entertaining, because they had solid screenplays, competent performances and good direction. And number 2) That kind of excuse is only useful to insult the target audience of the film, because it tacitly suggests a level of ignorance in the girls which will avoid them to recognize the low quality of a film made for them. So, in summary: crap is crap regardless of the target audience it was made for.The screenplay from Monte Carlo is absolutely hollow and improbable, something which exacerbates the fact that it is totally unfunny and lacking of any ingenuity. Unfortunately, co-screenwriters Thomas Bezucha (who was also the director), April Blair and Maria Maggenti took the easy route, building the story on the cheap structure of a TV sitcom, free of any creativity, surprises and narrative integrity.As for the performances, Leighton Meester and Katie Cassidy tried to do their best, but their poorly written characters did not bring them too much to do. Selena Gómez feels listless and not credible at all, at the same time she shows an absolute lack of charisma. In conclusion, I cannot recommend Monte Carlo because it is a horrible film which bored me to tears.