Geek Charming
Geek Charming
PG | 11 November 2011 (USA)
Geek Charming Trailers

Film geek Josh is looking for the subject of his new documentary when a chance meeting puts the perfect star in his sights—Dylan, his school's most popular junior. But Dylan's hopes of using the film to become Blossom Queen don't quite match with Josh's goal to make a hard-hitting exposé about popularity. Will Josh shoot the film as planned, or show Dylan as the truly interesting person she is?

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Lechar Review If you are looking for a deeply philosophical film or a mind-blowing plot - this is not your movie. But if you want something good, clean, and absolutely enjoyable that you can watch with your sister or mom or as a cozy girly night movie - this is your ticket. So here's exactly why I liked this movie:1. Real relationships, good relationships - both the central guy and girl in the movie have good relationships with their parent. Yes, it's a singular 'parent', which I know is a Disney cliché now, still it was absolutely refreshing to watch the mother talk with her son and the dad talk with his daughter. There wasn't the whiny "you're ruining my life!/my parent is so stupid I don't know what they'd do without me/parent apologizing for ruining said son or daughter's life at the end of the film" that seems to be standard Disney movie fare these days. The mom gives good advise, the dad seems a bit caught up in work at the beginning but by the end you can tell he loves his daughter and is willing to set aside everything to take care of her. This is one of the only new Disney films that I would love to watch with either of my parents because it doesn't portray distanced loser parents, but strong wise parents who are respected and are invested in their children.2.*Spoiler* There's the message that friendships can stand the test of time and change and of course that true friends are the ones that are there for you when the world caves in. There is relationship reconciliation between friends. The movie has a lot to say about friendships - *spoiler* the guy's friends, though initially hurt by the amount of time the guy is spending with the girl he likes, can see past that and forgive him as good friends do when they really are looking out for each other. They realize she means a lot to him and realize he's struggling to balance it all.3. I hadn't really seen either of the main characters in other things (I know they're in other things, I just hadn't watched anything with them in it) so the acting was refreshing and good. Both of the main characters won me over by the end and I wanted to watch more films they had acted in.4. There's no huge character change. The "popular girl" doesn't all of the sudden grows a heart - we just gradually get to see behind the carefully applied mask to who she has been all along. Most films like this I feel like one or the other character is fake - either the girl really seems like a total flake attempting to suddenly appear to care or her attempt to appear like a flake is only halfhearted and you can't believe others believe that she could possibly be that shallow. In this case both sides of the character were believable. At the end of the day, this movie will not blow your mind with its originality, it is a chick-flick (*spoiler* it includes a make-over for crying out loud!), but it also is heartfelt, sincere, clean in every way, with a few good core messages to boot. So, pop some popcorn, curl up on the couch with some cocoa and some close friends and enjoy this one - it's guaranteed to make you smile and maybe even appreciate your friends a little more.
Ddey65 I know it's hard for me to break away from the habit of associating the classic MTV cartoon with other movies and TV shows, and it seems like a stretch to associate it with a Disney Channel made-for-TV movie. But the fact remains that in the episode "Monster" Daria and Jane do to Quinn what Josh Rosen does to Dylan Schofield, and finds there's more to their respected subjects than meets the eye.Matt Porkrop plays Josh Rosen, the head of a high school film club. The club's membership includes and is evidently limited to Jimmy Bellinger, The Troop's David Del Rio, and Kayce Rohl, who plays a girl with a crush on Josh. And of course, there's Modern Family's Sarah Hyland who plays Dylan Schofield, the high school queen bee who is determined to become "Blossom Queen," and will do whatever it takes to earn that title. This queen bee is no Regina George or Heather Duke, though. She's not even a Sandi Griffin or Quinn Morgendorffer. Yes, she's a diva, but she's hardly a total bitch. Early on, we learn that her quest to be blossom queen is an effort to forge a connection to her mother who died when she was a little kid, and was herself a blossom queen in the 1980's.So where's the Daria connection? Well, Josh decides to enter a student film festival and the subject of his movie is Miss Schoefield, the rich popular girl who seems to get everything she wants in life, with the emphasis on "seems." During the making of the movie, her desire to maintain that stuck-up persona of hers slowly erodes, and her true intellectual colors begin to show. At the same time, the would-be blossom queen takes advantage of the head film-geek's deep-seated desire to be popular, and actually makes it work. Everybody sees that they're falling for each other, no matter how much they both try to deny it. His mother, her father, his friends, her friends, the girl he wants, her idiot jock trophy boyfriend, and quite possibly his teacher.Unfortunately, there have been some fans of the book who complain about elements that were left out. I've heard the same complaints about movie adaptations of "How My Private, Personal Journal Became a Bestseller," "Holes," "Ella Enchanted," "Maniac Magee," and "The Power of One," among others. And I've never invalidated their grievances, but if their goal is to get people interested in the books these movies originated from, it could actually work for me. One also can't deny that the chemistry between real-life boyfriend and girlfriend Porkrop & Hyland works well on screen. And you know that since this is a DCOM, things will work out for the two main characters one way or another. So maybe it doesn't meet the standards of the book, but as a DCOM it's clearly above average.
Dean Evans it was worth the watch. you could see how the film was going to end up a mile away but that didn't take anything away fro the fat it was still good to put on. it was Disneyed up a bit as well so people into that sort of thing would enjoy the film. the way the film went about the "nerdy" guy showing off his talents in documenting a film and then showing off that the popular girl has a different side to her and is actually a nice person and that everyone in the school an talk to anyone else even though they are into different things. It was overall good watch though me and my girlfriend enjoyed it. It ended well as well so you don't go away annoyed after watching it all.
lite_13 The movie starts with Dylan dreaming of winning a beauty pageant. We get to see her life as a high school diva. She has 2 friends who aspire to be like her. Her followers. We see she had an old friend who she ditched when she became popular. We see a rival who also wants to be the Blossoms Queen. And we see her being rude to our hero, who is a "Film Geek". The other angle is through this geek named Josh. Josh is not cool. He has weird friends. He has a really bad car. He thinks Dylan is completely lame. Totally clichéd characters, right? A diva and a geek…. What now? They'll first fight and then fall in love? Right, like that's new! But it is! When these two clichéd characters come together, we see something really spontaneous and original. None of the characters are truly cliché. They have another side. Of course this movie is not for the ones who want something meaningful to come out of the 90 minutes they spend on it. Its light, its funny and its worthy of one watch and a lot of giggles. Matt is pretty good but he smiles a lot. Sarah is cute and girlie. And as always you get that Disney feeling when the movie ends. In Marshal Erikson's words, you'll be "Disneyed"!