The Roommate
The Roommate
PG-13 | 04 February 2011 (USA)
The Roommate Trailers

When Sara, a young design student from Iowa, arrives for college in Los Angeles, she is eager to fit in and get to know the big city. Her wealthy roommate, Rebecca, is more than eager to take Sara under her wing and show her the ropes. The two become close, but when Sara begins to branch out and make more friends on campus, Rebecca becomes resentful. Alarmed, Sara moves in with her new boyfriend, causing Rebecca's behavior to take a violent turn.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
RavenGlamDVDCollector More went into this than the average reviewer here cares to think about. Good ingredients but the cake... well, it doesn't exactly fall flat, this movie is watchable, don't be put off by the negativity. But there are some seriously corny stupid scenes that should have been reworked.(1) Matt Lanter's death scene. Looks like a fake orgasm. Jeez, a guy giving a fake orgasm scene! (2) Leighton Meester's Rebecca is not dead that first time round, we all knew that, it is such a tawdry wasteful scene, the epitome of crass corniness. The creepy 'second death' should have been the only bit used.Certainly those that I have mentioned are very valid cases, but even if improved on, the 'charcoal-tinted lens' (as aptly described by a reviewer whose offering isn't very popular) makes student life seem so dismal that I find it hard to accept. Crowded nightclubs yeah, but did everything have to be so dark? The whole movie is permeated with the general feeling THIS IS KIND OF SUBSTANDARD. Like it's riding along in the wrong gear.You have an inanely-named Danish director. I've gone through his commentary on the DVD and the guy is kinda... well, he'd laugh at things I would not find funny. He doesn't sound like an up-to-it director at all, rather more like a marionette to studio bigwigs' every desire.I am not criticizing performances. Leighton Meester was damned good, actually. A professional review on Wikipedia mentions her smile being the perfect balance between a grin and a snarl. Another that it is clear that Leighton is wasting her time here, she deserves better. Minka's part is not as demanding as Leighton's, but she did great.Other great things about the movie: (1) Nina Dobrev as Marie. A single scene, with a highly memorable girl. VAMPIRE DIARIES, here I come! (2) two of the songs are especially good, "Surrender" during the lovemaking scene between Minka and Cam, and the one I'll refer to as "Not Real" during the end titles. Two days later and the latter is still playing in my mind (delightfully, and most welcome! ) By the way, the Richard Price painting of the nurse was supposed to be found creepy? It's not. The best painting, however, is the one Rebecca made of Maria, in Rebecca's bedroom, up against the wall. That's simply beautiful!And all the fuss about Cuddles? What are the people on about? It's a story, and I notice you're not weeping about the actual on-screen gross-fest of the GOSSIP GIRL star getting slaughtered. And the nastiest CATfight in vivid detail, but you just wanna sob your heart out about Cuddles? Nothing is shown on the DVD past the cat being put in the dryer. (It is not an oven, for crying out loud, poor misguided Other Reviewer!) Anyway, Cuddles is the cutest screen kitten ever. and I'm sure he/she inspired people in droves to go adopt a kitty!Could have been better. Which is why I am penalizing it severely. But by the way, SINGLE WHITE FEMALE? Not even nearly Bridget Fonda's best performance, in fact, kinda lame by what she was capable of. In response to Another Reviewer, I think these two DID bring their A- game, just not to an A-script, or A-director.
Adam Foidart "The Roommate" is a thriller made for teenagers so it might generate some moderate thrills for its target audience… but only because there's a chance they haven't seen this story done before and done better. I bet you can guess what the entire plot of this wannabe tension generator is based solely on the title. OK? Go! "Our heroine (Minka Kelly) is a young woman attending college, probably for the first time and one day gets a new roomie (Leighton Meester). This young woman is awesome at first, getting her out of jams, standing up for her in times of trouble, etc. Eventually, it becomes obvious that The Roommate is crazy and obsessed with her new best friend. If there's a pet it'll be killed as a warm-up to a human being getting murdered, there's going to be a pseudo lesbian aspect and …" Well let's cut it off there shall we? We don't want to give everything away without actually seeing the movie!I can't believe my rating for this movie is two stars out of five. The thrills are mild, with a story that's stale by now, the scares are non-existent (or non-sensical, as a girl who gets stalked in the communal shower room just goes back to washing her hair after she hears something spooky going on) and the movie doesn't really have any teeth. The very idea that the new roommate would be capable of intimidating everyone she meets and that she has the ability to create so much fear in her peers that they forget all about the option of calling the police or going to a higher authority and asking for help is absolutely ludicrous. While there are a few interesting bits where the setting of a college campus is taken advantage of, it never really tries to be original and that makes it forgettable. While the performances are decent, there are many plot holes and some elements are introduced and dropped very quickly, making them feel more like padding than actual material to flesh out or develop the characters and story. Had the plot been more non-sensical or the rating been more adult (allowing for more hanky-panky and gore) this could have at least been "so bad it's good" but there isn't anything here for you if you're older than 16 and even then you would be better off catching another entry in this genre. In it's defense, I didn't hate the movie or find it offensive, I just thought it was run-of-the-mill bad. (On DVD, October 27, 2012)
Wizard-8 Some people have claimed that "The Roommate" is just a blatant rip-off of "Single White Female". Certainly, both movies have some striking similarities, from the basic premise to a subplot about a pet that the roommates adopt. However, both movies were produced by Sony Pictures, so maybe this movie could be considered a remake. And that's about the nicest thing I can say about this movie. It's a slow slog for the most part, with very little excitement or style to be found. The movie also doesn't very well explain the background of the psychotic roommate, so her behavior often comes across as a mystery that's never really answered. Even worse is that the script contains no surprises - you'll be able to frequently guess what happens next before it actually happens. It's capped by an absolutely terrible soundtrack full of tunes that are strident and annoying. In short, there's no reason to see this movie... unless you have always wanted to see the highly unlikely casting of Billy Zane as a (horny) college professor.
Destroyer Wod At some point i was buying pretty much anything i could that either had a hot girl on the cover, looked like a teen comedy or the martial art gender from pawnshop and video club sales. I accumulated a bunch of them and i realized after around 7 months i should watch some of them... lol.Anyway so tonight i watch this movie, its not as bad as some people want to put it, it ain't brilliant either, its just a cheap thriller as some call it, or what i personally prefer to call a Chick Flick surfing on the wave of the Twilight, Beastly and other movies like those.Its definitely not an horror movie, maybe some kind of suspend but even there you feel the movie could had tell more, especially on Rebecca, and at parts it seem slow as hell, but then it seem to be way too fast as in the blink of an eye...So overall another of those numerous movies i got for 3$ that are going back at the pawnshop for 1$ with no regret... Never gonna watch it again... But it was OK for one watch.